Thursday, December 13, 2012

The Gift of Life

December 12, 2012

Today is 12-12-12, the last major numerical date using the Gregorian or Christian calendar for almost another century. The next time three numbers will align as they on 9-9-09, 10-10-10 and 11-11-11 will be on Jan. 1, 3001, or 1-1-1. Just thought I'd throw that little tidbit it.  LOL

Anyway, come on in ... it's nearly dark and I've got the fire going and the Christmas lights on.  I just got home from the nursing home a little bit ago.  Tomorrow night is the family dinner for residents at the nursing home.  I got a new Christmas sweater for mom to wear so I took it over to her. 

Mom was laying in her bed facing the wall, pillows tucked all around her.   She looked so tiny and frail.  I stood there for a moment thinking about this year and wondering if we would make it through another year with her.  I could tell that her eyes were open and I gently nudged her, "Mom, it's me."  Her eyes got big and she held out her arms.  I hugged her and told her that I brought presents for her.  She grinned,  "For me?"

Mom has Sundowner's Syndrome and I knew we had a short block of time before it kicked in and her clarity of mind would fade.  We giggled and laughed and talked about the dinner and how beautiful she would be in her new sweater.  She held on to my hand and begged me to never forget her. 

That did it, my eyes welled with tears and I held her close promising I would always remember her and how special she is (I can't bring myself to say, "was").  Then, she looked at me and said, "I thank God for you; you are my angel."  By that time, we both were crying ... one of us knowing that life was soon coming to an end and the other wishing that we'd have a lot more time.  All of a sudden, her eyes glazed over and she began to babble and speak loudly.  She still knew me but she became angry ... about her failing body, the nursing care, the woman who came into her room at night and put odd things on her nightstand ...  I hugged her, told her I loved her and that I would see her tomorrow.  It was time for me to leave and allow her to rest.

Mom & Me ~~ November 2012

As I walked out of Mom's room, I blew her one final kiss and said, "See you tomorrow."  She looked up with a puzzled look on her face and said, "How will you find me?"  I assured her that I would always be able to find her and not to worry.  As I have cared for her the past ten years, I have come to love her as deeply as I would my own mother.  At first, she seemed so needy ... the spoiled Southern Belle.  Then, one day, I realized that she was a blessing not a burden ... she hadn't changed, I had.

Mom & Me ~~ February 2012
I laughed remembering Mom on Mardi Gras, St. Patrick's Day, Mother's Day, 4th of July...  How chipper she was and excited about the holiday at hand.  I think of her now and pray that we will be able to attend the resident's Christmas dinner tomorrow night.  We'll try ... if Sundowners hits, we might just have to take our plates and eat upstairs in her room.  We will celebrate the gift of life ... of being with Mom!!  One day at a time, Mom, one day at a time!

My Mom & Her Mom
I was very young when my father passed away and still young when my mother passed. I mourned their deaths, especially my mother's. We had so much unfinished business that needed to be addressed. I'd love to be able to pick up the phone and hear her voice. I'd love to be able to rub her back and take her for another ride around Lake Minnewaska. There are so many questions I'd ask ... not in a threatening way but in a loving, caring way. The good Lord placed me in the right family and formed me. My parents gave me the best parts of each of them ... the gift of life.

It is at Christmas that we think about the baby Jesus and the magic of his birth. God the Father blessed us with his only Son that He would breathe life into our dead souls. What a gift He gave us! And so, it is with us ... we are created by our Creator for a purpose ... we are given the gift of life. We are placed into homes not by accident but with purpose. Oh, you might say ... "Well, I sure got a bum deal ... I was abused and poor and well, you can't imagine what I went through." My reply is always ... "God doesn't make mistakes and if He brings you to it, He will bring you through it."

You see, I trust in God and I have faith in him knowing that he sees the big picture.This Christmas, let's not forget those who God has entrusted to us to love and care for. Let's not forget those laying in hospital beds wishing they could get up and walk. Life is so fragile and in the wink of an eye those we love are gone. No more phone calls, letters ... they are but memories and those good intentions we had? Gone...

I am feeling kind of nostalgic tonight.  I get that way after a trip to the nursing home.  It makes me appreciate my own mobility and clarity of mind.  It makes me want to pack all I can into my days ... living and loving as Christ intended.

Always remember you are loved and prayed for ... YA YOU!!

Miss Dottie

PS  “The best classroom in the world is at the feet of an elderly person.” -Andy Rooney

1 comment:

  1. It's surreal reading this blog as Virginia has now passed. The way you viewed her and treated her is magical. You have no regrets, only wonderful memories. You learned from the death of your parents how important it is to cherish the elderly, as they are wise, loving, and grateful for those who will pause in their busy lives to give them some time and respect. So many elderly are lonely, so your gift of time and love is why you were her angel.

    Love you~
