Thursday, December 20, 2012

Mary did you know?

December 20, 2012

Wow!  Just a few days to Christmas!!  Where in the world did this year go?  It seems like yesterday that I was fixing New Year's dinner.

Several days ago, one of my Facebook friends posted this video of the song Mary Did You Know sung by CeeLo Green.  I've watched it several times and each time I watch it, tears flow.  It is so moving and so powerful that I wanted to include it in my blog today.

Anyway, Good Morning!!!  The sun is out and it's a chilly new day in Central Texas.  I saw on the news that the Midwest is being bombarded by snow and ice.  I absolutely love the snow but I don't think I could handle months and months of cold weather.  I do not own a winter coat; here, a heavy sweater or lightweight jacket does just fine.  We did have some strong wind last night and the temperatures are dropping again today.  Seems weird to experience 80 degree weather yesterday and high of 50 today...
Mary did you know?  A song for all mothers ...  mother did you know your baby boy (or baby girl) would some day  _______ (you fill in the blank).  If we knew the trials, sorrows, and tribulations our children would face would we still have given birth?  If we knew they were going to step on our hearts would we still have given birth?  Think about it ... the birth of Mary's son (and our children) brings hope to the world.

Each time my babies arrived, I tenderly held them close and felt a love that seemed humanly impossible.  As I fed them, bathed them, and gently rubbed lotion into their soft bodies, I hummed, loving every moment.  With my oldest child, Jill, I was a nervous new mom (I was over the top in making sure her every need was met and then some!) ... when my middle daughter, Jane, arrived I felt more comfortable in my role (having a 2 year old and a new born was challenging at times!) ... when son, Tommy, arrived five years later, I was calm and truly able to experience fully the joy of motherhood (the girls were in school and he was my focus as well as his sisters' focus).  Tommy was my Christmas baby ... God's gift to our family.  He was baptized Christmas Eve ... a magical night blanketed by new falling snow.  As I sat in the church pew, I knew exactly what Mary had felt so many years ago!

We never stop being mothers ... no, not even when our children leave home.  We never stop loving and believing in our children and encouraging them to follow their dreams.  We pray, we weep, we celebrate and keep memories close to our hearts to relive when times get tough.  There is no love as deep and forgiving as that of a mother.

I wasn't sleepy and watched the first of a four part series about Jesus a couple nights ago.  It really brought to light some of the trials that Mary went through as a pregnant teen telling her betrothed that she had slept with no one.  Joseph sure struggled with that tale...  A very pregnant Mary rode to Bethlehem on a donkey for a census.  Ouch!  There was no room in the inn when they got there ... how about giving birth in a stable with the animals?  Not to worry ... Mary found lots of fresh straw and a manger to lay her baby in.  To put the icing on the cake, Herod ordered all boy babies under the age of 2 to be murdered ... terror in the heart of any mother!  Can you imagine an army of men coming in to your city and murdering ALL the male babies?  Come on, Mary, get back up on that donkey and head for Egypt.  Ouch!  God's son did not come to earth as a pampered king without challenges...  We read the Christmas Story and it sounds so warm and inviting.  Really probably not by today's standards.   However, I think you would agree will me ... there is a magical magestical presence offered by Matthew and Luke ... A KING IS BORN IN THE CITY OF BETHLEHEM!!

In just a few days time, we will gather in churches and homes across the world to celebrate the coming of our Savior that night so long ago.  Norman Vincent Peale said, "Christmas waves a magic wand over this world; and behold, everything is softer and more beautiful."  I think that's so true.  His light shines in every dark corner offering hope and eternal life to all who believe.

Always remember you are loved and prayed for ... YA YOU!!

Miss Dottie

PS  Christmas Eve was a night of song that wrapped itself about you like a shawl. But it warmed more than your body. It warmed your heart... filled it, too, with a melody that would last forever.~~Bess Streeter Aldrich



1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the beautiful video, song, and blog. The blog is a great reminder of the struggles that Mary went through..mind-blowing to think of how her life changed in a matter of months. Definitely makes me appreciate the blessings I have in my life.

    Merry Christmas early!
