Friday, December 7, 2012

Nightmare on Franklin Street

December 6, 2012

Woo Wee ... I was glad to wake up this morning.  Have you ever had nightmares?  I haven't in a long while but last night my dreams were full of them.  Several times, I woke up, sweat on my brow, and my heart pounding wildly.  Everything was so vivid ... so awful ... so terrifying ... so frantic!  When I woke up about 7:30, I looked out the window and it was foggy and so eerie.  Gave me the creeps! 

I don't know about you but my nightmares usually come from the residue of an unresolved issue.  When working through my childhood trauma issues and young adult issues, I had recurring nightmares.  As my life unfolded, I suffered a lot of anxiety which affected my nights and my days.  I kept on wading through the muck and mire and eventually the nightmares subsided.  I was surprised to have one pop up again last night.  I was trying to remember the whole dream but only snippets remain.  I do remember a man with lipstick and nail polish on his fingernails ... I remember looking for my son as a little boy of ten ... I remember having to catch a plane, packing frantically, and a woman who had borrowed my ticket forgetting to give it back to me.  Lots of thrashing about ... trying to make deadlines ... emotional tears ... a red dress taken away... betrayal...  Makes me shudder just writing this all down.

My sinuses have been giving me fits for several weeks.  Thought I could self medicate but think it's about time to cry, "Uncle" and get some antibiotics.  My equilibrium is being affected so, at times, I look like I've had one too many drinks!  Nightmares ... sinus ... hmmm ... time to get on top of things and find some JOY!

All that aside, today will be a busy day. Michael is holding a Christmas Open House at the college bookstore and asked if I would drop by. They borrowed my Bose radio so they could play Christmas music and are having all sorts of goodies to munch on so think I will head on over about 11. He has two very creative young ladies working for him and I am anxious to see the Christmas tree they made out of books and lighted garland.  (Since I am posting this 12/7, here is a photo of Michael, the Bookstore Manager at the college in Cleburne, & the infamous tree.  Pretty cool, I think!)

We are about to get a cold front on Sunday and should get our first freeze.  I love the cold (for a few days) and then am ready for it to warm up again.  Last year at this time, we had snow in North Texas.  I don't think we will see much snow now that we are further South ... bummers!  I still don't have my lights up around the cottage ... I think I should finish that today.  I had some challenges but I think I've figured out how to resolve my dilemma.

My gardens are starting to take on the appearance of Winter -- a time of rest for the trees, shrubs, and perennials.  Won't be long and I will need to gather some good books and indoor projects to keep me occupied. 

Do you think Jesus had nightmares about what his purpose was on earth OR, do you think He rested in knowing that his father in heaven would deliver him from the pain of unresolved issues and betrayal?  Luke 22:24 says, "And being in an agony he prayed more earnestly; and his sweat became like great drops of blood falling down to the ground."  His way?  "Father, forgive them for they know not what they do." ~~Luke 23:34  Today, I am praying to be more like Jesus knowing that He knew all I would endure in this life, molding me and making me more like him.  I was looking at pictures of the babe in the manger today and singing songs of thanksgiving ... songs of peace on earth good will to men.

My nightmare was a reminder how dependent I am on my Savior, my Redeemer, my Lord who keeps me whole...  I thank God for the bad times because those were the times I grew the most!!

Always remember you are loved and prayed for ... YA YOU!!

Miss Dottie

PS  He who has not Christmas in his heart will never find it under a tree.~~Roy L. Smith    


1 comment:

  1. I have had strange dreams at times....usually when life is unusually busy or I am nervous about an upcoming event. I have never had a recurring dream/nightmare. I think that would really creep me out. Of course I watch the Cowboys play football most Sundays and that is kind of like a recurring nightmare- he!he!

    Thanks for posting the picture of Michael at work. It is fun to see him dressed up and smiling. What a blessing that he found employment.

    Enjoy your day and I pray you have restful sleep tonight. :)

