Friday, July 12, 2013

My Imperfect Loves - Ruffles - Part V of VIII

July 12, 2013

Dear Readers,

It's a glorious Friday morning in Central Texas.  The sun is out and it just feels so good to be alive.

I live in two places, the little casa and my cottage sharing space with my husband and six dogs. There's never a dull moment even in the times when everyone is napping and the only sound is my fingers tapping on my keyboard.

Last night I was taking a glance at the news and looked over to see what the little ones were doing (they can be pretty quiet while removing my shoes from the closet and pulling towels off the tub!).  I laughed out loud, there was Ruffles laying in her snuggle bed surrounded by a pile of toys.  She looked up at me in a way that only Ruffles can do as if to say, "I have the most toys tonight, I win!"

You have to understand the importance of this.  Ruffles is our shy baby.  She's the only one that is still so afraid so much of the time.  She comes, oh so close, her fluffy tail waving like a banner in the breeze, her body spinning and her little paws doing a shuffle dance ... then, just as we reach for her, off she goes retreating to a corner or her bed.  Each day, we coax her to come to us and in the few times that she does, we praise her and hold her until she wants down.  For her to gather toys on her own and to defend her nest is a big step!

Ruffles was a puppy mill bitch.  She's AKC registered with a pedigree ~ a tiny (5.7 pounds soaking wet!) Pomeranian that birthed many a litter for her breeder.  She's ball of red fur and smart as a whip.  Perfect, right?  Yes, Ruffles is a perfect little money-maker whose life (judging from her physical issues) was spent in a tiny space (deformed front legs) with little care given to her teeth (at 6, most have been pulled).  Because her bottom front teeth are missing, the two larger teeth stick out kind of like a boar.  She was born perfect and, in my eyes, she is perfect now.

There are good breeders and there are the not so good breeders.  As I have become more educated about the numbers of dogs that are abused and subjected to all sorts of cruelties, I cringe.  Behind me, a few doors down, a new puppy has arrived (gone is the yappy dog that barked all day and night) - it looks like a Pit Bull mix, a cute little fella.  He's tied to a clothesline in the morning and fed by a couple of kids.  He wants to play ~ they say, "Shut up, get down, dumb dog."  He doesn't bark much, but I wonder what he's thinking ~ I wonder what he will become; will he disappear too?`

Love used to hurt!
I wonder too what Ruffles is thinking when she waves that big Pom tail in the air. She wants to be close but her past holds her back.  Was she hurt when she came close to a human?  When you think about it, are we much different?  We want to be close to other humans ... to feel their touch and love.  We come so close then just as our "loved one" reaches for us, we bolt retreating to a place of safety.  We gather our toys and nest where we are safe.  If we are lucky, we keep trying and, in the end, the fear of rejection is less than the need for love and acceptance.

In time, Ruffles will come around; we make progress every day.  I am wooing her, feeding her, and brushing her beautiful red fur.  I tell her how beautiful she is and call her my little love bug.  She makes my heart absolutely sing with joy as I watch her become all that she was created to be.

All creatures great and small ... I am wooing Ruffles as Christ has wooed me.  I stood beneath his wings while growing stronger (Isaiah 40:31).  I still feel afraid when I think someone is going to hurt me; yet, I know, that if God is for me, then there is NOTHING that man can do to me (Romans 8:31).

Please know you are loved and prayed for ... YA YOU!!

Miss Dottie

PS  "Be thou comforted, little dog.  Thou too in Resurrection shall have a little golden tail." ~Martin Luther  Somehow, I think Martin Luther was right ~ Kennedy will have the tail that was butchered and all the little rescues will be glorified with golden tails wagging proudly.  Can't you just picture it??

1 comment:

  1. I don't understand AT ALL how someone can abuse an animal! There may be a special place in hell for those who take advantage of innocent children and animals.

    Facebook posts many stories of animals rescued from abuse, yet there are animals who are never rescued and even some who die after being rescued because of the severity of their abuse. It doesn't take much to coax tears from my eyes and ignite anger as I read their stories. I always notice their eyes--looking with hope....hope that some one will give them a loving home. God Bless those who rescue these beautiful souls!

    Jane (and Teddy... as my handsome rescue is laying at my feet as I read your blogs)
