Sunday, July 7, 2013

The Edge of Darkness

July 6, 2013

Dear Readers,

It sure is dark outside.  I'm glad that I have three big lights to illuminate the back yard.  When I take the Sensational Six outside for their night time potty call I need to be able to count noses and tails.  From the looks of the floor, sofa, and chair in the cottage, I'm going to need some heavy coaxing to get them awake and out the door tonight!

As I look into the night, I am grateful for the light because so many times in my life, I've walked on the edge of darkness.  Then, without warning, there has been a bright light that has jolted me into reality and shown me my path of (would be) destruction.  The tapes of evil that ran through my mind would been quieted and I would move away from that edge and retreat to a place of righteousness and safety.  Often times that light was people who were brave enough to confront me in love and gentleness.

Have you ever had times in your life when you just wanted to be bad?  To do something you knew wasn't quite kosher but there was that temptation that was iced with fun and excitement?  I am a curious person and Satan has used my curiousness to take me to the edge of his darkness and smile while doing so.

Some years ago, I had a client that I was working with in relationship counseling.  He lived mainly on the West Coast but had a mansion in Dallas.  My husband and I were invited to one of his parties and we did go.  I think for the first thirty minutes that I was there, I just sat and watched the different people interact with each other.  This was a world I had read about but never experienced.  The house was a party house build specifically for that purpose.  On signal, it had a dance floor that rolled out to accommodate oh maybe 20 people & strobe lights flickered outlining the dancers.  On signal, the pool had dancing lights that welcomed those who wanted to enjoy the warm evening with a swim.  There was a chef grilling foods of every sort.  Beautiful women greeted guests inviting them to partake in the revelries.  Photographers were on hand to take shots of guests.  As the evening grew on, the music and voices of the people grew louder ... the energy was building!

On the surface, this resembled a party of innocence but below that surface was another world of darkness.  I was standing at a door that I had been invited to enter.  It was tempting to become one of "his group" and to feast on the lusciousness of the world of the rich and famous.  I was valued for my expertise in building healthy relationships BUT, in the end, with this client, it really was about outward beauty.  After that night, I chose to close the door.

"Your word have I hid in my heart, that I might not sin against you." ~~Psalm 119:11

Out of curiosity, I decided to google this gentleman's name and yep there he was.  I remembered him calling me from his limo on the way to the Grammys and smiled to myself.  I could appreciate the opportunity to have met his fellow who had changed a part of the world yet know that I had made the right choice in holding fast to my own sense of right and wrong.

Miss Dottie
Party Animal ~ Age 1
You must remember, I came from a regular middle class working family.  You must remember that as a child I was introduced to the Lord by my family and church.  You must remember that I was broken, wanted to be loved and to be a part of something bigger than myself.  I was vulnerable and made so many mistakes.  I loved my profession in matchmaking and relationship counseling and those years were some of the most rewarding of my life.  I am grateful for that time and hope that I influenced people in a good way.  I was a light and respected among my peers while holding fast to my beliefs. (Maybe that was why my clients trusted me with their most personal details) 

As I sit here tonight, I picture my backyard with torches burning, hamburgers being grilled, and people mingling and laughing.  I smile thinking that I need to get my grandsons down here to do some graffiti in the underground storm cellar.  I picture my Sensational Six frolicking amongst the guests welcoming them.  There are no hidden agendas and temptations.  I want to just spread the lovin' that I feel inside!

I'm sure as you read this you will remember your own times of temptation and periods of walking on the edge of darkness.  Maybe you sampled a bit of that forbidden fruit and got caught.  I so enjoy hearing those stories and how people became overcomers moving beyond to fulfill their God-given purposes.  Good stuff!

Always remember you are loved and prayed for ... YA YOU!!

Miss Dottie

PS  "Every conquering temptation represents a new fund of moral energy.  Every trial endured and weathered in the right spirit makes a soul nobler and stronger than it was before." ~~William Butler Yeats

PSS  Even though something sinful in your life might sound delicious, take some time to reflect on what is truly important to you and to God. ~~Miss Dottie

1 comment:

  1. Your blog brings a lot to the surface. I am glad you stayed true to your roots. I have made a effort to teach my girls that they should be careful with choosing their friends. Your blog is a great example of how you could have gotten sucked into a superficial, empty life. Instead, you have a select group of close friends who really care about you. That is something money can't buy!!

    Love you,
