Sunday, July 28, 2013

Faith Can Move Mountains

July 28, 2013

I have a bunch of sleepy dogren laying here and there about the cottage.  Kennedy has discovered a blanket in the closet and has decided to claim it as his personal space.  I went in a little bit ago to check on him and he was sawing logs.  He was laying on his back with his feet up in the air.  His tongue was hanging out and he looked like road kill.  Where was my camera when I needed it??!!

I was thinking today about the roads I have taken, the zigs and zags, the highways and byways, the mistakes and triumphs all culminating here in Central Texas 2013.  I was thinking about how very grateful I am to have arrived here safely with a sound mind and positive outlook.  I was thinking about how blessed I have been to have received the spiritual gifts of Faith, Wisdom, and Mercy.  How do I know I have these gifts?  If you're a member of a church, often times they will give spiritual gifts tests so that they know where you would be best suited to serve.  I took one back in the 1990's and then again not too long ago.  Nothing had changed.  You can also look on the Internet ~~ there are spiritual gifts tests you can take for free.

When I am using my gifts, I am filled with a confident joy.  My blog allows me to share my faith, wisdom, and encouragement to those who have walked down paths similar to mine.  Faith is my core; it is my cornerstone.  I live boldly for my Lord and am not afraid to speak up and tell others about my experience and hope.  Jesus said that even a small amount of faith could move mountains (Matthew 17:20; 21:21).  Some years ago, my husband and I attended Elevate Life Church.  They sang the song about faith moving mountains ... I've never forgotten it and will find myself chanting it over and over.  At the time, I thought those folks were downright crazy jumping up and down and waving their arms and hands in the air.  Now?  I'd be one of those crazy nuts on fire for the Lord!!  Listen to the video then tell me if you aren't whistling the chorus as you go through your day!

"Faith, I can move the mountain
I can do all things through Christ, I know
Faith, standing and believing
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me"

I want to encourage others to have confidence in God.  He is sovereign and He is good.  You can trust the Lord Jesus because he ALWAYS tells the truth.  Expect a miracle ... I did, I have, and I've seen the power of the mighty God at work.  I've seen him take situations that were unsolvable and supernaturally turn them around.  Yep, I have.

"Listen to advice and accept discipline,
and at the end you will be counted among the wise.
Many are the plans in a person's heart,
but it is the Lord's purpose that prevails."
~Proverbs 19:20-21

All Christians are called to be merciful because God has been merciful to us.  I have developed patience and compassion towards my fellowman.  In the 1980's I became a Stephen's Minister and that has become a way of life ever since.  I have asked the Lord to put me on the front lines and he has.  I have asked him to use me and he has.  I simply care enough to listen and come alongside people who are suffering and walk with them until the Lord allows their burden to be lifted.

It's time to wake my sleeping beauties up and get them outside for some fresh air.  It's a beautiful day filled with adventures just waiting to happen!

Always remember you are loved and prayed for ... each and every day!!

Miss Dottie

PS  God can move mountains but don't be surprised if he hands you a shovel!! ~ Author Unknown

1 comment:

  1. God works in mysterious way! Every step we take and every connection is important. I am constantly amazed at his power each and every day. Never ever take the mundane daily events lightly...there is meaning in every thing we do.

    Love You~
