Friday, July 5, 2013

The Gift ... July 4, 2013

July 5, 2013

Dear Readers,

Welcome July!!  It's another fine day in Central Texas.  I've lived here a long while and I don't remember having Summer interrupted by such glorious cooler than normal weather.  In just a short while we will be heading into September and I will be jumping up and down celebrating another of my favorite seasons.

Happy Birthday today, Grandma Belle.  My mother's mother was born around 1880 which sure seems like a long time ago.  It's almost eerie to realize that my grandmother lived on a farm without an indoor bathroom and that my own mother rode to school on a horse!!  I remember Civil War mementos laying on the floor of one of her out buildings. Times, they are a changin' and goodness they're changing so fast.  I learned to type on an old typewriter and thought I'd died and gone to heaven when the electric typewriter came on the scene.  I wonder what my children and grandchildren will experience in their lifetimes...

Yesterday was a really fun day.  I'd been so tired of sitting around the house and decided to get my hubby and neighbors headed for the historic part of town for the annual 4th of July Late Bloomers Parade.  There were times on the way over that I almost told Michael to go back home there was so much grumbling.  There was just something inside me that spurred me on to get off my duff, go to Corsicana Street, and sit in a specific area to watch the parade.  I took my camera and wanted to photograph some of the old homes decorated so lavishly for the 4th.

Before the parade started, a man walked over towards us and I asked him if we were in front of his home.  He introduced himself and said, "Yes."  For the next half hour we all found ourselves engaged in conversation with this intriguing gentleman, George, and his wife, Gigi.  I got so excited about meeting new friends which, in turn gave me new energy for engaging with the people in the parade.

I'm not sure who the folks in the parade thought I was but they stopped so I could take photos, waved, and threw candy in my direction.  I don't know when I've had such an amazing time at a 4th of July parade!  I felt almost like I was in the Old South standing under the canopy of the magnificent Oaks watching the parades of freedom of years past.  Words cannot do my experience justice and I stumble trying to explain that thirty minutes of my life.  I found myself laughing like I haven't done in ages.  You know that old saying, smile and the world smiles with you?  It's true!

After the parade George and Gigi invited us in to see their beautiful 103 year old home and their collections.  The house was magnificent, every nook and crannie filled with mementos of their travels and the different people they had met along their journey through life.  The home was filled with such wonderful karma.  In fact, as I walked through the rooms, I felt as though the first residents were beside me.  In the entry way was a grand piece and on one of the shelves was a Bible.  I layed my hand on top and felt such a warmth.  Okay, now you are probably going doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo...  I looked at Gigi and gave her a hug.  She had a tear in her eye, and I said, "I think we were supposed to meet today."  She nodded.

Do you believe in the magic of the Lord?  Let me explain...  Earlier that day, I was texting with my daughter who was visiting family in Minnesota.  I felt a little (well a whole lot to be honest) green with jealousy.  The older I have gotten, the more I really miss family get-togethers and laughing til my cheeks hurt.  I expressed this in my return text to her.  Well, God got involved and got me going.  When God prompts me to do something, I do it!  In following his prompting, I met some new friends who blew my socks off.  In following his prompting, I laughed until my cheeks hurt.  In following his prompting, my world changed for a day of mystical reverie.

It didn't end there, I invited my friend, Beverly, and her husband, Don, over for dinner that evening.  We feasted on bbq'd ribs, Italian pasta salad, baked beans, homemade breads, corn, tossed vegetable salad, and apple pie with ice cream for dessert.  I'd put three of the Sensational Six out in the cottage so we could eat in peace without the pitter patter of our furry kids under foot. After dinner, we moved into the living room and Harmony, Ruffles, and Toby got some attention from our animal loving friends.  We are working on socializing the little girls and who better to love on them than some folks who believe in rescue (they have 1 rescue dog and 4 rescue cats).  Beverly is also our pet sitter so she is working on gaining the trust of our little ones.

My beautiful day wasn't over.  Michael and I gathered the crew and watched the 4th of July program from Washington.  Ah yes ... God bless America, land of the free!!  To witness the smiles, sounds, colors, and excitedness of the people gripped my heart and I stood up there in my own living room saying, "Yes!"  History has a place in helping us to remember what America was founded on.  My Patriot's Bible is educating me on those who have gone on before me and I am learning so much.

Some times life isn't the way we wish it was BUT it is the way God intended if we just trust in him.  I am learning to trust God's promptings knowing that I need to get outside my own comfort zone to experience the magic of life.  Today was indeed a gift and a blessing and I am so very thankful that my friend, Jesus! 

Always remember how very much God loves you and how very much I love you and pray for your well being.

Miss Dottie

PS    "I believe in the separation of church and state but I don't believe in the separation of God and state." ~~Miss Dottie, July 4, 2013 Hope your 4th of July holiday was as magical as mine!!

1 comment:

  1. What a eventful day!! I cannot believe you met a couple and went over to their house the same day. You have a strong intuition, so am I sure they were harmless, yet STILL!! Anyway, you never cease to amaze me.

    I sure wish you could have been with us in MN. It was a week packed full of events, family, friends, and laughter--all the ingredients that you love.

