Sunday, July 28, 2013


July 21, 2013

Dear Readers,

Lucky me.  I got a nasty migraine this afternoon and have been laying down with my eyes shut.  B-o-r-i-n-g!  Ate some toast, drank a Coke, and am going to try blogity blog for awhile.  We'll see how working on a bright screen goes.  This may be the shortest blog ever.

My little Harmony is honking like a goose again today.  This Pom Mom gets really nervous when I can feel the wheezing and rattling in her chest.  Guess we will be up early to go get her another breathing treatment.  She had a good day yesterday so I was hoping that her meds were kicking in.  How can such a pretty little lady with such spunk and fire be so sick?!  I am grateful for Dr. Young and his team for the thoroughness they are giving Harmony in diagnosing her health issues.

The Sensational Six got  me up a little after 6 this morning.  They are so funny ... they ran out the door of the cottage stopping to pee and poop and race to the back door of the little casa.  I am loping along behind them, trying to pry my eyes open, and hoping that the coffee pot is going.  Sadie, Toby, and Harmony are the most vocal ... "Bark, bark ... bring on the chow!"  Ruffles is doing her spins, Kennedy is politely sitting by the refrigerator door, and Zeke is suspiciously wrinkling his nose in the air (his food has to be fixed just so or he won't eat).   Bowls of kibble and Complete are doled out and the sound of slurp, slurp begins.  I laugh!  They love breakfast time!!  I've been adding some Complete to their kibble and their coats are getting so shiny.  I bathed Kennedy and Zeke yesterday morning.  They glisten in the sunlight!

We've had this wonderful break from the Texas summer heat ~~ no complaints here!  It had almost been a week since the last rain shower so I had to pull out the hoses and do some watering this morning.  It was time to clip out dead branches and plant the shrubs I got at Cleburne yesterday (75% off at Lowe's ~~ Yay!).  I got this wonderful shrub that smells like almonds and vanilla.  After I planted it, I sat down beside it, savoring the aroma misting about me.  The mosquitoes weren't too bad this morning. Another BIG YAY!  By noon I had finished and was ready to jump in the tub to soak my sore muscles and aching bones.  Maybe the sun brought on the migraine?

When I get a migraine, it's tough to think straight.  I start thinking about one thing then all of a sudden I am off down a different path.  I want to keep my eyes closed but, as I said, that's pretty boring when I am not tired.  I was getting shots for the migraines but got to a point where I felt I didn't need them (nor did I like being stuck in the head 10-16 times).  Hopefully, this monster will quiet down with a good night's sleep.

As Christians, we go through periods of time when it's tough to think straight.  I know I need to "act" but I am unable to do anything so I just shut my eyes and hope for the best.  I am grateful for the Holy Spirit who intercedes on my behalf on those days of fogginess and pain.  If you've experienced chronic pain, you know exactly what I am talking about.

 "In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans."~~Romans 8:26

Tonight, I will lay my head on the pillow, feel my therapy dog, Kennedy, close to me and I will allow myself to drift off into a place of serenity and joy.  It helps me to talk to Kennedy and stroke his fur.  Somehow, I just know tomorrow's going to be a better day!

Always remember you are loved and prayed for ... YA YOU!!

Miss Dottie

PS  "I could never say in the morning, "I have a headache and cannot do thus and so.'  Headache or no headache, thus and so had to be done." ~Eleanor Roosevelt  Eleanor, I think you had the right idea; however, for tonight, thus and so is going to wait!



1 comment:

  1. I have had a migraine or two...and they are brake stopping horrible. Sometime you have to ignore Eleanor Roosevelt and lay have a lot of people and paws relying on you, so best to take two!!

    Love Ya~
