Thursday, August 29, 2013

The Fall Tree

“Delicious autumn! My very soul is wedded to it, and if I were a bird I would fly about the earth seeking the successive autumns.”  ~George Eliot

August 29, 2013

Dear Readers,

You got that right, Mr. Eliot!  Autumn is my most favorite of the seasons followed by Spring, Winter, and (gulp) Summer.  My spirit seems to come alive when I am able to pull on my boots, jeans, and sweaters! Although I am a city girl, come September my heart travels to the country in search of crisp apples, fun hayrides, fall festivals, and the beauty of nature.  I race toward the mere thought of frosty early mornings and sun drenched afternoons!

"Mom the sky is falling!"~Zeke
I stood in the doorway of the cottage this morning. There was this slight hint of a breeze and faint scent of the changing season.  As I sipped on my coffee, I watched Zeke look up into the big tree wondering why it was shedding it's leaves on him. I love my early morning time with the Sensational Six!  I have my own built-in entertainment.  Believe me, they DO keep me busy AND there's never a dull moment when they have their eyes open!!

Let's be goofy for the camera!
When, my grandsons were here last week, they helped me finish putting up the Fall Tree in the cottage.  They had such fun placing the ornaments and sprigs of fall leaves on the tree. They loved asking about this ornament and that ornament and wondering why in the world grandma would have this decorated tree when it wasn't even close to Christmas. They giggled and laughed.  Hopefully, it is a memory they will have forever - "Grandma "." had a tree in her cottage that she decorated in the Spring, Fall, and at Christmas."  I smile when I think about that....

The Fall Tree brings out the kid in me.  As a girl, I looked forward to jumping in the piles of leaves and gazing upon the vibrant colors of the trees surrounding Lake Minnewaska.  It meant cold nights, football games, hot cocoa, and pizza parties at Elaine's house.  Just walking down memory lane gives me warm fuzzies!!  I think I need to find a little football, cup of cocoa, and a pizza ornament to hang on the tree.  What do you think??

August albeit hot means that Fall is just around the corner offering that refreshing time of new life as mums, roses, and other flowering plants take that last encore before the restful Winter. ~Miss Dottie

I look at the Fall Tree now as I type and get lost it's beauty ~ owls, dried corn, pumpkins, nests, squirrels, and birds.  It's brightness draws me in just as it did earlier today.  I was looking at the little bird house and meditated on a Bible verse from Romans 15:13: "Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit."  That few minutes of speaking good to my heart helped me to start my day with such ~ oh, I don't know if words can even describe how full of joy I felt.

The corn and wheat on the Fall Tree remind me of the harvests of long ago ~ a time of reaping what was sown earlier in the year.  In my grandparents day, barn dances to celebrate the harvest were very popular.  Can't you just imagine the sound of the fiddle and dancers reeling about the floor?  My grandfather played in such a band and it's how he met my grandmother.  I like that story.  I wonder if barn dances are still held anywhere??

It will soon be time for hot apple cider stirred with a cinnamon stick! It might even get cool enough in the mornings to light a fire. Wouldn't that be something?

Some need comfort food; I need comfort in my surroundings.  Each piece has a story to tell. ~Miss Dottie

As Summer winds down, I am ready to bask in the fruits of the Fall.  We will be hosting a family get-together for Michael's cousins so I am thinking about what we could do that would be special for each family member. We will be traveling to attend our grandsons' baseball games, and are looking forward to our family gathering at Thanksgiving.  Who knows, you may see us all on television at the Cowboy football game Thanksgiving Day!

I pray that as the heat of Summer gives way to the coolness of Fall, that you will know that you are loved and prayed for ... that you will take some time to truly enjoy this upcoming season of warmth and color.  Maybe you'll put up a Fall Tree of your own.  Go for it!!

Miss Dottie

PS  Albert Camus said, "Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower."  Oh the joy we have to look forward to ... it's just around the corner! 

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Read all about it!

August 27, 2013

Dear Readers,

What sells?  Sex sells.  Violence and dissension sells.  Threats of war sell.  Mass media tries to outdo each other upping the ante on the shock factor.

As a blogger, I have noticed that when I am writing about sex, abuse, and childhood/teenaged/adult trauma, the viewings on my blogs increase.  I guess people want to know more about the dark side of my life.  Oh, it's there all right and every now and then I am led to write about it BUT I would much rather write about my recovery and deliverance.  I want to encourage and edify, not shock.

OK, that being said, let's take a look see at what's going on in our world...   Did you hear that Simon Cowell is going to be a dad?  His baby mama is married to someone else.  It's okay though, they're now getting a divorce.  Anthony Weiner who is running for mayor of New York was sexting with a girl who is now blabbing about it to everyone.  It's okay though, his wife is standing by him and he is a good leader.  Prosecutors revealed chilling photos from inside Ariel Castro’s Cleveland house of horrors at a sentencing hearing, showing a house modified on the inside to keep his captives in and the rest of the world out.  Mr. Castro said it was okay because the women submitted to him.  Makes you want to puke doesn't it?!

We live in a time when the media reports a sneeze from a "famous" person seconds after it happens. Justin Bieber took a fan's phone, stuck it down his pants, rubbed his genitals with it then threw it back into the crowd. Lovely, just lovely.  What happened to the Christian boy who just wanted to perform and be a great role model for teens?  Fame, fortune, the temptations afforded him with more money than sense happened that's what.  It's okay though. Right? After all he IS Justin Bieber. Not okay, not in a million years.

The newest news is that of Miley Cyrus's gyrating on stage at the music awards show.  I didn't watch it; but, of course, millions of viewers sitting in the privacy of their living rooms did.  Disgusting BUT the twitters were a twitting; the bloggers were a blogging; and, every TV station, radio, magazine, and newspaper were reporting.  Isn't that what she wanted? To be famous no matter the cost? Miley's parents must have been so proud.  Then, again, maybe they were. After all, shouldn't we allow our children the freedom to express their sexuality?

I did see a headline on MSNBC a couple weeks ago that was rather frightening about China getting their ducks in order to overtake the United States while our citizens were watching reality TV.  Probably more truth to that than fiction.

Military action is coming.  The United States is preparing for some kind of military response to the suspected chemical weapons attacking Syria.  Are you seeing where I am going with all of this?

How do you cook a frog?  Well, first of all you put it in cool water and ever so slowly turn up the heat. The frog who was able to jump from the cool water, feels pretty comfortable soaking with a smile.  (If frogs can smile!)  The hotter the temperature becomes, the frog is doomed because it reaches a point where it can't jump out.  It's goose is cooked.  It's not making waves, it's DEAD.  D-E-A-D... DEAD.

Too many times in my own life, I've been fed a line of malarkey one spoonful of sugar at a time. I didn't know where it was going until it was too late. I can see it in the world I live in and I wonder how we could all be so blind. "Oh," you say, "_____ doesn't pertain to me so I don't need to worry about it."  I say, "You better start paying attention.  You better start getting smart and educating yourself."

The Lab to check out the Frog Theory

Right now, today, we live in a wonderful country.  We have been afforded a wonderful slate of freedoms under our Constitution.  We're sitting in our bathtubs, our hot tubs, our pools enjoying the ride.  Well, I just got out of my wonderful claw foot tub a little while ago and I confess that I did the frog test.  I filled my tub 1/3 full with super hot water.  I put one foot in and then the other.  IMMEDIATELY, my feet turned beet red and I jumped out.  I looked at my poor feet and they were throbbing from the scalding.  I drained the tub and climbed in when it was empty.  I turned the water on ~ 1/2 hot, 1/2 cold and added some wonderful bubble bath.  It felt really good but within a couple minutes, I felt chilly.  I kept adding hot water soaking in the bubbles and enjoying the warmth.  I read a magazine and enjoyed a nice cold Dr Pepper.  All of a sudden, I began to feel tingly, my heart began to race a bit, and I felt sort of faint.  I looked down ~~ my entire body was red and I slowly got up out of the tub.  I felt exhausted, almost too tired to dry myself off with a towel.  I had been cooking myself one squirt of hot water at a time!

The moral of the story?  It's easy to spot evil when it hits you square smack dab in the face.  It's more difficult and deadly when evil comes disguised as looking good, sounding good, tasting good, feeling good, and offering that proverbial "Apple from Eden."  I don't know about you but I'm starting to look at a man (or woman) not for what he can say so eloquently but for what he represents (his character).  How about you?  In other words, you can knock on my door BUT you may need to wait a while before I let you in AND if you don't check out you aren't coming in at all.

Remember this though ... no matter who you are and what you're about, I am praying for you ... YA YOU!!

Miss Dottie

PS  Romans 12:2 tells us, "Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect."  Miss Dottie says, "My hand is out for those who want to walk alongside me in truth, light, honesty, and to those who have the willingness to sweep out the dark corners of what's really going on in America."

PSS  Sorry this is so long but every now and then Miss Dottie gets her dander up and uses one of our freedoms ~ she speaks what's on her mind and heart!!

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Sometimes I don't like being an adult...

The beginning of Harmony Garden
August 27, 2013

Dear Readers,

I was talking to my daughter, Jane, this morning.  I was feeling really down hearted about a whole lot of small niggly stuff going on in my life and, as usual, she encouraged and uplifted me.  In fact, she encouraged me to created a Harmony Garden which I plan to do (I've already started it ~ I just didn't know what to name it). 

Today was one of those tough days that I wished I wasn't an adult and had someone else to make decisions for me.  Ever have one of those?

Harmony in the Harmony Garden
A couple weeks ago now, little Harmony was diagnosed with severe asthma.  She spent a couple nights in The Animal Hospital hooked up to an IV and is being treated with an armful of medications.  I stood at the counter, credit card in hand, as Katrina gave me her bill to pay ~ it was just short of $1,000. She'd had earlier tests, office visits, and medications bringing her vet bill up over the $1.500 mark.  I felt caught between a rock and a hard place.  I wanted the best for Harmony and for her to live a life free of the difficulties of the past.  I also knew my financial limitations and, as a responsible adult, I could not incur expenses that I could not pay back.

Breathing treatment...
The veterinarians had put together a plan for Harmony involving six weeks of intense therapy ~ breathing treatments and monitoring Monday and Friday plus medication adjustments as needed.  When I got home and reviewed Harmony's bill, the breathing treatments were over $30 each plus an office visit charge of over $40.  You do the math ... that's over $140 a week for six weeks.  My heart sank...  What could I do?

When faced with difficulties, I turn to the Lord for his divine guidance and peace.  When I'm trying to do it all on my own (as I often do), I only see my limitations.  I know that the Lord only expects me to do what I can and allow him to come alongside me.  This is my faith, my trust.  My God is a BIG GOD!

"In their hearts humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps." ~ Proverbs 16:9

My beautiful little queen..
A few minutes ago, I held Harmony and promised her I would do everything I could to make her days good ones.  I would use natural cleaning supplies, limit her time outside, give her the medications prescribed, and spend time with her. I had peace knowing that she was God's little Pom and that he would have a hand in her wellness.  The three of us would take it one day at a time.

Being an adult means just that, being an adult.  Adults need to make the tough decisions then let God take the wheel.  It means not sweeping issues under rugs, not avoiding confrontation, and doing that next right thing.  It means being truthful and accepting responsibility.  It means ever growing and extending grace to others and self.

Maybe you, too, are facing some tough decisions.  I have designated an hour later this morning to pray specifically for those of you who are needing to make some decisions you wish you didn't have to make.  One thing I would suggest is that you open your Bible and read what God has to say on the subject.  I know that often times, you'd rather not hear that but, trust me, I've never gotten into hot water following God's way.

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight."  ~ Proverbs 3:5-6

Until we meet again, take comfort in knowing that God hears, knows, and answers our pleas.  He also expects us to do our part...

Miss Dottie

PS  I had some doggies who interrupted my blogging to go outside and take care of business.  As usual, I couldn't just stand there while the Sensational Six wandered around.  I bent down to pick some dead leaves off a rose bush.  There nestled deep between two leaves was a white feather ... an angel's calling card!  I hear you Lord!!

Faith can move a mountain!

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Look closely...

Miss Dottie's Grass!
Weed, fertilize, water ... watch me grow!
August 22, 2013

A hearty good morning to y'all out there across the globe!  It's break time.  I've been working on my lawn project since 7:30am and I have sweat running down my face and dripping from my nose. Doesn't sound too lady like does it? (Thank goodness, I clean up pretty good!)  I just love working on projects where I can literally see progress which makes my lawn a perfect endeavor!

The bonded pair is happy ~
Harmony (back) is home!
A BTW, Harmony came home yesterday from The Animal Hospital.  The good news is that all tests are showing that her heart isn't the cause of her breathing problems.  She has severe asthma.  I've never heard of a dog having asthma before so this is a new one. Dr. Arnold left her IV catheter in in case she ran into respiratory distress last night ~ thank God both of us slept soundly.  She came home symptom free so I will be charting who, what, when, where, food, etc. so we know what her triggers are. She's supposed to lose a couple pounds which might be difficult since she is on steroids.  I have an armful of meds to give her each morning but that's okay if she stays healthy.  When I clean the cottage today, I will move her into the little casa in case Pine Sol is the culprit!

Back to my project.  As I was sitting on the ground scraping off the thatch and pulling weeds, I noticed several things and prayed about each:

(1)  The weeds looked similar to grass and from a standing position it was difficult to know the difference.  Without much grass, it was easy to pull them out.

(2)  When I ran into a patch where the good grass was growing, it was more difficult to see the weeds much less pull them out.  As I scraped away the thatch some of the good grass came up too looking like misplaced wisps blowing in the wind.  I kept on going cleaning out and then laying the runners back into the good dirt.

(3)  Even though the area where I pulled the weeds looked so barren, I noticed tiny dots of new grass coming through where I had sown seed.  Now they would grow and not suffocate.

Each of these points could be a blog in and of itself but I'll try condense my thoughts.

Sometimes toxic people are like weeds - when they disappear it's a brighter day.  They can be easy to identify standing alone but when you mix them in with good people, it's difficult to tell the difference. The problem is that they can choke out the good.  Think about our churches, families, friendships, government, country. I would call this infiltration. Before we know it we feel suffocated, ill, in a bad mood, depressed and downright miserable.  We stand scratching our heads.  "What happened?" Right?

No it's not Christmas.
It's Miss Dottie's Fall Tree in the Cottage
When my grandsons were here, I felt absolutely energized and alive with laughter. They are so innocent and filled with wonderful spirits of goodness. I caught Zachary in prayer several times (I didn't interrupt or ask questions). At almost 10, he spreads The Word without saying a thing.  I know I am prejudiced but he truly is a good person to be around (and so is his brother, Nicholas).  My point is, good people bring good fruit and we feel uplifted and are set to conquer whatever comes out way.

As you go about your own day today, I hope that you will think about the weeds in your own life. Beware of the weeds!!  (giggle giggle) No, seriously, pull those rascals out and bag 'em up.  You'll feel a lot better and your spirit will be able to breathe, grow, and you'll find yourself soaring!!

Always remember you are loved and prayed for!

Miss Dottie

PS  After pulling the weeds from your life, you may feel a little lost and bewildered.  Don't you worry. Once you do your part, God's going to bless your socks off!  As for me, I am going to fill my now fertile, weed-free dirt with good seed and fertilizer.  Stay tuned to see my finished project!!

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

An aha moment in time...

August 21, 2013

Dear Readers,

I'm sure many of you have read the columns published by The Grumpy Gardener.  I do read them and get a kick out of the way he tackles questions.  I was standing outside looking at my back yard and feeling pretty darn grumpy myself.  I sat down in the middle of the yard and, all of a sudden, my hand felt something mossy.  I looked down and, AHA, something clicked.  I've learned so much since I started gardening and today was no different.

I've been trying to grow some grass since late Spring.  I have patches where the grass looks okay (not great) and other areas where it just plain looked nasty.  All of a sudden, I began thinking about the parable of the sower.

Mark 4:  The Parable of the Sower

"The farmer sows the word. Some people are like seed along the path, where the word is sown. As soon as they hear it, Satan comes and takes away the word that was sown in them. Others, like seed sown on rocky places, hear the word and at once receive it with joy. But since they have no root, they last only a short time. When trouble or persecution comes because of the word, they quickly fall away. Still others, like seed sown among thorns, hear the word; but the worries of this life, the deceitfulness of wealth and the desires for other things come in and choke the word, making it unfruitful. Others, like seed sown on good soil, hear the word, accept it, and produce a crop—some thirty, some sixty, some a hundred times what was sown.”

How could I expect to have my seeds produce much fruit if I was sowing them amongst weeds and a thatch that was covering the good soil?  I began to work ... I started pulling weeds and removing the thatch that was choking out the seed.  I filled one bag then started on another before my hands gave out.  It was a start.

I know in my own life, I've had to remove the thatch and weeds before there was room for consistent improvement and joy.  I've talked a lot about removing the old tapes.  What we think about gets bigger and bigger and if all we can experience (whether conscious or unconscious) is the crummy stuff, our attitudes get bogged down.  Make sense?

Jesus spoke a lot about reaping and sowing.  He liked being in a garden to pray.  I've wondered why he did but now I am fully convinced that it was his way of speaking to the masses ~ the farmers who feed the world.  As I read The Word, I am convicted, blessed, and propelled forward.

Today, I cleaned up an area about 12 feet long and 3 feet wide.  Actually, the dirt looks a whole lot better than the tufts of weeds and dead stuff covering the ground.  I feel better.  I did something positive towards growing grass.  Are you laughing at me?  That's ok...  I'll be posting some photos of my beautiful grass before long!!

Always remember you are loved and prayed for ... YA YOU BETCHA!  (Had to get in a little of my Norwegian heritage there!!)

Miss Dottie

PS  “However many years she lived, Mary always felt that 'she should never forget that first morning when her garden began to grow'.”  ~Frances Hodgson Burnett, The Secret Garden

I wonder if Mary had to remove some weeds and thatch??  (giggle giggle!)

Tuesday, August 20, 2013


I have often thought what a melancholy world this would be without children, and what an inhuman world without the aged.
~Samuel Taylor Colerige

August 19, 2013

Dear Readers,

I am sitting in the cottage this Monday morning gazing out the french doors. The birds are enjoying their breakfast of seeds, nuts, and fruits ~ I especially love the cardinals! A rather large squirrel is sitting on the back of the bench under the big tree. I have been holding Harmony wishing that she was whole and didn't have a bad heart. My grandsons went home late Saturday leaving a big hole that had been filled with their exuberant joy and activity. Today is Michael's and my 10th anniversary. My granddaughter was in a car accident this morning ~ not her fault, she's ok, boy at fault will fix her car. Lots of things for me to ponder...

Sometimes, I have this overwhelming sadness inside of me that permeates my entire being. It comes at times when life just plain hurts and steals my peace. I am usually a very optimistic, upbeat, and joyful person so I'm glad those times don't come often or last very long. I read some scripture this morning and even that didn't break up the shroud of darkness.  Tears have rolled down my cheeks and I'm not sure I know even why. Maybe, I am just being human and experiencing one of those days when I am sensing life in all its reality ... the wonderful, the good, the bad, the ugly.

The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit. ~Psalm 34:18

Sometimes, I wish I could travel to a cabin in the woods, next to a beautiful lake. I would walk along the shore with my dogren at my side appreciating the beauty of nature. My heart always goes back to dreams of a simple life. My little cottage will need to do for now.

Sometimes, I wish family was closer and we could experience the fun I had growing up with lots of relatives close by. There is something comforting about growing older and being able to watch the young ones as they are beginning their lives and experiencing everything for the first time. While my grandsons were here, I basked in the sunshine of their joyful spirits. They are almost 10 and 7 ... everything is an adventure to them which also fuels my adventurous bent. Spending time with them does make me smile!!

Cameron Park Zoo
Zachary & Nicholas
"Look Grandma, the snake ate us!"

Sometimes, I look around me and wonder how I got here. Oh yes, choices got me here. Some good choices, some not so good choices. The old adage, "Life is about choices," is true isn't it...  The road of life has so many twists and turns. Today I am drawn to reread HIND'S FEET ON HIGH PLACES. If you haven't read it, please put it on your list of must reads. It's a classic, chock full of wonderful messages. As children we don't always have opportunities to make good choices ~ often they are made for us. Then, we grow up and things should be different. Sometimes we get stuck.

“O Shepherd. You said you would make my feet like hinds' feet and set me upon High Places".

"Well", he answered "the only way to develop hinds' feet is to go by the paths which the hinds use.”
~Hannah Hurnard, Hind's Feet on High Places

Sometimes, I just need to have a day that involves meditation, prayer, and praise. On days when all of my emotions are running around like the rabbits in my backyard, I need to remember that if all I have is God, then, that is enough.

Sometimes, I wonder if you, too, have days when you feel like there is a shroud of darkness wrapped around you and it's difficult to breathe. Times when you feel lifeless, depleted of energy, and your positive outlook is a bit off. To say "no" wouldn't be quite honest, would it...

There is one thing for sure, you can always count on ~~ me praying for you, and sending love your way!!

Miss Dottie

PS  The soul would have no rainbow had the eyes no tears. ~John Vance Cheney

Monday, August 19, 2013

Shy Ruffles has a voice...

I love to have my photo taken!
August 19, 2013

Dear Mom's Readers,

Hi, I'm Ruffles and I get to take a turn at putting my paws on the keyboard. It's been a pretty nice day here at my new home in Central Texas and I spent some time outside with my new mom while she did a little gardening and watering.  I like following her 'cause she looks down at me every now and then and says, "Hi sweetheart, how's my princess today?"  It feels so good to have someone speak softly to me in a way that makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

That's my sister Harmony in front
My sister, Harmony, and I came to Texas from a Recycled Poms rescue trip to Arkansas. They called us a bonded pair which is true.  I don't know what I'd do without my sister. We sleep together and follow each other around. Sometimes, we play like we are cats and clean each other's faces. Mom just smiles and says, "That's my girls!"  I'm glad we were adopted together, I know Harmony would have been okay but I would have been so scared. Harmony has looked out for me my whole life and I'd be lost without her.

Boo Hiss!
First of all, we got taken to Pom Central ~~ a place where all the new dogs go for evaluation and checkups. After that, we went to a foster home THEN, we went to our furever home.  All I had ever known was being born then having puppies every time I went into heat.  I was proud of my puppies.  They were so cute and brought a pretty penny in for my owner.  I guess, people call the place where I lived a puppy mill.  Lots of bitches, a few stud dogs, cages, and more cages. I didn't go outside, my cage was tiny, and I spent most of my time alone. It was hard on me (I weigh only a little over five pounds) having so many babies but at least when I had my puppies, I wasn't alone.

I hope my babies got good homes.  Dogs don't always you know. Sometimes we are dispensable when we are too much trouble.  We are often times an impulse purchase because we are so darn cute when we are puppies ... then, people realize that we need to be taken outside to potty, socialized, fed, and taken to the vet.  "That damn dog needs to go!"  Ouch...

I love hiding in Mom's gardens.
My cage wasn't very sturdy and I learned to walk on more than just my paws. That made my legs deformed but at least I wasn't falling through my cage. My legs sort of go out to the sides so I like to be held flat on my belly.  Mom sings to me about Jesus and how he loved me and saved me from a life of neglect and pain.  I don't know much about this Jesus but Mom seems to think he rocks the world!!

I must admit, I am a scardy cat.  I want to come to Mom and Dad when they call me but I wonder if they will just grab me by the scruff of my neck and put me in a cage. Mom has a cage but the door is always open.  Still... I wonder.  I've been with my new family awhile now and I'm getting used to my surroundings.  Mom says that consistency will help me get rid of my fears. I get up with my brothers and sisters about 6:30am, head out to potty, then we eat about 7am. Mom likes to do her gardening while it's still cool so we play in the gardens until 11. Then, mom says, "Everybody inside ... nap time." We get a treat and snuggle in our cuddle beds for a couple hours.  Sometimes she lets me nap next to her on the couch while she does blogs ... I like that but it still makes me nervous to be on the sofa.  That's unfamiliar territory.  I have a lot to learn and unlearn.

We all have a special line up when we eat
~ that's me in the middle.
We eat again at 4:30pm and romp and play after that. Dad gets home about 5:30pm from his job at managing the college bookstore and we all run to meet him.  I run too but I stay at the back.  He calls my name but I'm still not too keen on allowing him to pick me up.  I don't know why men scare me but they do.  Mom says I've come a long way but I don't know.  Life for me was painful for many years and I associated humans with hurt.  I stayed away from them and just did my job ~~ having babies.

Nappin' by Mom!
I wonder if Mom and Dad will send me away if I take too much time to heal. They tell all of us~ Sadie, Toby, Kennedy, Zeke, Harmony, and me ~ that we're not going anywhere no matter what but I still wonder.  I wish I could be more like Harmony and jump into relationships head first. Mom tells me that it's okay that I am shy.  I dunno though, sometimes I get the heebie geebies and my fears get the best of me.

Mom's two grandsons came to visit last week.  Nicholas made friends with me.  He liked to hold me on his lap, pet me, and talked to me in a voice kinda like Mom's. I'd never been around kids so it was a new experience. He didn't yell at me or try to grab me and pull my fur. If all kids were like Nicholas, that would be fine by me!  My brother, Zeke, freaked out and barked his head off so he spent a lot of time in the cottage.  I tried to tell him it was okay but he wouldn't listen.  This time, he was the fraidy cat!

Me and my friend, Nicholas,
get our photo taken.

It's getting to be late in the day.  Harmony has been pretty sick again (she has an enlarged heart and fluid builds up in her lungs) so I'd better go see if she's okay. She had a breathing treatment last Saturday which made her feel better but today, she is panting and wheezing.  I worry about my sister and lay close to her.

If you are thinking about adding a dog to your family, considering adopting rather than shopping. If you're buying from a breeder, insist on visiting the site and looking into the conditions of their business. Anyone can build a pretty awesome site and tell you want you want to hear. Seeing is believing!

Good ole St. Francis
This Jesus Mom talks about...  I know he must be real because he made it possible for Recycled Poms to come get me and Harmony.  He made it possible for us to get the medical and dental care we needed and for us to be placed in a home where we are safe and loved.  Mom got a St. Francis statue for the Fall Garden - St. Francis liked animals just like this Jesus did. My brothers peed on it but I like to just look at it. My brothers are rascals!

Mom is getting ready to light some candles, fill her claw foot tub with bubbles, and so a little soaking.  I like to lay on the towel by the tub ... hmmm, it smells so good in there!  Don't worry, Mom won't forget to pray for you, she loves y'all a lot!!

Thanks for listening to my story!

Ruffles aka Ruffy

PS  "A dog is not a thing.  A thing is replaceable.  A dog is not.  A thing is disposable.  A dog is not.  A thing doesn't have a heart.  A dog's heart is bigger than any 'thing' you can ever own. ~Elizabeth Parker, Paw Prints in the Sand  

I made friends with Zachary too ~
his ears needed cleaning and
he smiled when I gave him a smooch on the cheek!


Monday, August 12, 2013

The Angels Messages

My Bonded Beauties!
August 12, 2013

Dear Readers,

What a gorgeous summer day in North Central Texas albeit a bit hot.  I got up early, got the dogren fed and took them out for a romp in the gardens.  It's always fun when I am able to sit back and watch them run, jump up into the air, and play.  Luckily I had my camera with me this morning so I could get some shots of them.  They are like little children.  They'll play then all of a sudden stop and run to me to make sure that I am there to protect them.  I love it!!

I woke up with boundless energy and made plans to clean the house and cottage; do laundry/iron; and do a little decorating for Fall.  I just love it when everything is squeaky clean and that faint scent of Pine-Sol fills the air.  I finished up the cottage, stepped outside and WHAM, I tripped over a pot and down I went.  I really feel stupid when I do stuff like that.  Luckily, I didn't break anything; however, my right side is pretty sore.  I had five dogren all over me, licking me to make sure I was okay.  Little sweethearts!!

My workday came to a quick close and I decided to have an afternoon tea party.  My neighbor came over and we planned some outings this week.  Always nice to have something to look forward to.  AND, my grandsons are coming to stay for a few days. OMG, I am so excited that I can hardly stand it.  They've never stayed for more than overnight so I am doing the happy dance.  Ever seen a little lady with white hair jumping up and down to the tune of Zipity Do Dah?  Well, that's me, never mind my sore side!!

Harmony Jane 8/12/2013
It is so quiet here tonight (except for the dogren snoring!). I had some really smelly dogs stinking up my space so I decided to take a deep breath and line them all up.  Six dogs + six baths + 2 brush outs + 4 brush outs/blow dries = 1 Mom with an aching back and a pile of red/blond/white dog hair.  Sure does smell good around me now!!  (Laugh) I love watching them sleep so contently.  Harmony had a hard time breathing tonight so I am keeping her close and will check on her throughout the night.  She is quiet right now but I still hear the congestion.  I'll call the vet in the morning and I am thinking he will want to weigh her, listen to her heart/lungs, and give her a breathing treatment and another round of meds/shots.

As I do each night, I light a candle, gather my doggies around me, meditate and pray.  Tonight, I was deep in the throws of listening to some soft music and all of a sudden, my eyes opened and I shouted out, "Lord thank you for angels unaware."  I looked around and wondered where in the dickens that came from.  I knew because I'd been thinking about angels the past week or so.

It's an old wives tale that when you see a feather, an angel has left it's mark.  This summer, I've seen so many in the gardens and one in the cottage (I've never seen them before in the ten years we've either visited or lived here).  I look skyward when I find them, smile and say, "Thank you for your message and presence."  I didn't pick them up and when I looked for them later, they weren't to be found. Next time, I'll remember to pick it up when I see it.  Call me a little loco but I truly believe they are reminders that I am being watched over.

For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways; they will lift you up in their hands so that you will not strike your foot against a stone.
Psalm 91:11

Gardenias in August
There is such comfort in knowing that my Lord is with me 24/7.  There is such joy in knowing that as beautiful my garden is here on earth, my garden in heaven will be magnificent.  There is such peace in knowing that my heritage is that of a God-fearing people and I am so excited to meet all my ancestors in heaven.  I will be all ears getting first hand reports of how the Lord was a part of their lives. 

As the candles flicker and the sound of praise floats throughout the cottage, I am filled with thoughts of the sandman.  (My mother used to tuck me in at night telling me that the sandman would visit me and fill my eyes with the sprinkling of sandy sleepies)  Now that the ickies of the past are gone, there is room for the good stuff that I experienced with my mother.  Sometimes, I cry thinking about all the lost years.  I cannot go back, so I move forward knowing that I tucked my children in with love and now, I am able to tuck my grandchildren in with love. That's the good part!!

I'll say good night and give you a prayer and a promise ... YOU are loved ... YA YOU!!

Miss Dottie

PS  He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart.  ~~Psalm 91:14