Monday, August 19, 2013

Shy Ruffles has a voice...

I love to have my photo taken!
August 19, 2013

Dear Mom's Readers,

Hi, I'm Ruffles and I get to take a turn at putting my paws on the keyboard. It's been a pretty nice day here at my new home in Central Texas and I spent some time outside with my new mom while she did a little gardening and watering.  I like following her 'cause she looks down at me every now and then and says, "Hi sweetheart, how's my princess today?"  It feels so good to have someone speak softly to me in a way that makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

That's my sister Harmony in front
My sister, Harmony, and I came to Texas from a Recycled Poms rescue trip to Arkansas. They called us a bonded pair which is true.  I don't know what I'd do without my sister. We sleep together and follow each other around. Sometimes, we play like we are cats and clean each other's faces. Mom just smiles and says, "That's my girls!"  I'm glad we were adopted together, I know Harmony would have been okay but I would have been so scared. Harmony has looked out for me my whole life and I'd be lost without her.

Boo Hiss!
First of all, we got taken to Pom Central ~~ a place where all the new dogs go for evaluation and checkups. After that, we went to a foster home THEN, we went to our furever home.  All I had ever known was being born then having puppies every time I went into heat.  I was proud of my puppies.  They were so cute and brought a pretty penny in for my owner.  I guess, people call the place where I lived a puppy mill.  Lots of bitches, a few stud dogs, cages, and more cages. I didn't go outside, my cage was tiny, and I spent most of my time alone. It was hard on me (I weigh only a little over five pounds) having so many babies but at least when I had my puppies, I wasn't alone.

I hope my babies got good homes.  Dogs don't always you know. Sometimes we are dispensable when we are too much trouble.  We are often times an impulse purchase because we are so darn cute when we are puppies ... then, people realize that we need to be taken outside to potty, socialized, fed, and taken to the vet.  "That damn dog needs to go!"  Ouch...

I love hiding in Mom's gardens.
My cage wasn't very sturdy and I learned to walk on more than just my paws. That made my legs deformed but at least I wasn't falling through my cage. My legs sort of go out to the sides so I like to be held flat on my belly.  Mom sings to me about Jesus and how he loved me and saved me from a life of neglect and pain.  I don't know much about this Jesus but Mom seems to think he rocks the world!!

I must admit, I am a scardy cat.  I want to come to Mom and Dad when they call me but I wonder if they will just grab me by the scruff of my neck and put me in a cage. Mom has a cage but the door is always open.  Still... I wonder.  I've been with my new family awhile now and I'm getting used to my surroundings.  Mom says that consistency will help me get rid of my fears. I get up with my brothers and sisters about 6:30am, head out to potty, then we eat about 7am. Mom likes to do her gardening while it's still cool so we play in the gardens until 11. Then, mom says, "Everybody inside ... nap time." We get a treat and snuggle in our cuddle beds for a couple hours.  Sometimes she lets me nap next to her on the couch while she does blogs ... I like that but it still makes me nervous to be on the sofa.  That's unfamiliar territory.  I have a lot to learn and unlearn.

We all have a special line up when we eat
~ that's me in the middle.
We eat again at 4:30pm and romp and play after that. Dad gets home about 5:30pm from his job at managing the college bookstore and we all run to meet him.  I run too but I stay at the back.  He calls my name but I'm still not too keen on allowing him to pick me up.  I don't know why men scare me but they do.  Mom says I've come a long way but I don't know.  Life for me was painful for many years and I associated humans with hurt.  I stayed away from them and just did my job ~~ having babies.

Nappin' by Mom!
I wonder if Mom and Dad will send me away if I take too much time to heal. They tell all of us~ Sadie, Toby, Kennedy, Zeke, Harmony, and me ~ that we're not going anywhere no matter what but I still wonder.  I wish I could be more like Harmony and jump into relationships head first. Mom tells me that it's okay that I am shy.  I dunno though, sometimes I get the heebie geebies and my fears get the best of me.

Mom's two grandsons came to visit last week.  Nicholas made friends with me.  He liked to hold me on his lap, pet me, and talked to me in a voice kinda like Mom's. I'd never been around kids so it was a new experience. He didn't yell at me or try to grab me and pull my fur. If all kids were like Nicholas, that would be fine by me!  My brother, Zeke, freaked out and barked his head off so he spent a lot of time in the cottage.  I tried to tell him it was okay but he wouldn't listen.  This time, he was the fraidy cat!

Me and my friend, Nicholas,
get our photo taken.

It's getting to be late in the day.  Harmony has been pretty sick again (she has an enlarged heart and fluid builds up in her lungs) so I'd better go see if she's okay. She had a breathing treatment last Saturday which made her feel better but today, she is panting and wheezing.  I worry about my sister and lay close to her.

If you are thinking about adding a dog to your family, considering adopting rather than shopping. If you're buying from a breeder, insist on visiting the site and looking into the conditions of their business. Anyone can build a pretty awesome site and tell you want you want to hear. Seeing is believing!

Good ole St. Francis
This Jesus Mom talks about...  I know he must be real because he made it possible for Recycled Poms to come get me and Harmony.  He made it possible for us to get the medical and dental care we needed and for us to be placed in a home where we are safe and loved.  Mom got a St. Francis statue for the Fall Garden - St. Francis liked animals just like this Jesus did. My brothers peed on it but I like to just look at it. My brothers are rascals!

Mom is getting ready to light some candles, fill her claw foot tub with bubbles, and so a little soaking.  I like to lay on the towel by the tub ... hmmm, it smells so good in there!  Don't worry, Mom won't forget to pray for you, she loves y'all a lot!!

Thanks for listening to my story!

Ruffles aka Ruffy

PS  "A dog is not a thing.  A thing is replaceable.  A dog is not.  A thing is disposable.  A dog is not.  A thing doesn't have a heart.  A dog's heart is bigger than any 'thing' you can ever own. ~Elizabeth Parker, Paw Prints in the Sand  

I made friends with Zachary too ~
his ears needed cleaning and
he smiled when I gave him a smooch on the cheek!


1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness....I have tears rolling down my cheeks! That is the sweetest blog I have read in a long time. You know the heart and soul of your dog and her background. I smile when I think of a dignified life for Ruffles. She deserves it!!! We could focus on the past/negative, yet it is better to look at the positive. God bless you for your open heart and home.

    Love You!
