Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Sometimes I don't like being an adult...

The beginning of Harmony Garden
August 27, 2013

Dear Readers,

I was talking to my daughter, Jane, this morning.  I was feeling really down hearted about a whole lot of small niggly stuff going on in my life and, as usual, she encouraged and uplifted me.  In fact, she encouraged me to created a Harmony Garden which I plan to do (I've already started it ~ I just didn't know what to name it). 

Today was one of those tough days that I wished I wasn't an adult and had someone else to make decisions for me.  Ever have one of those?

Harmony in the Harmony Garden
A couple weeks ago now, little Harmony was diagnosed with severe asthma.  She spent a couple nights in The Animal Hospital hooked up to an IV and is being treated with an armful of medications.  I stood at the counter, credit card in hand, as Katrina gave me her bill to pay ~ it was just short of $1,000. She'd had earlier tests, office visits, and medications bringing her vet bill up over the $1.500 mark.  I felt caught between a rock and a hard place.  I wanted the best for Harmony and for her to live a life free of the difficulties of the past.  I also knew my financial limitations and, as a responsible adult, I could not incur expenses that I could not pay back.

Breathing treatment...
The veterinarians had put together a plan for Harmony involving six weeks of intense therapy ~ breathing treatments and monitoring Monday and Friday plus medication adjustments as needed.  When I got home and reviewed Harmony's bill, the breathing treatments were over $30 each plus an office visit charge of over $40.  You do the math ... that's over $140 a week for six weeks.  My heart sank...  What could I do?

When faced with difficulties, I turn to the Lord for his divine guidance and peace.  When I'm trying to do it all on my own (as I often do), I only see my limitations.  I know that the Lord only expects me to do what I can and allow him to come alongside me.  This is my faith, my trust.  My God is a BIG GOD!

"In their hearts humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps." ~ Proverbs 16:9

My beautiful little queen..
A few minutes ago, I held Harmony and promised her I would do everything I could to make her days good ones.  I would use natural cleaning supplies, limit her time outside, give her the medications prescribed, and spend time with her. I had peace knowing that she was God's little Pom and that he would have a hand in her wellness.  The three of us would take it one day at a time.

Being an adult means just that, being an adult.  Adults need to make the tough decisions then let God take the wheel.  It means not sweeping issues under rugs, not avoiding confrontation, and doing that next right thing.  It means being truthful and accepting responsibility.  It means ever growing and extending grace to others and self.

Maybe you, too, are facing some tough decisions.  I have designated an hour later this morning to pray specifically for those of you who are needing to make some decisions you wish you didn't have to make.  One thing I would suggest is that you open your Bible and read what God has to say on the subject.  I know that often times, you'd rather not hear that but, trust me, I've never gotten into hot water following God's way.

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight."  ~ Proverbs 3:5-6

Until we meet again, take comfort in knowing that God hears, knows, and answers our pleas.  He also expects us to do our part...

Miss Dottie

PS  I had some doggies who interrupted my blogging to go outside and take care of business.  As usual, I couldn't just stand there while the Sensational Six wandered around.  I bent down to pick some dead leaves off a rose bush.  There nestled deep between two leaves was a white feather ... an angel's calling card!  I hear you Lord!!

Faith can move a mountain!

1 comment:

  1. Wow - your whole social security check went to the vet! I feel for you and Harmony. I pray the lifestyle changes you are making improve her condition. She is lucky to have a loving, and caring home.

