Thursday, August 22, 2013

Look closely...

Miss Dottie's Grass!
Weed, fertilize, water ... watch me grow!
August 22, 2013

A hearty good morning to y'all out there across the globe!  It's break time.  I've been working on my lawn project since 7:30am and I have sweat running down my face and dripping from my nose. Doesn't sound too lady like does it? (Thank goodness, I clean up pretty good!)  I just love working on projects where I can literally see progress which makes my lawn a perfect endeavor!

The bonded pair is happy ~
Harmony (back) is home!
A BTW, Harmony came home yesterday from The Animal Hospital.  The good news is that all tests are showing that her heart isn't the cause of her breathing problems.  She has severe asthma.  I've never heard of a dog having asthma before so this is a new one. Dr. Arnold left her IV catheter in in case she ran into respiratory distress last night ~ thank God both of us slept soundly.  She came home symptom free so I will be charting who, what, when, where, food, etc. so we know what her triggers are. She's supposed to lose a couple pounds which might be difficult since she is on steroids.  I have an armful of meds to give her each morning but that's okay if she stays healthy.  When I clean the cottage today, I will move her into the little casa in case Pine Sol is the culprit!

Back to my project.  As I was sitting on the ground scraping off the thatch and pulling weeds, I noticed several things and prayed about each:

(1)  The weeds looked similar to grass and from a standing position it was difficult to know the difference.  Without much grass, it was easy to pull them out.

(2)  When I ran into a patch where the good grass was growing, it was more difficult to see the weeds much less pull them out.  As I scraped away the thatch some of the good grass came up too looking like misplaced wisps blowing in the wind.  I kept on going cleaning out and then laying the runners back into the good dirt.

(3)  Even though the area where I pulled the weeds looked so barren, I noticed tiny dots of new grass coming through where I had sown seed.  Now they would grow and not suffocate.

Each of these points could be a blog in and of itself but I'll try condense my thoughts.

Sometimes toxic people are like weeds - when they disappear it's a brighter day.  They can be easy to identify standing alone but when you mix them in with good people, it's difficult to tell the difference. The problem is that they can choke out the good.  Think about our churches, families, friendships, government, country. I would call this infiltration. Before we know it we feel suffocated, ill, in a bad mood, depressed and downright miserable.  We stand scratching our heads.  "What happened?" Right?

No it's not Christmas.
It's Miss Dottie's Fall Tree in the Cottage
When my grandsons were here, I felt absolutely energized and alive with laughter. They are so innocent and filled with wonderful spirits of goodness. I caught Zachary in prayer several times (I didn't interrupt or ask questions). At almost 10, he spreads The Word without saying a thing.  I know I am prejudiced but he truly is a good person to be around (and so is his brother, Nicholas).  My point is, good people bring good fruit and we feel uplifted and are set to conquer whatever comes out way.

As you go about your own day today, I hope that you will think about the weeds in your own life. Beware of the weeds!!  (giggle giggle) No, seriously, pull those rascals out and bag 'em up.  You'll feel a lot better and your spirit will be able to breathe, grow, and you'll find yourself soaring!!

Always remember you are loved and prayed for!

Miss Dottie

PS  After pulling the weeds from your life, you may feel a little lost and bewildered.  Don't you worry. Once you do your part, God's going to bless your socks off!  As for me, I am going to fill my now fertile, weed-free dirt with good seed and fertilizer.  Stay tuned to see my finished project!!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Sometimes we have to deal with the weeds - every family is filled with different types, so it isn't always easy to yank them out and throw them away. Yet, we can distance ourselves as much as possible and hang with the flowers :-)

    I think you should plant some eucalyptus, English ivy, and Peace lilies--all help breathing. Plant a "Harmony garden".

    Love You~
