Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Read all about it!

August 27, 2013

Dear Readers,

What sells?  Sex sells.  Violence and dissension sells.  Threats of war sell.  Mass media tries to outdo each other upping the ante on the shock factor.

As a blogger, I have noticed that when I am writing about sex, abuse, and childhood/teenaged/adult trauma, the viewings on my blogs increase.  I guess people want to know more about the dark side of my life.  Oh, it's there all right and every now and then I am led to write about it BUT I would much rather write about my recovery and deliverance.  I want to encourage and edify, not shock.

OK, that being said, let's take a look see at what's going on in our world...   Did you hear that Simon Cowell is going to be a dad?  His baby mama is married to someone else.  It's okay though, they're now getting a divorce.  Anthony Weiner who is running for mayor of New York was sexting with a girl who is now blabbing about it to everyone.  It's okay though, his wife is standing by him and he is a good leader.  Prosecutors revealed chilling photos from inside Ariel Castro’s Cleveland house of horrors at a sentencing hearing, showing a house modified on the inside to keep his captives in and the rest of the world out.  Mr. Castro said it was okay because the women submitted to him.  Makes you want to puke doesn't it?!

We live in a time when the media reports a sneeze from a "famous" person seconds after it happens. Justin Bieber took a fan's phone, stuck it down his pants, rubbed his genitals with it then threw it back into the crowd. Lovely, just lovely.  What happened to the Christian boy who just wanted to perform and be a great role model for teens?  Fame, fortune, the temptations afforded him with more money than sense happened that's what.  It's okay though. Right? After all he IS Justin Bieber. Not okay, not in a million years.

The newest news is that of Miley Cyrus's gyrating on stage at the music awards show.  I didn't watch it; but, of course, millions of viewers sitting in the privacy of their living rooms did.  Disgusting BUT the twitters were a twitting; the bloggers were a blogging; and, every TV station, radio, magazine, and newspaper were reporting.  Isn't that what she wanted? To be famous no matter the cost? Miley's parents must have been so proud.  Then, again, maybe they were. After all, shouldn't we allow our children the freedom to express their sexuality?

I did see a headline on MSNBC a couple weeks ago that was rather frightening about China getting their ducks in order to overtake the United States while our citizens were watching reality TV.  Probably more truth to that than fiction.

Military action is coming.  The United States is preparing for some kind of military response to the suspected chemical weapons attacking Syria.  Are you seeing where I am going with all of this?

How do you cook a frog?  Well, first of all you put it in cool water and ever so slowly turn up the heat. The frog who was able to jump from the cool water, feels pretty comfortable soaking with a smile.  (If frogs can smile!)  The hotter the temperature becomes, the frog is doomed because it reaches a point where it can't jump out.  It's goose is cooked.  It's not making waves, it's DEAD.  D-E-A-D... DEAD.

Too many times in my own life, I've been fed a line of malarkey one spoonful of sugar at a time. I didn't know where it was going until it was too late. I can see it in the world I live in and I wonder how we could all be so blind. "Oh," you say, "_____ doesn't pertain to me so I don't need to worry about it."  I say, "You better start paying attention.  You better start getting smart and educating yourself."

The Lab to check out the Frog Theory

Right now, today, we live in a wonderful country.  We have been afforded a wonderful slate of freedoms under our Constitution.  We're sitting in our bathtubs, our hot tubs, our pools enjoying the ride.  Well, I just got out of my wonderful claw foot tub a little while ago and I confess that I did the frog test.  I filled my tub 1/3 full with super hot water.  I put one foot in and then the other.  IMMEDIATELY, my feet turned beet red and I jumped out.  I looked at my poor feet and they were throbbing from the scalding.  I drained the tub and climbed in when it was empty.  I turned the water on ~ 1/2 hot, 1/2 cold and added some wonderful bubble bath.  It felt really good but within a couple minutes, I felt chilly.  I kept adding hot water soaking in the bubbles and enjoying the warmth.  I read a magazine and enjoyed a nice cold Dr Pepper.  All of a sudden, I began to feel tingly, my heart began to race a bit, and I felt sort of faint.  I looked down ~~ my entire body was red and I slowly got up out of the tub.  I felt exhausted, almost too tired to dry myself off with a towel.  I had been cooking myself one squirt of hot water at a time!

The moral of the story?  It's easy to spot evil when it hits you square smack dab in the face.  It's more difficult and deadly when evil comes disguised as looking good, sounding good, tasting good, feeling good, and offering that proverbial "Apple from Eden."  I don't know about you but I'm starting to look at a man (or woman) not for what he can say so eloquently but for what he represents (his character).  How about you?  In other words, you can knock on my door BUT you may need to wait a while before I let you in AND if you don't check out you aren't coming in at all.

Remember this though ... no matter who you are and what you're about, I am praying for you ... YA YOU!!

Miss Dottie

PS  Romans 12:2 tells us, "Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect."  Miss Dottie says, "My hand is out for those who want to walk alongside me in truth, light, honesty, and to those who have the willingness to sweep out the dark corners of what's really going on in America."

PSS  Sorry this is so long but every now and then Miss Dottie gets her dander up and uses one of our freedoms ~ she speaks what's on her mind and heart!!

1 comment:

  1. Awesome blog! You thoughts speak for many! It seems when celebrities start doing wacky stuff their popularity quickly dwindles. When Justin Bieber came to Tampa a few months ago a friend of ours had front row tickets he was trying to sell. Within a few days the value of the tickets had gone down by $500 because of Justin's antics. There are quite a few people in the world that will not support foolishness. Thank goodness!

