Thursday, August 1, 2013

My Secret Garden

The Texas Garden
"If you have a garden and a library, you have everything you need." 
~Marcus Tulius Cicero

August 1, 2013

Dear Readers,

The lazy hazy days of summer are upon us.  Triple digit temperatures make being outdoors kind of miserable.  I shouldn't complain because we've had an unusually pleasant summer this year with record lows.  I must confess, I am getting the bug to pull out my Fall decorations.  I absolutely love Fall in Texas!  So does my garden which has been planted with two main seasons in mind: Spring and Fall.

I have always wanted a space that didn't function as anything other than a retreat and a place to imagine, dream, and pray.  2013 has been the year that I reached the back fence ... Welcome to my Secret Garden!  

The Cottage Garden
This has been a year of back-breaking, brow mopping, digging, and planting. It's been a long tedious process but one that has been good therapy, exercise, and offered a sense of accomplishment.  I guess I could have concentrated on doing the front yard first so that I could share the beauty with others but I preferred to make my endeavor more private. When folks visit, they say, "I would have never guessed..."

"God Almighty first planted a garden.  And indeed, it is the purest of human pleasures." ~Francis Bacon

I have attempted to create vignettes of nooks and crannies where I can sit down and reflect on the world, the Lord, and my inner self.  The plants are smaller now but when they mature, they will envelop small spaces with scent, greenery, and serenity.  Each stone and plant has been placed with a purpose.  God has provided plants from the lot across the street, my neighbors, and from the sale tables at Lowe's, Home Depot, Bonnie's Nursery, creek beds, roadsides, and a myriad of other small nurseries in Central Texas.  My secret garden has been very budget friendly!!

The Mexican Garden

The Little Casa ~ 2010
This morning I stood at the back door scanning the back yard.  I started thinking about the sparse grass, the empty spaces where several plants have bit the dust, and how much I needed to do.  Then, I reminded myself what this patch of barren ground looked like when I began.

Thanks for stopping by for a glimpse of my secret garden!  It probably will never be done because my garden is a living, evolving creation.  I've given you just a peek into how I spend my mornings!  Give me my Bible for morning reading; some prayer time; a shovel, plants, and a hose for digging/planting; and time with my precious dogren and I am set for the day!!

Always remember you are loved and prayed for ... each and every day!!

Miss Dottie

PS  "The glory of gardening: hands in the dirt, head in the sun, heart with nature.  To nurture a garden is to feed not just the body, but the soul." ~Alfred Austin

It's a glorious day that the Lord has given me.  Let me remember that I have much to do to make the world a better place each and every day!  How about you?  Want to join me?  Let's chat again soon!!

The Secret Garden & The Cottage
It all began with a vision & a dream...

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness! such beauty, peace, inviting! I cannot wait to take a respite at the Dottie Garden Spa in November.

    Love, Love, Looooove You~
