Monday, August 12, 2013

The Angels Messages

My Bonded Beauties!
August 12, 2013

Dear Readers,

What a gorgeous summer day in North Central Texas albeit a bit hot.  I got up early, got the dogren fed and took them out for a romp in the gardens.  It's always fun when I am able to sit back and watch them run, jump up into the air, and play.  Luckily I had my camera with me this morning so I could get some shots of them.  They are like little children.  They'll play then all of a sudden stop and run to me to make sure that I am there to protect them.  I love it!!

I woke up with boundless energy and made plans to clean the house and cottage; do laundry/iron; and do a little decorating for Fall.  I just love it when everything is squeaky clean and that faint scent of Pine-Sol fills the air.  I finished up the cottage, stepped outside and WHAM, I tripped over a pot and down I went.  I really feel stupid when I do stuff like that.  Luckily, I didn't break anything; however, my right side is pretty sore.  I had five dogren all over me, licking me to make sure I was okay.  Little sweethearts!!

My workday came to a quick close and I decided to have an afternoon tea party.  My neighbor came over and we planned some outings this week.  Always nice to have something to look forward to.  AND, my grandsons are coming to stay for a few days. OMG, I am so excited that I can hardly stand it.  They've never stayed for more than overnight so I am doing the happy dance.  Ever seen a little lady with white hair jumping up and down to the tune of Zipity Do Dah?  Well, that's me, never mind my sore side!!

Harmony Jane 8/12/2013
It is so quiet here tonight (except for the dogren snoring!). I had some really smelly dogs stinking up my space so I decided to take a deep breath and line them all up.  Six dogs + six baths + 2 brush outs + 4 brush outs/blow dries = 1 Mom with an aching back and a pile of red/blond/white dog hair.  Sure does smell good around me now!!  (Laugh) I love watching them sleep so contently.  Harmony had a hard time breathing tonight so I am keeping her close and will check on her throughout the night.  She is quiet right now but I still hear the congestion.  I'll call the vet in the morning and I am thinking he will want to weigh her, listen to her heart/lungs, and give her a breathing treatment and another round of meds/shots.

As I do each night, I light a candle, gather my doggies around me, meditate and pray.  Tonight, I was deep in the throws of listening to some soft music and all of a sudden, my eyes opened and I shouted out, "Lord thank you for angels unaware."  I looked around and wondered where in the dickens that came from.  I knew because I'd been thinking about angels the past week or so.

It's an old wives tale that when you see a feather, an angel has left it's mark.  This summer, I've seen so many in the gardens and one in the cottage (I've never seen them before in the ten years we've either visited or lived here).  I look skyward when I find them, smile and say, "Thank you for your message and presence."  I didn't pick them up and when I looked for them later, they weren't to be found. Next time, I'll remember to pick it up when I see it.  Call me a little loco but I truly believe they are reminders that I am being watched over.

For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways; they will lift you up in their hands so that you will not strike your foot against a stone.
Psalm 91:11

Gardenias in August
There is such comfort in knowing that my Lord is with me 24/7.  There is such joy in knowing that as beautiful my garden is here on earth, my garden in heaven will be magnificent.  There is such peace in knowing that my heritage is that of a God-fearing people and I am so excited to meet all my ancestors in heaven.  I will be all ears getting first hand reports of how the Lord was a part of their lives. 

As the candles flicker and the sound of praise floats throughout the cottage, I am filled with thoughts of the sandman.  (My mother used to tuck me in at night telling me that the sandman would visit me and fill my eyes with the sprinkling of sandy sleepies)  Now that the ickies of the past are gone, there is room for the good stuff that I experienced with my mother.  Sometimes, I cry thinking about all the lost years.  I cannot go back, so I move forward knowing that I tucked my children in with love and now, I am able to tuck my grandchildren in with love. That's the good part!!

I'll say good night and give you a prayer and a promise ... YOU are loved ... YA YOU!!

Miss Dottie

PS  He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart.  ~~Psalm 91:14 

1 comment:

  1. Your cottage and gardens give you such peace--it's wonderful that you have them.

    I can't wait to see some pics of my nephews this weekend. How fun that you get to spend a few days with them! Enjoy every minute :)

    Love You~
