Sunday, October 27, 2013


October 27, 2013

Dear Readers,

Oh goodness, we got a nice rain last night.  I was scurrying around like a mad woman sprinkling fertilizer on roses and other flowers so that the rain could soak it in.  Now, I just need some sun to ignite more buds. I am still concerned about the old tree in the lower garden.  It has some BIG dead limbs that will come down sooner than probably later.   Golly gee, the bill will be anywhere from $1,500 to $3,000 depending on what we have done.  Ouch!  That just isn't in the budget.  Praying that the good Lord will glue those branches on for a while longer.  I hate the thought of tearing it down ... it's gotten to be an old friend.

I get messages from readers from time to time sharing stories and giving me things to pray about for them.  I love that because it makes me feel closer to them.  One of my friends sent me a story about a young lady who rose up from the depths of bullying and teasing to face her dragons. I teared up when I read it and wanted to share it with you.

If you have children, I'm sure you are well aware of the bullying going on at school.  That being said, we've all experienced the meanness of our fellow man.  School aged kids seem affected more so by the taunts because they are at a time in their lives when they are the most sensitive to any kind of criticism.

Last week, a young lady by the name of Ana (adopted from Guatemala by a family in Minnesota) attended Courage Day at her middle school.  The task given to them was to identify some act of courage that promoted character.  Ana VERY courageously stood up in front of 200 kids and teachers.  She said that she had been born with Duane's Syndrome and facial paralysis that sometimes made her face look different.  Kids had teased her about it on the bus.  Ava's act of courage was to stand up for herself, tell her story, and forgive her tormentors.  Afterwards, other students congratulated her and blessings continue to pour in.  Way to go Ana!!

Ana's story took me back to a time when, I too, stood before a congregation of people and shared my story.  My knees felt like they were knocking, and the words coming out of my mouth cracked.  Strange though, once I got started I could see my audience lean forward, I could see them wipe tears from their eyes, and there was something that broke the shackles of shame freeing me from my pain. Ana, I'll bet you are feeling that freedom and are stronger because of your courage to speak up.  Last October I shared a young woman's story which allowed her to let go of the secrets that had haunted her.  I applauded her courage and she, too, joined the ranks of many who dared stand up for themselves and say, "I am worth it!"

Others bully us and we bully ourselves by keeping that poison inside us. To speak of our pain is to allow the light to begin to shine into every dark corner of our being and for us to heal. Today, I'd like y'all to raise your hands, clap them together, and say out loud ... "Ana, I am so proud of you!!!"  Ana, a young 7th grader, has found her strength and I just know that she will be blessed for her courage to speak.

Always remember you are loved and prayed for ... YA YOU!!

Miss Dottie

PS  Charlie Chaplin said, "My pain may be the reason for somebody's laugh.  But my laugh must never be the reason for somebody's pain." Amen to you Mr. Chaplin, Amen!

1 comment:

  1. Recently, a young girl in Florida jumped to her death due to the relentless tormenting of peers. She texted a friend the night before her suicide, "I'm jumping! I can't take it anymore". I hope and pray that she jumped into the arms of God. If you read Rebecca Sedwick's story you will see the moments that family, friends, school mates, and school faculty could/should have stepped in to save this girl.

    Ana - I am so proud that you stood up for yourself, which has brought on more love and support. Keep being a voice for those that no longer have one....those who gave up their fight on life because of bullying. I pray for you-- I pray that others around you continue to love you for what you are inside!

    Mom~ thanks for the fantastic blog!
