Wednesday, October 23, 2013

The Colors of Autumn

October 23, 2013

Dear Readers,

The colors of Autumn bring me such a wonderful sandwich of warmth, serenity, and joy.  I was sitting outside this morning humming Autumn Leaves remembering the deepness of the colors of the landscape in Minnesota this time of year.  In Texas, we are fortunate to have a long Fall and, although the trees aren't quite as colorful, the flowers make up for that lack.  It's a time of cool evenings and warm days accompanied by the rustling of leaves falling to the ground.

“I'm so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers.” 
~LM Montgomery

Several years ago, I began transforming our barren back yard into my own little Eden.  I had to decide what shrubs, trees, and flowers to plant. I chose to gravitate towards the beauty of Spring and Fall simply because it's the time I am outside the most. The gardens have become more like English Country Gardens of whimsy as I plant specimens given to me by my neighbors, dig up alongside the road, and purchase on bargain tables.  Each stoned in area represents a different theme planted at a different time.  My gardens are works in progress.  My toughest challenge has been getting grass to grow. I did make progress on that this year and hopefully next Spring can fill in some bare spots.

“Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower.” 
~Albert Camus

Yesterday, I planted a few Violas and Pansies which will bloom until next April.  I just love their cute little faces.  I am trying Blood Meal for the first time so we'll see if it does what it says it will do ... stronger, more colorful plants.  The dogs went nuts smelling where I had watered it in.  Whether it is planting a new bush or flowers, they have to give it their okay. Some they leave alone ~ others they use to mark their territory. I'm not sure why they picked on my Gardenias ~ all but one has bit the dust!  The Azaleas they don't bother.

I didn't discover my passion for gardening until the early 1990's. Since then, it's been a roller coaster ride of trial and error.  Since I've moved so often and had to leave gardens behind for someone else to enjoy, I am hoping that I will be able to see my gardens here mature and flourish. I do not have a green thumb but what I do have is perseverance and determination!

“Autumn...the year's last, loveliest smile.” 
~William Cullen Bryant

Looking back over my life, I realize that my passions have changed with the seasons of my life.  Each has been so special leaving me with 
a resume' of varied goals, successes, and triumphs featuring my love of people, all things "pretty" that tell a story, animals, God, blogging, and ???.  I am still breathing which means today I might just happen upon a new passion.  When I stop growing, learning, and loving, my dust will be blowing in the wind heaven bound.

What makes your heart sing?  Is it music?  Physical activity?  A charity? We're all different and I love that.  I like learning what makes people tick and successful in whatever they are undertaking.  My daughter, Jane, started her own company offering contract pharmacy services. Instead of waiting around to see if her company would take off, she got dressed up and made calls to local pharmacies.  Her energy and passion as a pharmacist was catching and her days began filling up with new calls resulting in work!  She has a passion for her field of work and new doors are opening ... big doors!!

Speaking of the colors of Autumn, it's time for me to head to the meditation garden to read and let my furry kids get some exercise.  I've been trying to get them to fetch a ball but they all just sit and look at me like I am crazy.  Oh well... I'll take my camera and see if I can catch them doing something cute.

I always feel better getting out into the fresh air and sunshine.  Keeps my mind clear and my senses sharp!

Always remember you are loved and prayed for ... YA YOU!!

Miss Dottie

PS “I cannot endure to waste anything so precious as autumnal sunshine by staying in the house.”  ~Nathaniel Hawthorne

1 comment:

  1. Me too --I love it when it cools down in Florida, so I can enjoy fresh air and sunshine. I have been doing research for a start-up company and I'm quite productive when I move "my office" outside.

    By the way, I wish I could have been one of the lucky souls to buy one of your houses. The yards were breathtaking! I'm sure Bob has kept up Leameadow...hope the rest of the yards were maintained with love!
