Tuesday, October 15, 2013

The Blessing

October 15, 2013

Dear Readers,

Autumn has truly come to North Central Texas.  The rains soaking my gardens have also greened up the grass I have been trying to get going since last Spring.  The mums are giving birth to beautiful flowers of orange, red, yellow, white, and purple; the azaleas are giving me a preview of what Autumn Embers look like; and, the roses are filling out with buds.  I am a happy gardener!!

For awhile now, I have been battling pain in my lower back.  I had tried ignoring it and praying it away but for whatever reason, it just kept getting worse.  I knew I needed to make an appointment with the orthopedic doctor but procrastination became my middle name!  God chose not to heal my pain; however, He gave me something better.  He showed me how to move forward and trust as He worked His wonderful magic...

"Don't be afraid, for I am with you.  Don't be discouraged, for I am your God.  I will strengthen you and help you.  I will hold you up with my victorious right hand."
 ~~Isaiah 41:10 (NLT)

Last Friday, I received a phone call from my orthopedic doctor's nurse saying that Dr. C had been reviewing my file and wanted me to come in for a follow-up.  I looked towards the heavens and said, "Okay God, I hear you."  (Sometimes, I need a little nudge in the backside to get me going!)  I made the appointment for Monday (yesterday).

Yesterday, I got up, fed the furry kids, let them romp outside for awhile and headed north to Dallas.  It was raining but I listened to some music and the trip flew by.  I got to the clinic early,  filled out my follow-up paperwork, and before I knew it, I was in a pair of blue paper shorts and headed to x-ray for views of my neck and back.  Randy (PA) gave me a hug ... "Welcome back, stranger, how're you doing?"  He gave me the usual check up which brought tears to my eyes then looked at my xrays.  "I think you have something going on in the L3-4 plus some stenosis, let's see what Dr. C thinks."  Dr. C came in and we chatted awhile about what had been going on.  The good news was that the fusion in my neck had healed nicely and was stable!!  Yay!  The bad news was that there was something going on in my lower back.

Folks, this is where God really got things moving.  Dr. Carmody knew that I lived 2 hours south of the city.  He asked his scheduler to call to see about getting me in for an MRI later that day.  It was 11:05am.  Northland just had a patient do a no-show so I was on their doorstep by 11:30.  I filled out paperwork there and went right in for the MRI.  The radiologist just happened to have some free time so within 45 minutes I was headed out the door, disk in hand.  They were going to send the results over to Dr. Carmody's office for my 2:40pm appointment with him (another patient had cancelled because of the rain).

Can you believe it?  All that done ... bam, bam, bam.  I went back to get the results of the MRI and found out that the Spinal Stenosis is pretty advanced and that I have a bulging disk.  He was surprised that I had been doing all I had been doing (another God thing, I figure!) and put a plan in motion for me.  I will be having an epidural shot as soon as that can be arranged AND I will be doing some physical therapy.  He is trying to avoid another surgery but if that isn't possible what I have is fixable.  (Another blessing, wouldn't you say?)

My friend Etta loves my family.
I love that about her!!
I picked up a therapeutic pillow for my neck at Bed Bath & Beyond and headed back home. It was raining and I got stuck in traffic backup from an accident.  I was in pain, tired, and I guess I could have gotten frustrated and angry about inching my way through Dallas but I used the time to thank God for my day and how he had blessed every step opening doors so that my appointments went so smoothly.  I also was able to have lunch with one of my best friends, Etta, which was such a bright spot in my day.  I sure do miss her!!!  Can you believe it?  All this transpired between my 10:30am appointment and my departure time from Plano at 3:30pm!!

Hey gang,
Mom's home!
The pitter pat of raindrops sounded so soothing as I made my way home.  Sometimes, I like to raise holy hands as I listen to praise music (I do get some strange looks from folks in other cars sometimes!) and I was so at peace.  My furry kids had missed me and as I made my way from the car to the couch, I had 6 little rascals jumping up and down around me.  I sat down and Kennedy got up on the pillow behind me to my left; Toby got up on the pillow to my right; Zeke sat in my lap; Sadie sat on my feet; Ruffles sat on my left side; and, Harmony sat on my right side.  You'd think I'd been gone for days.  Michael brought me a Coke Zero and it was time to relax and enjoy the ambiance of a stormy evening.  Another blessing ... I had a family to come home to!

God never promises his children smooth sailing in this world.  What He does promise us is that He will give light to our feet, peace to our innermost being, and the hope that comes from resting in Him!  I'll bet if you just think about it, you will remember times that He has made the burden less heavy and the impossible possible.

"...But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength.  They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint."
~~Isaiah 40:31(NIV)

Always remember you are loved and prayed for ... YA YOU!!

Miss Dottie

PS  "Cultivate the habit of being grateful for every good thing that comes to you, and to give thanks continuously." ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

1 comment:

  1. Well that is just amazing! The rain that slowed traffic down and made your travels more difficult also made it possible for you to get an MRI done and reviewed by Dr. C. I love when things come together like that... I sure hope the epidural takes away the pain and that the PT can prevent / delay surgery.

    Love You!!!
