Friday, October 4, 2013

From the Heart

“If someone loves you, they should not be envious of you pouring your heart and soul and time and energy into the things that you are passionate about, but instead....they should love you MORE because you are so involved in those things.” ~Sharon Swan

October 4, 2013

Dear Readers,

It's an overcast gloomy day in North Central Texas.  We're supposed to get our first cold weather this weekend (into the 50's).  I spent over five hours yesterday feeding the roses and mums and making sure that everything had plenty of water.  I think I need to get some of that fertilizer that attaches to the hose rather than filling up my watering can over and over!  It was so nice to be outside though and drink in the fresh air.  My new Almond Bush gives off such a sweet wonderful aroma.  I found my senses heightened by the magic of Autumn!

I publish my blogs each year so my family has a record of what was going on in our lives and in the world around us.  Generations to come will be able to know what our family experienced separately and together.  I wish my forefathers would have kept diaries!

At present, I am reading the book, BONHOEFFER, written by Eric Metaxas. To those who have asked me what it is about ... Dietrich Bonhoeffer was a man with a passion for truth and a commitment to justice on behalf of those who faced implacable evil.  He was a German Lutheran pastor, theologian, dissident anti-Nazi and founding member of the Confessing Church.  Bonhoeffer died in 1945 in a German concentration camp. The book is one that I am devouring a sentence at a time ... so much savorful meat!

Winston Churchill said that the further back we can look, the farther forward we are likely to see.  I believe that ... unless there is an interruption of change, history does repeat itself whether in government, the general public, and, our own personal lives.  Once the locomotive gets going, it's hard to stop.  Hopefully, it goes forward in a positive motion but, more often than not, it hits a wall.  I know there are some who would prefer not to examine the past ~ to me, it has been instrumental in developing wisdom.

Headline 10~4~2013:  House lawmakers attempt to strike a deal with the Senate following the federal government shutdown Tuesday morning.

Senator caught napping during session
Our nation has been faced with a corrupt Democratic party, a corrupt Republican party, and a president who has been stubborn and unable to follow through on his campaign promises.  Are they to blame?  Well, we elected these men and women.  It's kind of a catch 22.  There is so much finger pointing going on that nothing is being accomplished. We may experience uprisings that this country has not seen in many years.  Many parts of our government have been shut down and our people suffer while our people in government collect their paychecks and continue to wreak havoc on our nation.  It would be nice if, we the people, could fire the whole lot erasing all their cushy pensions and perks.

I do not want to be a Chicken Little who runs about crying that the sky in falling.   I am a very logical thinking person who feels passionately about honesty, integrity, and morality. I attended Alanon for many years ~ a favorite saying, "Take what you can use and leave the rest." There are some people who get so defensive when challenged about their beliefs ~ personally, I like it.  I like people who are up front and speak their minds whether I agree or not.  I find I learn more when I am teachable and not so stubborn. Believe me, my mind (and heart) have been changed over the years.

I am so very grateful for my life and the opportunity to make a difference in my world.  I live as an open book ready to give an answer when asked, "What do you believe and stand for?"  I've made so many mistakes, made amends, and have kept moving forward.  There are days I look back and ask myself, "What were you thinking?"  Then, I realize that I had faulty thinking, bad tapes, and my life showed it. As I became teachable and open, a whole new world opened up and I am experiencing the blessings of a life changed.

Earlier this week, I had a marathon phone visit with my special daughter in Georgia.  We chatted about our bonding when she was a very young woman, our road of faith, her children, homeschooling, and the decorating process of her master bedroom.  There was a long period of time when we lost touch but now there has been a reawakening and our relationship has become even more precious.

Why did I insert that paragraph?  Because there is positiveness and good in this world and I know that I need to balance the darkness with that realization.  Life moves forward and I want to trust and have faith that there is joy each and every day.  Who can put a price on my laughter as I watch my grandsons play baseball, experience the rewards of my rescue dogren, keep track of my granddaughters and children?  Who can put a price on my faith, my friends, and my extended family and friends?  If my world should end quickly, I know where I am going and that my heart is in the right place.

Always remember that you are loved and prayed for ... YA YOU!!

Miss Dottie

PS  I always like to end my blogs with a positive quote.  Today, I'd like to share the cover of the Seven Oaks News that featured my new granddog, Sir Winston Corghill, and my granddaughter, Katrina.  I like these headlines!!  Oh, I love my family sooo much!!!


1 comment:

  1. I was listening to a podcast by Joel Osteen. He said that there is a reason the rear-view mirror on a car is so small and the windshield is large. He said what is behind us cannot be changed (small rear-view mirror) and we should focus on the big windshield (life) in front of us. I, like you, enjoy reading about my ancestors and history, to hopefully, make wiser decisions for my future. Yet, I can't get bogged down with regrets and could-of-should-of-would of's....

    Thanks for another thought-provoking blog!
