Wednesday, January 22, 2014

A little joy...

"I don't think of all the misery, but of the beauty that still remains." 
  ~Anne Frank,
the Diary of a Young Girl

January 15, 2014

Dear God,

You know how much I love my space in the cottage, Lord. Having my own playhouse gives me enough space to expand my creative juices and I cherish that.

Thank you for the sale of the clock at the Antique Mall and for the funds made available to purchase a small table to use as my desk in the cottage. Trying to type my blogs while balancing my computer on my knees was getting old ... my furry kids would walk across the keys trying to sit in my lap and I'd have quite a mess!  Now they just stand on the back of the sofa and peer over the computer at me!

Whatcha doin'? ~Zeke

Lana (antiques dealer) gets cartons from England and has the most amazing stuff in her booth at The Antique Mall. Since I love Country English and Country French pieces and accessories, it is my first stop when I walk through the door. I saw this little table tucked away and decided to check it out. Yes!! I thought it was just a small table BUT when we loaded it into the car, the top swiveled and opened to reveal a wonderful  game table. It is a wonderful addition to my cottage and is a welcome change to my being able to write undisturbed.  (The dogren do have a bed next to the table so they aren't far away!)

I've had a tough time adjusting to the yellow floral sofa I got for the cottage.  I am just not a pastel person and there have been times that I have just wanted to cover it with a white throw. Welllll, a few days ago, I went down into the storm cellar to check out my accessory cabinet. I found several blue and white pieces and decided to  them a try. I couldn't believe it, the deep blue seemed to deepen the fabric on the sofa and my aesthetic sense quieted. I think I was trying to go in a decorating direction that just wasn't working for me.

As a person charmed by design and balance, I love to play with the unusual incorporating it into my space. Sometimes it works and sometimes not. If what I am doing is making me edgy, I keep on until I get it right hauling out things from the storm shelter and combing antique stores, Goodwill, and garage sales. You wouldn't believe what I have uncovered in out of the way places! Michael and I visited a large antique store in the metroplex and found the costs to be exorbitant. Luckily, the steep pricing hasn't found it's way to small town America. A butter pat dish similar to one I bought here for 50 cents was $22 or more depending on who made them. They do make lovely places to set rings or earrings when I'm too lazy to take them to my jewelry hanger.

There are some people who travel the world and a part of me would like to do that too. There are some people who pay mucho bucks to sit on the 50 yard line at the Cowboys football games and a part of me would like to do that too. More than anything though, I love to motor to different towns in Texas and scour through the stores off the beaten pathways looking for a needle in a haystack bargain. I love original oil paintings and things that have the patina of age. I love a piece with a story that makes me smile. My space is my friend!! My love languages are quality time and words of affirmation; sooo, most of all I enjoy having visitors and just being with people.

As I have grown older, it's taken less and less to amuse me, satisfy my longings, and make me smile. A little joy goes a long way in making my heart sing. I've always been a voracious reader and truly revel in the days that my thinking isn't foggy from the Fibro and I can feast upon the pages. I am now finishing up on the book BONHOEFFER.  Ooohhhh, it's a great book.

Lord, BONHOEFFER has gotten me thinking about so many things going on now in our country. I totally understand why there should be separation of church and state BUT not God and state. There is a big difference. The moral compass of our country is a strong indication of who will be elected and welcomed as President of the United States. I am praying that a man or woman of strong moral character with the knowledge needed to lead a country into prosperity will come to the surface. I don't care whether he or she is a Democrat, Republican, or Independent. To study history is so important because history tends to repeat itself. I am always surprised at the number of people who are willing to sell their souls to the devil for a promised quick fix.

I have a very sick husband today ~~ we spent the entire morning at the doctor's office. I pray that you, as the great physician, would calm the spasms that wrack his body. I also want you to send your best angels to watch over my family, friends, and readers. There have been specific people that you have put before me for prayer and I am grateful to be an intercessor on their behalf. My daughter, Jill, has the dreaded flu as do so many in our part of the country. Be their chicken soup, Father, and heal their respiratory systems and every other part of their bodies that ache.


Miss Dottie

PS  You know, Lord, that sometimes when I talk to you my thoughts ramble on from this to that. The good news is that first of all we talk and secondly, I know you can follow my ramblings. How cool is that!!

"Joy is the infallible sign of the presence of God."
~Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

1 comment:

  1. The cottage has your fingerprint! I love the intentional decorating--there isn't anything inconsequential.

    I pray for Michael's health, as well as yours. I am also asking God to bless him with a job--one that pays the bills, yet also gives him purpose and passion.

    Have a blessed day~
