Friday, January 3, 2014

Migraine Madness

January 3, 2014

Dear God,

It's me, Miss Dottie ... It's two o'clock in the morning and my head feels like it's going to come off my shoulders. The migraine started last evening and before many minutes had passed, it was thundering through my head like a locomotive. The slightest sound became a mighty gong and all I could do was pull a blanket over my head in insure complete darkness and wait it out. Kennedy and Zeke climbed under the covers with me and began nuzzling. Funny how they know when I am totally spent. I took a pain pill to numb the surging currents but all that did was make me sick to my stomach and itch like crazy. Aughhh. I wonder if some people who were considered "mad" simply had continuous migraines.

Lord God, I know that you are with me no matter what I am going through and I hold fast to that promise. For those fellow travelers that experience migraines they know exactly what I am talking about. The thought of "Lord just get me though this" falls from my lips with pleading.

One thing that does give me comfort is claiming your promises knowing you don't lie! John 14:27 tells me: "I am leaving you with a gift ~ peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give. So don't be troubled or afraid."

As a Stephens Minister, I have great empathy for those plodding through the trials of this life (including those who have migraines). Having led a shame based life, I also needed to learn to have empathy for myself and cut myself some slack.  You know, Lord, I've learned a lot these many years. Confess ... Atone ... Turn around and live differently.  All that has equaled PEACE and REFRESHMENT.

I was thinking about Paul the other day ~ you know him well, Lord. The Paul that was Saul in the New Testament, the murderer of Christians. You tapped him on the shoulder and he was transformed and became the greatest missionary ever. Don't you suppose there were folks who remembered him in his younger years and said, "He's a murderer, a shiester, I hate him and will never forgive." God, you forgave him and used his past, present, and future to your glory. Paul couldn't change his past BUT he moved beyond knowing that he had work to do for the Kingdom.

"The God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet
The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you." 
~Romans 16:20

I'm so glad you're my bestie, Lord and that we can do life together. I want the Readers of my blogs to know you what lilike I know you. I just finished reading the book, HEAVEN IS FOR REAL and I believe that Colton experienced a bit of life after death. There were two times in my life when I looked down from above and experienced the brightness of heaven ... when my son was born and another time when I had my first real date with my ex-husband. I was an adult and found it difficult to explain without people looking at me like I was nuts. I can imagine how people looked at a four year old boy. I am anxious to see how Colton uses his experience as he grows up. For me, they were life-changing experiences and I will forever be grateful that I got that glimpse...

My eyes are hurting looking at the screen and, although my headache is better, it has left me with a residual dull ache. I will close my eyes and the thought of angels watching over me will bring me slumber ~ I just know it will.

Miss Dottie

PS  To my Readers:  "What we are is God's gift to us. What we become is our gift to God."~Eleanor Powell

1 comment:

  1. Mom,

    ??? I didn't know you had those experiences-- give more details!

    Migraines can be debilitating; prayers are with you for a happy and healthy 2014.

