Wednesday, January 15, 2014

From whence I came

January 15, 2014

Dear God,

The sun is shining so brightly I think I will need sunglasses to survey my gardens today! I love winter in Texas ... the periods of cold and the times of warmth and sun.

You tell me that I should be grateful in all things and, although I sometimes doubt that, in the end I would agree.  I've been too busy to read much over the past couple years and found that my mind had grown stagnant and less positive.  The dark cloud of Fibromyalgia landed on me with a vengeance last Friday and really knocked me on my butt.  I used my cane for a couple days but, in the end, I knew I needed to call "uncle" and just rest.

1Thessalonians 5:18 ~ "In every thing give thanks for this is the
will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you."

My son and family were here last Saturday (for a very late Christmas celebration) and he was mentioning that he had read Bill O'Reilly's KILLING JESUS.  He made it sound really interesting so I picked it up at Walmart.  I'd also started the Keith Craft's book, YOUR DIVINE FINGERPRINT and decided to finish that.  Sooo, for several days, I just rested and read.  Both books were so enlightening and truly fed my soul.  I still have a stack of books to read and am resolved to tackle them a chapter at a time each day.  I love to read so that won't be a momentous task. Today, I am feeling pumped about life in general.

In chapter 12 of YOUR DIVINE FINGERPRINT, Keith Craft talks about his family's foundation.  It really got me thinking of how, I too, was blessed to have parents who thought it was important for me to have a spiritual foundation.  Although my family was not religious ~ nor did we pray as a family ~ it was the glue that held us together.  I was enrolled in the toddler program when I was about 3 and continued classes until I graduated from high school.  Church was not forced on me but it was assumed that we would be attending every Sunday.  I had a Sunday best dress and a pair of Sunday best shoes that were layed out on my bed every Saturday night.  The Pederson family BELONGED to Glenwood Lutheran Church for several generations.  We didn't go to be entertained but to be fed AND to be of service.  In my case, it was true ~ train up a child in the way he would go and he will never depart from it. My faith has always been my foundation in life and when the storms rage, I've never felt alone.  My favorite song is The Anchor Holds by Ray Bolz. It's really the song about my life.

Proverbs 22:6 ~ "Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it." 

I always have enjoyed learning and growing as a person. As a relationship coach/professional matchmaker, I wanted to be the best and read every book available to enlighten me. As an interior designer, I have always loved making my home comfy and beautiful and have studied every magazine, book, and television show gaining knowledge from the best of the best. I like finding ways to do the undoable and touching people's lives for Christ. You know what? I've stepped out in faith many a time, failed miserably more often than I can count, and continued in my journey towards inner peace, joy, and passion. Now, I am learning how to garden and boy it's been tough. I gain momentum from spending time with passionate people who are willing to go that extra mile.  I get that joy, joy, joy, joy, down in my  heart.  (Smile)

Today, I am continuing on in my 2014 resolutions to REFRESH! I must say that it is working for even though I've gone through grief in losing Sadie, there is so much life around me with the Fabulous 5. I will never forget my Sadie girl and every day I laugh remembering some little thing she used to do. I find that when I am deep in thought remembering, there is one (or more) of the puppies to nudge me and bring me back into the present. I am blessed.

As my readers begin their days, I pray, Father, for their good health, for their strained finances, for their troubled relationships, and for their inner peace. They need to know they are loved and prayed for so thank you for those you put in my heart and in my path of life.


Miss Dottie

PS  Am meditating on your living word today, Lord.  It is so true...

"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." 
~ Philippians 4:13


1 comment:

  1. Mama - I'm assuming you are referring to 2014 resolutions...not 1914 - although you are a person that perseveres.

    Keep in mind (the adage) An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure-- listen to your body and slow down when needed! The dog hair, garden watering / tending, dust, clutter, etc. will be there tomorrow, so it's okay to rest today!! Pass the baton to a willing and able friend / family member. I wish I lived closer to help--it would feel good to pay back some of the assistance you have given me through the years.

    Take care ~ stay warm!
