Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Cashmere Bouquet

"Anyone's life truly lived consists of work, sunshine, exercise, soap, 
plenty of fresh air, and a happy contented spirit."
 ~ Lillie Langtry

January 29, 2014

Dear God,

It's a great morning in North Central Texas! Thank you for a great night's sleep. I'm feeling good today and ready to take on the world!!

A couple weeks ago, I tagged along with my friend, Beverly, when she went to Waco. There was a new 99 Cent Store that opened next to Hobby Lobby and she wanted to check it out. I must say I was impressed and couldn't believe the bargains.

As we were walking up and down the aisles, I couldn't believe how much 99 cents bought. Quite by accident (my purse fell off the cart and I bent down to grab it), the bar soaps caught my eye. There sitting on the shelf was Cashmere Bouquet (2 bars for 99 cents). I picked up the box and sniffed. Oh gosh, that scent took me back to my Grandmother Maggie's bathroom. There on the pedestal sink base would be a fresh bar of Cashmere Bouquet ... another bar would be sitting in the holder hooked to the claw foot tub. Just like when my children get a whiff of Youth Dew, the memory of that scent flooded my mind with smiles. Grandma ALWAYS smelled so good and always of Cashmere Bouquet.

I HAD to have this special soap and couldn't wait until bath time to unwrap a precious bar. In fact, the soap was all I purchased and put a bar in my purse. I would take it out every now and then and breathe in. Ahhhhhh... When I got home, I showed Michael my treasure. He looked at me like I was nuts ... guess Cashmere Bouquet is a girl thing! He he At any rate, I not only had one but TWO bars of soap.

Bath time came a little early that evening (on purpose). I unwrapped a bar, put it in my soap holder, and set about getting set for a good soak. The soap lathered up nicely and gave off a warm scent. I was like a pig in a sty only my sty was a tub filled with frothy bubbles. I scrubbed, I rubbed, and I drank in the fragrance of yesteryear. I dried myself off and ... well, I usually use a body lotion after my bath and didn't have any unscented to keep that lovely scent about me. Bummers...

Well, wouldn't you know ... the soap dried out my skin and made my face and eyes itch. Within a couple hours I looked red as a beet and was miserable. What?? I was sure that when I stayed or visited with Grandmother Maggie I washed my hands and face. I was completely deflated. Cashmere Bouquet would need to be a remembrance of my sweet grandmother but not me.

Isn't that just the way things go sometimes? We remember something as being wonderful but when we go back to relive or retry, it's not cracked up to be what we expected. Ok, ok, Lord, I hear you chuckling up there. You're telling me that remembering isn't bad but now is now and I need to blaze my own paths and dream my own dreams. I get it, I get it!! It's Youth Dew by Estee Lauder and Red Door by Elizabeth Arden that are moi!!

What do you think about this, Lord? I signed up for so that I could complete my paperwork for joining the Daughters of the American Revolution (my mother's side). They have a DNA service and I am thinking of doing it. I know more about my paternal genealogy simply because they were 100% Norwegian. It's my maternal heritage that I wonder about. I can trace the Hall side (grandfather) but not so much the Hollenbeck/Dunbar line (grandmother). I'm always up for an adventure!! Only thing is that once I start shaking that family tree who knows who is going to fall out. Isn't that the purpose though??!!

Today is a new day (sans Cashmere Bouquet) ... sigh. It is mighty cold out there so I did my morning soak in my tub adding some bath oil then slathered on lots of Youth Dew body butter. My skin feels so soft and I have a gentle scent wrapping my body like a cocoon. Best of all, I don't itch!!!

Father in Heaven, I love you ... everything about you, fills me with such joy. I know you are watching over me and my Readers paving the way for a wonderful day. No matter what happens, I know you are in control. My part? Love ... Hope ... Faith ... ACTION!! Help me Lord to think of some things to pass your love to my five "Pass It Forward" folks. Each is so precious to me and, I know, to you as well.


Miss Dottie

PS To my Readers: So often it's the little things in life that we remember about those who have touched our lives ~ a scent, a smile, a kindness. I have been so fortunate to have had many people who have left their unique fingerprint on me ~ mind, body, and soul. We never know, do we, when we wake in the morning how important our presence could be to another soul walking beside us on this road of life. Let's keep our eyes open to what God is doing all around us. So often, it seems so ... ordinary. However, there are times he does something spectacular. Don't miss it because you weren't watching!

I only look innocent! ~Zeke
Oops, gotta run, I just saw a little white furry kid running through the cottage with a roll of paper towels in his mouth. Yesterday, he got a hold of the toilet paper ... he's a rascal BUT oh he gives me such joy!!

Enjoy your day!!

1 comment:

  1. Your blog gave me a chuckle...more than once I've super-sized a memory. I'm curious what your DNA will reveal....keep us in the loop!

