Sunday, June 22, 2014


June 21, 2014

Dear God,

It's late, almost Sunday. I've been missing connecting with you and need to remember that if I am too busy for You, I am too busy ... period! I will be seeing you in church tomorrow and am excited about that.

The days seem to go by faster and faster. I've been trying my best to work each day keeping "work" in balance. I have this tendency to get so focused that I get lost doing one thing which has been baking, canning, and creating. I am enjoying my time in the kitchen preparing for each Saturday Farmers Market. You truly have blessed me with "be back" customers and sell outs. Lord, we just need more people to visit the market. Some vendors are pulling out and heading for bigger markets. Our little town desperately needs to become a destination. Maybe you could put that on your to do list!!?? Thank you.

There's some stuff whirling around in my mind and I'm not even exactly sure how to write all my thoughts and feelings down but I'm going to try. Ahem (clear my throat aka my fingers) ... here goes:

Several weeks ago, I was so sad and I was ready for You to take me home. No, I wasn't suicidal, just really burned out and tired. This crazy journey that started in New Tampa, Florida has taken me on some winding roads and I've been soaking in blessings and encouragement and showing up for life whether I feel like it or not. I've been making plans and sometimes those plans have been interrupted; yet, surprisingly enough, I am gracefully accepting those hiccups as just pesky speed bumps. My mood and thoughts have been elevated and my joy barometer has been shooting up. Yay!!

Over the past year, I have become friends with a woman with the most beautiful smile and spirit. Believe it or not, we met on Facebook through my adoption of Zeke. Our relationship has been like a beautiful flower and I am amazed at how You, my precious Lord have orchestrated our meetings and the encouragement and support we have to offer one another. Today, Kat and her pastor hubby Jay came to support our Farmers Market and me too! She brought me some cookbooks and included a little card. As I shared a snippet of my story with her, tears welled up in her eyes and she said I would understand more of our connection when I read the card. Inside the card was a beautiful gold "D" to wear on a chain. Only the Woman at the Well (me) could understand what You were trying to say to both of us. As for me, I am overwhelmed with gratitude.

Lord Jesus, who are we to even begin to comprehend how you use our fellow travelers to enrich and bless our lives. I pray that my Readers would know that in taking those first steps that they would find joy in the journey. Our pasts become our stories ... our stories move us on to be better people. Serenity and peace comes from forgiveness. Open hearts have room for love. I know first hand, that hurt hearts can be healed by your loving grace. Let us be open to the knowledge of your will for our lives. This night is so dark ~ it almost feels like a cloak about me. I look up from my keyboard and see a light. The light draws me out into the garden and I smile. Even in the darkness there is a dimly lit sense of beauty to be unveiled in tomorrow's light. Bless my Readers, Father, letting them know how much I love them and cherish their faithfulness. Help me be an encourager, a light to brighten the darkness of my fellow man's sadness. Amen!

Miss Dottie

NOTE TO READERS: As midnight draws nigh, I think of the events of the day and wish I could bottle what I am feeling right now. For so long, I retreated into my own world afraid of the very people who could wrap their arms around me and love me. Today, I want to raise my arms and shout. Come on!! The scars are still there but I am not ashamed. Freedom ... pass it on!

1 comment:

  1. You're living proof that people can continue to grow, heal, and learn in their 60's (and probably until life is done). How wonderful that you have met some wonderful folks through the farmer's market, as well as dog rescue groups. God is truly blessing you with what you needed most; love, friendship, a place to worship, and purpose.

    Keep soaring!
