Saturday, June 14, 2014

It's Saturday Night

June 14, 2014

Dear God,

I come before you tonight with humble gratitude for all you have blessed me with the past weeks. I cannot begin to even comprehend all that you have in store for me in the coming days and months. Believe me, I am hanging on to my hat 'cause I know I am in for one heck of a ride. Be with my Readers as they experience their own highs and lows. My prayer list grows larger each day as I learn of new needs, new illnesses as well as those still in crisis. Please God, minister to each and every one of those reading my blogs. Allow me to be an instrument of encouragement and light. I truly believe that the best way to get "out of myself" is to get into helping others. I am reminded, as we do for others, it shall be done unto us. (Matthew 7:12) Your heavenly angels are on watch tonight ... let us never forget that!! Jesus, holy Jesus, God in man, man in God ~ our example, our hope knowing you will never leave us nor forsake us. (Deuteronomy 31:6) Amen!

Miss Dottie


I am sitting here pondering the events of the past weeks. Who would have thought that my trip to Florida would have such a monumental influence. Loving arms, joyous events, and a sermon by a pastor who would have no idea the impact his message would have on my life.

All I really know for sure is that when God takes me to my lowest lows and I humbly come before him and others, there's something brewing in River City. And, I also know when God moves in my life, he moves mightily!! With sweat running down my brow and my knees knocking I know for sure that my God is working behind the scenes. Sabers are rattling, horses snorting, and infantrymen stand ready to charge with one simple command! 

The parable about the Woman and the Oil has been at the forefront of my mind. I have been living this parable every day meditating on it's message. When I began to take my wares to the Farmer's Market, I knew that God was asking me to use what I had. I did that in week one and had success. Week two I got a little bold and bought more than my budget could afford and my sales were way down. There was that niggling little voice ... "I told you to use what you had and be humble." Okay, okay...

This week, I struggled with whether to keep on going to the Farmer's Market and didn't start preparing until yesterday. I finally cried "Uncle" to my negative thinking wondering if Satan was behind all my defeating thoughts. I prayed and opened my cupboards, freezer, and refrigerator. I set all these items I had out on the counter and opened my cook books looking for recipes that had those specific ingredients. I put "self" on automatic and began to sift, stir, and create. Readers, I could have baked for days. What had I been thinking? By late evening, I took my batch of Mexican Wedding Cookies out of the oven and slumped down in my chair too pooped to pop ... or at least bake any more.

Iris Cottage opened at 8 this morning and by 10:30 I was nearly sold out of everything: bath salts, doggie treats, Mexican Wedding Cake Cookies, and 3 kinds of muffins (Honey-White, Sweet Pecan, Blueberry). In fact, I had several "be backs" which are the sweetest kind of customers! It's funny how the Farmer's Market works ~ I had several come and ask if I was the lady with the wedding cookies because they'd heard how good they were. Same happened with the dog treats. Word of mouth ~ best ever marketing tool!

Before the Farmer's Market opens, I like to go down the rows silently praying for blessings for the vendors and taking photos. I am greeted with smiles and well wishes. I do my shopping for my vegetables and fruits knowing I am supporting those who support me. Thank you Mr. Majestic Farmer for the extra peaches you gave me today!! They won't go to waste.

As an independent strong woman, I've always prided myself on being able to rise to most any occasion and not only survive, but thrive. God hates pride and, I must admit, my pride has always came before a fall. I'd think I had everything covered and wham, I didn't. That being said, this week, I became naked before my family allowing them to see my fears, tears, and hopes. My old tapes of "you're not worthy" continue to haunt me and it is so hard for me to accept gifts and help. I am the giver ... I am the helper. That's been me, period. I've learned though that has made me a prime target for takers and for times of great pain. Oh yes, there will always be those who drain the blood of life then leave BUT once I figured out that it wasn't wrong to stand up for myself, things have begun to get much better. I needed to learn to be more selfish (in a good way).

Tonight, my faithful furry kid, Kennedy, is cuddled close to my side. Since my trip to Florida, he has been paranoid that I am leaving (again). Today, I was only gone a few hours at the Farmer's Market and when I got home he wailed like I've never heard him do before. He has to be touching me ~ even his potty calls are short and zip he is back waiting for us to go back in. From the moment I met Kennedy, he adopted me and together, we've had this mutual admiration thing going. Readers, if you're going to adopt a new pet, don't overlook the ones who might not be the cutest thing around. I cringe when I think that if I'd have gone to look at several dogs, I would not have adopted  Kennedy. It was meant to be.

G'night y'all from Kennedy and me!!

1 comment:

  1. “Owning our story can be hard but not nearly as difficult as spending our lives running from it. Embracing our vulnerabilities is risky but not nearly as dangerous as giving up on love and belonging and joy—the experiences that make us the most vulnerable. Only when we are brave enough to explore the darkness will we discover the infinite power of our light.”
    ― BrenĂ© Brown

    Thank you for opening up....your transparency shows that you trust and have faith in your family.

