Sunday, June 22, 2014

Shut up and sit down!

Heroes by Branded
(the music group at church today)

June 22, 2014

Dear God,

I woke up to the pitter patter of rain on the roof of the cottage. What an amazing sound ... I wanted to pull the covers back up over my head but my furry kids had other ideas ... Time TO E-A-T!! They don't like rain so I had an armful of fur as I made my way to the house. A steaming hot cup of coffee was just what I needed to wipe the cobwebs out of my eyes!! I feel like a young sleep deprived mom ~ my pack goes to bed early and wakes up early. We need to get on the same page for sure!!

This morning will be blessed with toe tappin' country music and a preacher that speaks from his Texas heart. I will finish this blog when I get home... (I wonder if I can get in a 30 min power nap before I need to pull on my Sunday best?? Gonna try...) ZZZ you later!

3:00 PM: Well I am disgusted! I had planned to take photos at church today and was all pumped. Wouldn't you know, the battery in my camera pooped out. I did get one photo and next Sunday will do better.

I made a HUGE decision today, Lord. You're not surprised 'cause You knew all along what I was going to do. There are times when I just know what the right thing is to do and to "just do it" seems quite natural.

Anyway, back to my decision: I took the bull by the horns this morning and filled out the paperwork to join the Open Range Cowboy Church. How about that?! It's not always about what I am going to get from church ~ it's about finding a place where I can serve. I met a lady by the name of Nancy and am looking forward to seeing her Wednesday morning at their women's group (WOW). (Sigh) I'm feeling content this afternoon knowing that I now have a heavenly home here on earth.

The group, Branded, led worship today and, I must say, it was like going to a lively country western concert. They travel the world and their music is so soulful. They wrote and recorded the song Heroes and sang it today. There sure was a lot of sniffling going on ~ me included. I just had to share it with You and my Readers. Bless their ministry Lord!!

Reverend Dudley was on fire from the pulpit! There's just something about him and his style of preaching that puts me on the edge of my seat. Is it his no nonsense manner? Is it his larger than life presence up on that stage? I dunno ~ what I do know is that I took notes and plan to follow through on my end.

God, you tell us to shut up, sit down, and listen to You. ("Be still, and know that I am God;" Ps 46:10) Why? Well, in chaos we can't hear what you're saying and we certainly can't wrap our arms around what is happening around us. There are times in the past couple weeks that I've been so busy that when night comes I'm almost too tired to crawl into my bed. I need that stillness, Father. I need that time with You to refuel my tank and check my road map. As I have said many a time, "If I am too busy to put You first in my life, I am wayyyy too busy."

Today's blessings are many and I thank you Lord. I pray that my Readers will find their own church homes where they can raise holy hands in worship. I pray that all of us would remain teachable examining our own thoughts, words, and actions. May our country return to you as our Savior and Redeemer. When I listened to the words of the song, Heroes, I thought about my cousin Jim's son who was killed in action in Afghanistan ... thank you my God for birthing the words of that song through Branded and for touching so many lives through their music. Let us all take some time to be still and listen for the whisper of your voice. As for me, I'm going to light a candle and do some meditating. It's amazing what I hear with my eyes closed and my mind open. Amen!

Miss Dottie  

NOTE TO READERS:  I read this somewhere ~ You can't be one person on Sunday and another on Monday without God knowing it. He checks his pastures every day. You may fool me or even fool yourself but you're not going to fool God. It's "Son"day, a day to rest, worship, and listen to what God has to say about his will for my life and yours in the new week!

For you, my precious Readers, always know that you are cared and prayed for. Feeling like all's right in my world and passing on the love!!

1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful song! I looked up the group on my computer and bought one of their songs from iTunes. It's a peppy, uplifting medley of hymns. That's really cool that they played at your church.

    I need to act upon your words. It isn't often that I slow down to spend some time with God. My life could benefit from daily quiet time.

    Have a wonderful day!
