Saturday, June 28, 2014

Don't get your knickers in a knot!!

June 28, 2014

Dear God,

Wheee, it's Saturday and I'm feeling like a rebel. You're probably going to laugh, but now I think I need a Texas flag. When I saw the horsemen and parade participants carrying the flags in the 4th of July parade here last 4th, I got a lump in my throat just thinking about the amazing country and state I live in. I've been here since 1970 ~ Houston, Plano, San Antonio, Frisco, McKinney, and now, Hillsboro. be totally honest I've liked them all for different reasons.

I decided that rather than stay up all night to prepare for the Farmer's Market today I would take care of my aching body and gear up for next Saturday. It's been so nice just to nap, read, soak in my claw foot tub and fiddle around in the cottage. The crazy dogren were up at their usual break of dawn hour but I fed them, took them out for their potty call, and climbed back into bed. Thank goodness they are rather self-sufficient and will use the wee wee pad if they need to.

Harmony has had this thing about flies. She sees one then goes about the cottage woofing at anything she thinks is a fly. Last night she got up on the sofa with me and saw a fly buzzing around the light bulb under the lamp shade ... she was bound and determined to get that fly. Her fur got all puffied out and she got herself into a real tizzy. I just sat beside her laughing ... she's the most vocal of all my pups ~ one pushy broad!

We're all kind of like Harmony, we see something that is out of place, something perceived as threatening, or maybe we even experience a "bite" or an "ouch" in life. Next time we encounter that thing or experience we get our knickers in a knot, get our feathers ruffled and start our woofing. Kennedy got bit on his paws by some kind of insect in the grass ... now he sits around staring at his feet and legs just waiting ~ day after day, he waits... We call him our paranoid boy!

To be aware is is a good thing, to be on guard in the face of danger is a good thing, to learn from the events in life that shape us in a good thing. To be expecting the worst is not such a good thing. To look upon ALL of a certain race or creed because of what some do is not a good thing. My mother was very prejudiced against blacks. I don't know why ... every time I asked her about it, she would just say, "I just don't like them." I wonder what she thinks now that she is in Heaven as she looks down upon me who has friends of every shape, color, and creed. Somehow I think she is smiling at her independent thinking first born...

"Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves:
be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves."
~Matthew 10:16

Father, as I pray this morning I am so aware of what's going on in this world. It grieves my heart to know that some children are being groomed to maim, murder, and be targets in the name of God (whatever God is to different people). Help us to be wise and discerning about what we read, watch, and who we listen to. As your children, help us to reach out and grab on to those struggling mentally, financially, and spiritually. There are times when we are the only kindness a fellow traveler in life sees and experiences. Can we be springboards of peace, love, and benevolence? With the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, I know we can. The news has been so focused on war, perceived acts of war, and the depravity of man. Jesus, I know you are grieved at how far your people have fallen. With each soul that falls in battle whether they are fighting a war or just encumbered by the woes of life, your tears fall. Raise up young men and women who are godly, wise, and have strength in their step and clarity in their purpose. There are times when I am so ashamed of our President and members in Congress and other politicians. What a den of thieves they have become. Politics is dirty business ~ let's clean it up!! Amen!! I pray for those who feel like they are all alone, for the widows and widowers, for the minds of our young ones, for the well being of our retirees facing their senior years... I pray for the release of anxiety for the Harmony's and Kennedy's of this world who are chasing flies and waiting for that next chigger to bite. Move us to action ... loving, lifting, giving.. Amen, Lord Jesus, Amen!

Miss Dottie

NOTE TO READERS: The Internet is a beautiful thing for doing research, finding fabulous recipes, and, of course, Facebook has been loads of fun. So many times, I read a quote and it sticks. This one by Allen Hunt seems appropriate for today:

"When you suffer, you are being conformed to the image of Jesus. When you pray, you are being made holy in the image of Jesus. When you quietly serve a person in need, you are being shaped into the image of Jesus. When you generously give, your heart is being remade into the image of Jesus, our Lord and Savior."

There is no person on earth I would rather be like!!

Now ... I am off to play outside in the dirt ~ Wishing y'all a bountiful, blessed, joyful Saturday. Sunday is just around the corner and I am looking forward to a little toe taping fun, meeting new friends, and hearing a great sermon. Yeehaw!!

1 comment:

  1. Propaganda breeds fear! Your mom grew up in a different world and, thank goodness, views have changed. I always trust my heart and judge based on "feeling". Trash comes in all colors. To each their own, yet I believe that my gut instinct is from God. I believe an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure - LISTEN to what God is telling you.

