Friday, June 27, 2014

There is a time...

June 27, 2014

Dear God,

Well, hello there. Where in the world has this day gone? I got up extra early with the "crew" and did some tidying up outside.

I thoroughly enjoy early morning hours ... give me a hot cup of coffee, a nice cushy chair, and a bird's eye view of the dogren and the gardens and I am a happy camper!

Some time ago, I had gotten an American Flag and was bound and determined to get it up on the cottage. I decided that day would be today. Where there's a will, there's a way is my motto.

I sat down and looked at the parts to put up the flag. It didn't look too difficult. The packet included 4 thingamajigs that didn't look like they would work on solid wood so I threw those away. I eyeballed the holder to the left of the single door and marked the hole positions with a pen. I drilled holes for the screws, put the bracket back up, and screwed the screws in. Ah yes, satisfaction!! The American Flag is now flying and every time I will go in that door, I will think about our fine country.

Today's been one of those days. Ruffy decided to make the kitchen her private bathroom for the day (mop, mop, mop); my jelly didn't jell (??); Zeke managed to make off with a bag of doggie treats (no supper for him, he was stuffed!); I ran out of sugar, whole wheat flour, milk (no car at home); the hose sprang a leak, and on and on. Tomorrow is the Farmer's Market and, although I have been making something every day, I still have a lot to do ... wedding cookies, another batch of doggie treats, and all my labels. My body hasn't been cooperating today and I am aching from head to toe. My mind over pain isn't working like I want it too. I have been doing really, really well lately so I guess I shouldn't complain. My bones may just need a rest. The Farmer's Market is having a big push on July 5 so I need to be set for that.

We sure have had some crazy weather. Usually by this time of the summer, we have had some 100 degree days. It's been quite pleasant and the rain has been wonderful. I did get some spray for my roses to help with the black spot so that's on my to-do list now. My little pixie roses are blooming and they're so cute!! The buds & roses are so tiny. I hope that they will be around until Fall.

Ordinary days can be quite nice. It's days like today that make me stop, smile, and just go with the flow. My little companions have been underfoot following me around wherever I go. I laughed ~ I have a stool in the kitchen that I use to get "things" from the shelves that I can't reach. Anyway, I was sitting on the stool peering in at the doggie treats that were baking and almost done. I looked down and saw ten little eyes staring at me. They were so attentive and I felt like I should have had a book to read to them. Must have been the familiar aroma. "Mom takes those treats out of the oven and if we're lucky she'll give us some when they cool." Couldn't disappoint them ... of course, they each got a savory cookie!

Lord, I know there is a time to work and a time to rest. I know that you lead me along this road of life holding me closely. I am at kind of a strange place. My steps are shorter and I tire more easily these days. My doctor is amazed at my energy level but I think about the energy I had ten years ago and think I should be able to keep up that pace. Maybe, just maybe, I'm not supposed to. Do you think that I should savor my days more and do more of less? (That was a mouthful but I think you get my drift!)

Gosh, I sound like I am 80 don't I. (Smile) I am a busy person ~ always have been. Today, I decided that my to-do list needs to be less each day. It's going to be okay to take a book out in the back part of the garden & take a snooze in between chapters if the mood strikes. It's going to be okay to sip on some tea spiked with mint from my herb garden and stare at the beautiful clouds as they hover. Yes, Father, I think that is what you've been trying to tell me.

Lord, I thank you for my tiredness and pain that remind me that I am going too fast and doing too much. I know I have readers like me that are energizer bunnies on the fast track here and there and everywhere. Help us to slow our lives down to savor each moment. On my drive to WOW on Wednesday morning, I meandered down the country roads every now and then looking upward at the sky. I saw so many faces in those clouds ~ people, your people, needing prayer and uplifting. Just to be able to lift up my brothers and sisters in Christ is such an honor. Fill those needing encouragement, heal those who are sick, unleash your mightiest warriors to come beside those lifting their arms out to you. You are our Savior, the one who redeems our lives day after day. Peace ... may peace come to us all! Amen.

Miss Dottie

NOTE TO READERS: "Instead of saying "I don't have time" try saying "it's not a priority," and see how that feels. Often, that's a perfectly adequate explanation. I have time to iron my sheets, I just don't want to. But other things are harder. Try it: "I'm not going to edit your resume', sweetie, because it's not a priority." "I don't go to the doctor because my health is not a priority." If these phrases don't sit well, that's the point. Changing our language reminds us that time is a choice. If we don't like how we're spending an hour, we can choose differently." ~Wall Street Journal

I read this quote and thought about it a long time today. Life truly is about setting priorities and making time for what's important. There are times when we squeeze the livin' daylights out of every single moment then at the end of our days look back and say, "What happened?"

1 comment:

  1. Yes, listen to your body and slow down if needed. It seems when people push themselves too far it backfires. The Farmer's Market will be there every Saturday, so if you need to take a week or two off, life will go on. I'm here for you always--

