Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Romancing Self

June 10, 2014
Tuesday Evening

Dear God,

Come on in and sit beside me. I want to feel your presence as we chat about my day and pray for Readers across the globe. I want to put my hands in yours and feel your healing grace. I want to look deep into your eyes and see the kindness that wells up from your heart. I just want to be with you!

As you well know, I decided to romance Self today. I'm such a sentimental, soft lady with a tendency to think of everyone else's needs except my own. I go and go until there's no more get up in my go! I can always tell when my romance barometer is low ... I start feeling really lethargic, depressed, and out of sorts. Time to refill my cup!

Can a tomboy girl from Minnesota enjoy the refinement of crystal, lace, bubble baths, and soft music? I would say so!! I love my long skirts, boots, and jeans as much as any Texan does; and, for sure, I love digging in the dirt and rough-housing with my furry kids. However, when the sun sets, it's time to smell those proverbial roses and soften my edges.

I've found that I am not the same woman I was at 25, 35, 45, 55 or even yesterday ... you get my drift! I need to take time to spend with the woman I am today and take a deep meaningful look at the reflection of "moi" in the mirror. As I looked at my reflection before I went to bed last night, Miss Dottie looked more tired than usual and sad. I hated that and began romancing Miss Dottie that moment!

First of all, I wrote "You are special" on the mirror. I filled the tub with my own bath salts creation, lit some candles, and soaked in the essence of flowers and flickering lights. After drying off, I slathered all this good lotion on, dug through my nightclothes, and found a very soft pretty gown to put on. I snuggled down into my bed of fresh linens and pulled the covers up beneath my chin. In my final awake moments, I spent some time with You then drifted off into slumber land. All this ritual may have seemed rather goofy to some; however, I slept soundly and dreams of beautiful meadows filled my head and I woke with a smile.

I called last night "setting the stage." Although I can't take an entire day very often to soothe and romance Self, I can take that hour or so each day to enrich my mind, body, and soul. I know that if I do this on a consistent basis I learn more about the intimate details within me and am able to radiate more love to others. Because You created me, groomed me, and shaped me, I am who I am and that I am is ever growing. The old tapes of "you aren't worthy" need to be erased on a regular basis to give room for Self to blossom. I am fortunate that I have my Woman Cave aka The Cottage as my own little bit of Eden. No arguing, negativity, or meanness allowed!!

Heavenly Father, as I come to the end of this beautiful day of romancing Miss Dottie, I thank you for your goodness and mercy. I pray that grace would be extended to my Readers as they find time to romance their own Selfs. You tell us that we are to love others as we love ourselves (Mark 12:31) and if we are depleted that's hard to do. The more we are filled, the more we have to share. For those who are struggling with self image, I pray that when they look in their own mirrors that they will see who You see ... a beautiful person created specifically for a purpose. I raise holy hands covering my Readers with love and prayer. Amen, dear Jesus, it is so!!

Miss Dottie

NOTE TO READERS"Once you start recognizing the truth of your story, finish the story. It happened but you're still here, you're still capable, powerful, you're not your circumstance. It happened and you made it through. You're still fully equipped with every single tool you need to fulfill your purpose." ~Steve Maraboli 

Don't keep your Self waiting a moment longer ... Celebrate!!


  1. Beautiful, inspiring words, Dottie. I always look forward to your blogs.

  2. Your woman cabin provides a wonderful place for friends, family, and Dottie! It has a relaxing aura and is filled with your special touches. What a perfect spot for romance. The next time I visit, I shall follow in your footsteps. :-)

