Friday, August 8, 2014

Friday, Miss Dottie's Cottage

August 8, 2014

Dear God,

Good Morning! It's such a beautiful day. I am drawn outdoors as I look through the french doors of the cottage. I am in awe of my own little Garden of Eden. It's still in it's infancy but taking shape. Using the ready (year 1), set (year 2), grow (year 3) premise, the next year should be an unveiling of what it will look like at maturity. I must say, as I grow older, I will be glad to just tend and care for rather than be planting and experimenting. I say that but You know how much I enjoy making my gardens bloom!

My neighbor was knocking on my door at 7 bells. She thought we should have a plant exchange before it got too hot. I had some plants that needed more sun and she had some that needed more shade. I grabbed my shovel and Beverly picked out 4 rose bushes. I had the good fortune to be able to add another azalea, a huge hydrangea, and some abelias. I told her I though she got the short end of the stick but she said she'd been eying the roses I gave her and was tickled pink with the exchange.

I want to say thanks for giving me that nudge to open a booth at the Farmer's Market. I've discovered a new passion in canning jams and jellies AND for presenting them using creativity. I'm not going to get rich; however, it is rewarding to see my "be backs" each week and see the smiles on their faces. Sadly, I won't be offering the doggie treats because of the laws regarding dog food. I'm being told that I can give them away for donations so I may go that route and see if I can cover the expenses of making the treats. I use natural peanut butter and organic whenever possible so it does get expensive. My daughter, Jane, asked me if I would continue with the Farmer's Market if I didn't need the extra spending money. I didn't have to think twice ... "Yes!"

Little Miss Ruffy is coming along nicely in getting the staff infection eradicated from her body. She had her second iodine bath and will continue her antibiotic for awhile longer. She's a tough little lady and has come a long way in the year I've been her Pom-mommy. It makes me sad sometimes that she is still so fearful. It has to be her idea for me to pick her up and the other day when she got out of the fence I nearly had a heart attack trying to catch her. She would run out into the road then on to the grassy areas of the neighbor's lawns. I sat down hoping she would come to me but that didn't work. I finally cornered her against the side of a house where she couldn't escape. Today I will walk the fence and try to stop up all the holes where Ruffy and her brothers and sister get out.

Last Friday, I had an appointment to have an MRI on my lower back and then saw my orthopaedic surgeon who has been treating my neck and back since 2004. Sadly, my L3-4 is worn out and the arthritis and degenerative disk disease taking it's toll. I've been having a lot of back pain and trouble walking and sitting plus numbness in my right arm and right leg. Physical therapy and injections haven't helped soooo looks like I will be headed for the operating room once again. I have all the faith in the world in my doctor and have always recovered quickly. My only concern is that the Fibromyalgia started when I had so many surgeries on my neck, back, feet and I know that I will need some extra recuperation this time around.  Lord, I am praying for peace and that You would go before me preparing for this next bump in the road.

The day is young and who knows how it will unfold. I set my plans yet am open to deviations should the need arise. I have an open door policy at the cottage ... no matter what I am doing, there's always time to greet an unexpected visitor and give some extra time to one of my furry kids. If it doesn't get too hot today, I think that a tea party under the trees in the back garden would be in order. Yes, I will put that on my list.

Come to think of it You have an open door policy too. You, the Holy Spirit, Jesus ... the Trinity ~ 3 in 1 ... as simple or as complicated as I want to make it. I keep thinking about that song sung in church Sunday ~ I Can't Even Walk Without You Holding My Hand. That's me. Some have said Jesus is my crutch in life. Not just maybe so, it IS SO. Without Jesus in my heart I would be hell on wheels, hateful, resentful, and downright mean. I am so glad that I am able to forgive easily and move forward. It must be awful to sit around fussing and fuming over what someone said, did or didn't do, said, or didn't say.

Father God in Heaven, your name is holy and your ways are not the ways of man. To know you is to study your word. You sent your son, Jesus, so that we would see first-hand what you are about and I hang on every sermon He gave ... every word He spoke. I pray for your people across the globe who are under seige (war, famine, weather), hiding in caves, being raped, beheaded, criticized, and fighting personal battles. You tell us that You are with us always ~ even to the end of the age. (Matthew 28:20) That gives me peace and such comfort. I thank you in advance for your advancement of warriors that they might fight battles behind the scenes and move ordinary people to do extra-ordinary things.  Amen, it is so.

Miss Dottie

NOTE TO READERS: With every day that passes we have the opportunity to reach out and upward to make a difference in someone's life. A day never goes by that I don't think about life and that it's not just about me. Life is more than my list of "to do's," accomplishments or failures, what my family and the world is up to but what I make of it all. When I can accept the day's challenges without wishing for something else, I feel as if I am getting one step closer to being my real self. When I get lost in the drudgery and details of the day or get so fearful that I am spell-bound, I miss the beauty of what is. Today, I will celebrate all that comes my way. And, now as I go my way and you go yours: Always remember you are loved and prayed for, ya you!

1 comment:

  1. That's so nice that you and your neighbor exchanged plants. It seems like y'all have a fun, adventurous, and caring friendship. How wonderful to continue to make new friends throughout life.

    Enjoy your tea party~ XXOO
