Monday, August 4, 2014

I believe in miracles

August 4, 2014

Dear God,

I believe, yes I do. I believe in every day miracles. There have been several things that have happened lately that have stuck with me. Come on and sit beside me and let's chat a bit...

A few days ago, I did a walk through my gardens and saw that a huge limb had fallen from the big old tree. It landed in the garden, not touching a single plant or shrub. I tried to lift it thinking because it was so old it wouldn't be heavy. I was wrong. I sat down on the ground just looking at how perfectly it fell. How could that happen? It was like someone took it off the tree and gently placed in between the shrubs and flowers without disturbing a thing. I am still in awe. I decided not to have the branch moved. It would be a long-time reminder of a miracle in Miss Dottie's garden.

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Secondly:  Saturday I was at the Farmers' Market. The first Saturday of each month, the craftsman of the surrounding areas set up booths to sell their wares. Of course, I had to go check them out. One of the artists presenting was a man by the name of Harley Johnson. There in front of me was a watercolor painting that caught my eye. I looked at it and couldn't believe my eyes. Many years ago, I had drawn a picture in one of my Bibles about a perfect little place for me. It was a little cabin on a lake with a canoe on the water in front. Trees and mountains were in the background. This artist had painted my vision like I imagined it. I told him the story and he offered the original watercolor to me for $20. I told him that if I earned enough money at my booth I would buy the painting. My friend, Beverly, also heard the story and when I left, she purchased the painting for me for my (December) birthday. A miracle that someone could paint my vision so perfectly and because of my friend's generosity, it will hang in the cottage.

Thirdly: Sunday before last, I stood at the CD booth at church gazing at the Open Range Band's recording. I had a decision to make ~ I could pay my tithe from my Farmer's Market booth OR I could purchase the CD. I paid my tithe. This Sunday morning, I was sitting in church just soaking in my good fortune of being there and my new friend Carolyn found me. "There you are, I got this for you." It was the Open Range Band CD. I got tears in my eyes as she handed it to me. Carolyn couldn't have known about the CD but YOU did...

Fourthly: I witnessed a miracle at church yesterday. Or, at least in my eyes, I witnessed the miracle in how the music ministry can reach souls for Christ. The Open Range Band began to play I Can't Even Walk Without You Holding My Hand and many of us stood nearly hypnotized by the beauty of the music. All of a sudden people began to come to the altar to pray and to have others pray with them. The Holy Spirit was on fire moving at warp speed touching hearts. I've never experienced anything like that before. I sat down ... "Surely God is in this place." Pastor Gerald Dudley walked to the stage and in his words said he needed to "clean house." What a sermon!! An ordinary Sunday yet oh what miracles to behold!

Coincidences? I don't think so. You are the protector and omni-present, God in heaven. You never cease to amaze me at how you show yourself to me in ways I know it's you.

I've been finding white wispy feathers again. Someone once told me that finding a white feather is a sign that you are being looked after by a guardian angel. Well, Lord, you and my guardian angel are doing a great job!

When I have felt so abandoned by those I love, You have stepped in time and time again to allow me to see you through small miracles. You and You alone have filled the voids in my heart that ache. I rejoice in knowing that I truly am a daughter of the most high.

My Spirit is fragile and my heart softened by the love about me. How can it be that that same woman would have the fighting strength of a warrior and ask to be put on your front lines? Yes, I get afraid; then, I realize that if my sorrows come because of walking in your light then that is a blessing not a curse. I am humbled over and over again and I raise my hands in honor of your son, Jesus, who died on the cross that I might be saved from a life of pain and sin.

I pray for my Readers, Lord. I pray that they too would experience the miracles of everyday living and know You are God!! Raise them up from the ashes and place garments of purple, red, and gold on their shoulders. Gird them with Your Word as they do that next right thing knowing You have their backs. Ultimately You are in control and You make the earth tremble with your groanings. Awake those who are sleeping and blatantly share your wisdom. El-Gibhor, "Mighty God" - You are most powerful and able to destroy your enemies with rule and a rod of iron. Heal the sick, uplift the down-trodden, give work to the unemployed, and Jesus, open your store houses and pour out your goodness and mercy on those who call you Savior. Amen, it is so...

Miss Dottie

NOTE TO READERS: I had an instant message tonight from a very dear high school friend. We haven't been in touch for 40+ years only recently connecting on Facebook. Our minds and hearts are still touching after all these years ... Oh, the stories we have to tell. The Circle of Life seems to be coming full circle and friendships that faded with time are reappearing strong and with such clarity of purpose. I am in awe at the miracle of friendships that run so deep that time and distance make no difference. God speed ... always know you are loved and prayed for ... YA YOU!

1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful blog! I just love hearing about the miracles that are popping up in your life. God is hidden, yet he is not hiding!

    Love YOU~
