Saturday, August 2, 2014


July 30, 2014

Dear Readers,

The troops were up extra early this morning. I had a good night's rest and was ready to join them in their exuberance to start their day with a potty call and hearty breakfast. Theirs was kibble whereas mine was piping hot coffee, an English Muffin, and some homemade pear preserves. I must say making 3 new jams/jellies/preserves each week has given me quite a variety to choose from for my breakfast (I make 1 jar for testing/tasting). I thought about the amount of sugar that goes into each jar then rationalized my indulgence by telling myself "everything in moderation."

I had designated 2014 to be a year of refreshment for me. Little did I know how many areas of my life would be affected. I have found that the quickest way for me to peter out is to attack an area needing work with everything I've got. It's been better to savor the journey one step at a time, one day at a time. I must say, I've come a long way...

You don't have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.
~Martin Luther King, Jr.

My body needed a tune-up and I've gradually added good foods and drinks while tossing old habits aside. The elimination of the diet sodas jump started me to losing some weight that I'd acquired over the winter ... not a lot but now I am comfortable. If I drink too many diet sodas, my appetite ramps up. Hmmm... I battle degenerative disk disease and Fibromyalgia every day and need to keep my body as fit as possible ~ working in my gardens gives my muscles a work-out and gives me some extra energy. I am on track...

"What saves a man is to take a step. Then another step.
It is always the same step, but you have to take it."
~Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Spiritually, I had been in the desert since my move in 2012. The decision to take Susan Ramsey's invitation to attend The Open Range Cowboy Church was  paramount in brightening my life. I kept trying to fit into the more traditional churches in the area and time after time, it just didn't work out. I had to get out of my comfort zone to find what I was looking for. When I leave church about noon on Sunday, I am already looking forward to the next Sunday. I attended WOW (Women's Group) on Wednesday mornings which was wonderful; now, Michael's work schedule is such that I have no transportation. Praying for that to change sooner rather than later!

Keeping my mind sharp has been important with each year of growing older. I read to educate myself, entertain myself, and stretch my cognizant abilities. Doing the Boatload Crossword Puzzles on the Internet allows me to be timed and set goals. I've always enjoyed competing with myself and achieving personal bests ... helps me not to compare myself to others and to continually improve in many different areas.

Gray hair is a crown of glory; it is gained in a righteous life.
~Proverbs 16:31

I worked as a weight loss director for a season and thoroughly enjoyed working with people who wanted to be healthier and more fit. In the process of teaching others to create healthy diet plans, I became the student as well as the teacher. I found the same thing to be true when I facilitated Bible Study classes for singles and women. I learn so much from the people who make up my days. They are paramount in the steps I take each day.

There is so much strife and atrocities going on in our country (and the world) right now. It helps me to do something each day for others, my country, and myself. I set small American flags around in the back yard so that as I passed a flag, I would remember to pray for a land that I hold so dear to my heart. Visual reminders are important for me. Otherwise, out of sight, out of mind. Sad but true.

But by the grace of God, I am where I am at this time in my life. REFRESH in 2014 has been good for me. I am more aware of each choice I make realizing that I needed to learn that being assertive isn't a bad thing. I like this path I am on and encourage you, as Readers, to join me in my quest towards inner serenity and making the world a better place.

Miss Dottie

Dear God, today is a beautiful day created by you for us. As we walk along the road of life, help us to become more aware of our surroundings and the people that share our journey. I pray especially for each person reading my blogs ~ that they would be encouraged and uplifted AND maybe even challenged to begin their own RENEWAL programs. Where there is strife and war, build your army of warriors and give them victory. Protect us from ourselves, our greed, our inability to discern truth and light. We truly are our own worst enemies. Where there is misunderstanding, let there be open communication to a bridge of understanding. Jesus, I specifically pray for the children of this world who are being used as pawns by evil men and women of power. You say, "Suffer the little children not..." (Matthew 19:14) Oh Father, I plead for the children and their safety. Jesus move mightily and show us your eternal strength now and forevermore. Amen, it is so...

1 comment:

  1. How fun to look back at your year and realize the growth that has occurred. You must feel proud of your accomplishments. When you love someone, as I do you, their happiness brings joy to the heart. I thank God that you found a church-home, new friends, and purpose.

