Sunday, August 10, 2014

I Can't Breathe

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Dear God,

I feel like I am in the Sahara Desert. I walked outside to put a load of clothes in the washer and felt like I was suffocating ... it was literally hard to breathe. My little ones were panting like crazy hurrying outside to do their business then back inside to loll in front of the fan. Gosh, I love my furry kids!!

I am thanking You (mightily) for the air conditioning in the little casa and cottage. I cannot image how the people lived here without fans or air conditioners. I guess if you don't have it, you get used to it. I'd probably have to sit in a tub of cool water all day long. The heat didn't used to bother me but the older I get the more I like even temperatures in the high 70's and 80's. Listen to me complaining ... I don't like extreme cold either so I'll probably be whining come next January about that.

Anyway, the Farmer's Market was really s-l-o-w today. Iris Cottage got it's usual spot under the big tree just west of the courthouse and we had plenty of cool water to drink which was a good thing. I was thinking that shoppers would turn out early to get their weekly supply of produce, breads, pickles, melons, and jams BUT I think they opted more for a nice cup of coffee in their air conditioned kitchens! Hopefully, next Saturday will be better. I'm thinking of adding Bible verses to my tags ... another little way to spread the love!!

You know, Lord, I can tell I must be doing something right 'cause Satan has sure been niggling me lately. Nothing disastrous or big but just the drip drip drip of little annoyances and things going wrong. Suppose my Readers can relate? Those drip drip drips can sure get to me after awhile and I get downright C-R-A-N- K-Y! (Smile) By the way, thanks for protecting me from the electricity shocks I got from the microwave this week. Phew! I haven't touched it since! Michael took it all apart and tightened up all the inside gizmo's and checked the wiring. He says it is working fine. I told him, "Great, then YOU use it." I get upset with myself for getting behind in my household chores and not getting to everything I think I "need" to do.

Yesterday, we drove to Whitney, TX to pick up tickets for the country western concert at church next Saturday night. Proceeds will benefit kids needing supplies for the upcoming school year. I'm all for helping the kids have what they need to succeed. We ate at the Colorado Street Grille and were pleasantly surprised. We walked into a very quaint restaurant with a pretty extensive menu. There were two chefs (with chef's hats on) in the open kitchen that clearly enjoyed being creative in their food presentation besides serving up a delicious plate of grilled chicken with chipotle sauce, rice, grilled veggies, and the best pecan cobbler I've ever eaten. Definitely a place to go back to. Why not? At McDonald's prices, we got fed like a king and queen! 

Even with all this heat, there is comfort in prayer. Yahweh-jireh, you will provide. Yes, you will. There are those who need healing in body, mind, and spirit. There are those who are being ravaged by enemies so evil that it's hard for me to comprehend. There are those whose hearts are broken, are hungry, and have nowhere to go. My prayer journal is filling up with names and prayer requests. I give them all to you and know that as I release them You are there to receive and act. I want to specifically pray for the safety of the United States of America. A subtle evil, years in the making, is rising up to devour our nation. It grieves me and oh how it must grieve you. I stand in the gap, Lord, for your people who are willing to give their lives to your service. Rise up oh men (and women)! What makes us think we can escape your wrath if we continue down our paths of sinful thinking and justifications? The more I know you, the more I realize how important it is to examine every motive and thought. What is so difficult about the Ten Commandments? Oh, we are free to choose for sure ... we also reap the consequences of our thoughts and choices. I ask myself, "If you thought that was so good, how'd it work out for you?" Respectfully, I pray for our President and his ability to lead our country. I also pray for truth to be revealed and light to shine in every dark corner of his and all government officials lives. Just like Jesus did in the temple, we must clean house! Amen! Jesus, you are the answer ... always have been, always will be and it's in your name I bow my head in prayer. Amen.

Miss Dottie

NOTE TO READERS: I continue to be amazed at the evilness that is running rampant across the globe. Christians are being persecuted "just because." I celebrated life today without worry, I filled my belly with delicious food, relaxed in the comfortable coolness of the cottage, and played with my furry kids. What blessings!

I read a quote by William Penn at dawn and it's stuck with me. "I expect to pass through the world but once. Any good therefore that I can do, or any kindness or abilities that I can show to any fellow creature, let me do it now. Let me not defer or neglect it, for I shall not pass this way again."

As the minutes and hours have passed, I've had countless opportunities to share my love of my Lord and myself with others. There are enough trials in this world, please join me in sharing love, compassion, and grace!

Always remember you are loved and prayed for ... YA YOU!

1 comment:

  1. What's the saying in Texas?? Go big or go home? Well, it seems the heat has kept people at home. So sorry that the Farmer's Market was kind of a dud this week. I pray next week brings cooler weather and lots of people!

    Love YOU~
