Monday, August 11, 2014

I'm Back in the Saddle Again

Gene Autry ... Back in the Saddle Again
Remember those wonderful cowboys we read books about and watched on TV? Those were the days. I woke up singing this song and, yes,

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Dear God,

It's "Son"day my favorite day of the week. My furry kids woke me up about 5 to head outdoors and all of a sudden I realized Kennedy wasn't with the pack. I woke up Michael and he got in the car to drive up and down the street "looking" for our slippery Pom-Chi.  I was out with my flashlight trying to "shout" without waking up the neighborhood. After about 30 minutes we decided to wait until we could see better. The only thing moving was a skunk several houses down and I sure didn't want to tangle with him.

I thought I had plugged all the holes in the fence and couldn't understand how Kennedy could have gotten out so quickly. My heart was heavy as I walked back into the cottage. Good grief, there he was. He had taken a chew bone and had hidden under the bed. Usually he is right beside me and comes when he's called so that bone must have been mighty good. From there, things started looking up!

I have this wonderful anticipation as I travel the back roads to the Open Range Church. Every Sunday seems better than the last. Today was no exception. I got there early enough to deliver some jams and share some love. I forgot my camera  and I sure missed being able to record the smiling faces of people I've met and will meet, the band, Pastor Rick, Miss Kitty and the Buckaroos, and, of course, Pastor Dudley. I walk through the doors and feel the Holy Spirit abuzz, doing magic in the hearts of those present. Whooo Weeeee! Good stuff, believe you me!

Know one thing that I love about Open Range Cowboy Church? Even though it's a big church, Pastor Rick takes the time to pray for those needing prayer during the service ~ one body praying in agreement over sicknesses of the body, mind, and soul. The band sang the song, "Doctor Jesus" and I could envision Jesus hovering, healing, and leading. One gentleman came to the altar and knelt his head in his hands ~ immediately he was flanked by two lay pastors who prayed with him. I tell you, Lord, this truly is a place that you are annointing!

"For where two or three gather in my name, there I am with them."
~Matthew 18:20 (NIV)

Know something else I like about the Open Range Church? It may be a small thing but when Miss Kitty calls the young buckaroos up for the children's sermon, there are so many dads that bring their little ones forward ... my WOW friend had her baby girl 19 days ago and there was her big old burly husband the past couple Sundays up there holding their child ~ oh the love in that man's eyes! I see men stepping up to the plate praying, leading, guiding, comforting, loving... The Southern Gentleman living for Christ is alive and kicking at ORCC!!

Dear Father, thank you for blessing The Open Range Church and your churches across the globe. At ORCC there are no collection plates passed, no mention of money ... yet, when there is a need, the flood gates open and the coffers overflow. Today, I felt such conflicting emotions. I was so excited to be there to worship you and your son, Jesus. I also had such a heavy heart for my dear friend, Vivian, whose cancer has worsened and for the countless number of requests for other believers needing healing, peace, and encouragement. Surely, Father, if it is your will, Vivians's dreaded cancer could be eradicated. By your stripes we are healed!! (Isaiah 53:5) Amen! I have several other friends who are battling this dreaded disease and other chronic ailments ~ be with them, Lord as they travel that road of the unknown. I continue to be burdened by the wars being fought across the globe. The atrocities bestowed on Christians, women, children take me to my knees. Protect your people giving them strength to face their today's and tomorrows. We know that ultimately You are in control and I rest in that. Thank you to Recycled Poms for rescuing the 25 Pomeranians from that awful puppy mill in Arkansas ... one more shut down, many to go. Bring forth new homes for these precious pups. I know first hand the joy that Ruffy and Harmony (puppy mill girls) and Zeke and Kennedy (rescues) have brought me. Jesus ... come Lord Jesus... Amen, it is so...

Miss Dottie

NOTE TO READERS: I want to encourage you as my Readers to jump outside of your own comfort zones as you search for a mate, a pet, a home, or a church. Ask the Lord to open doors and for the Holy Spirit to let you know when you've found what you are looking for. Do not be deceived by the ways of the world and the sinfulness of your hearts. We all struggle and get frustrated ~ if you're like me, patience is not one of my virtues. I would say though that persistence is my strong suit and through persistence I grow and achieve.

It's easy to take the interstate zooming here and there from start to finish. But, think about this, when you take the fastest route, you can miss the joy of the journey. Looking back, I am savoring each step it took to get to where I am today. Two years ago, I don't know if I would have appreciated it like I do now. Jesus kept me in the desert and I thirsted for the camaraderie of other believers. Was I so parched that I settled? Oh no, I waited until I knew it was where the Lord wanted me. Today, I have no doubts!!

Maybe it was the cowboy boots I got when I was 6 for singing In My Sweet Little Alice Blue Gown ... Maybe it was the country western dances I enjoyed in my 30's and 40's... Maybe it was the cowboy I married who was larger than life (bet there's a rodeo going on in heaven with him around!)... Maybe, just maybe, God was preparing me for new adventures deep in the heart of Texas!! For some strange reason, I am right at home and feeling more peace than I have felt in years.

We all have a story to tell, don't we? Let's raise holy hands, give some hugs, and share the love!! As for you, my dear Readers, always remember that you are loved and prayed for ... YA YOU!!

1 comment:

  1. Texas is a wonderful state filled with people that celebrate tradition, family, God, and life. I miss the warmth and hospitality that you find in Texas. There is no other state like the Lone Star! Consider yourself blessed to live amongst the best.

