Monday, October 27, 2014

October morn...

Let me hear Your loving kindness in the morning;
For I trust in You;
Teach me the way in which I should walk;
For to You I lift up my soul
~Psalm 143:8 (NAS)

October 27, 2014

Dear God,

Good Morning!! Come on in where it's warm. It's Monday and I'm wallowing in the joy of being alive and able to experience the blessings of living life. I had to grab a sweater this morning ~ even though it gets warm in the afternoons, I can tell that Fall is here when I open the back door to the cottage in the early morning hours.

Going to need to dig out a sweater for Zeke ~ he doesn't like rain, dark, or cold! The rest of the Fabulous 5 dart out like they're going to a party yapping their way through the Canine Hallelujah Chorus!

Last Friday night, Michael and I drove over to Whitney to attend Bible Study at the Open Range Church. What a wonderful group of folks to share an evening of fellowship with. Pastor Rick did a great job of explaining our lesson in Acts, we had some lively discussion, then drove over to the Texas Cafe to eat. Yum!

And they devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers. ~Acts 2:42

The Farmer's Market held on Saturdays in the town square is officially over. It was kind of a bittersweet day ~ I will miss creating different flavors of jams, pickles, relishes and having the discipline of meeting a deadline and preparing for each market. I didn't have much jam left and by the time we were to pack up and leave, I only had enough left for us to enjoy over the winter months. I am grateful for my loyal customers who drooled over their purchases and returned week after week. My kitchen got quite a workout and the scent of berries and jalapenos lingers!

My friend, Neva ... I LOVE her spirit!
I had been looking forward to the Fall Festival at church. I know it was designated specifically for the kids BUT I'm a big kid and love mingling with the little ones and watching their faces light up. Since Open Range is a Cowboy Church there were games I'd not heard of before (like the game where there are big squares drawn on a pasture and numbered and tickets are sold with guesses on which square the horse will poop on). They had a mechanical bull, a roping machine, then all the regular games you'd see at a festival. I'd not been in an arena like that before and I must say, I enjoyed myself tremendously.

I picked #7 but wouldn't you know,
Honeysuckle did #2 on #2!

This little princess in her pink cowboy boots
did amazingly well ~ 1st time on the
mechanical bull!

Cutest little rodeo clown ever!

This young man has adopted me ~
 love being Branden's grandmother
Beautiful memories come one day at a time. I kid you not, I woke up Sunday morning so excited about heading off to church and wondering what surprises the Lord had in store for me. Living life without "expected" expectations has become a way of life for me and I love it. I walked into church giving hugs and shaking hands all the way to my seat. Each Sunday, I meet more and more beautiful people and my heart is so filled that I sometimes think it is going to explode.

I am spoiled and I've only been attending church at the Open Range since mid June. The band gives a concert each Sunday, Miss Kitty pours out her heart to the kids each Sunday; Pastor Rick gives announcements and prays each Sunday; and, Pastor Dudley teaches and shepherds his flock 24/7. There is a bonding of the people there that goes beyond explanation. Music ... prayer ... the Word of God ~ right up my alley!!

The Bible I got is the book on the left.
In the early 1980's, I took a 2 year Word and Witness Class at Resurrection Lutheran Church in Plano, TX. We all purchased Oxford Study Bibles and for years that was the Bible I used day in and day out. Well, fast forward to 2014 ~ that Bible is worn, ragged, and literally falling apart. Pastor Rick had some books that he had bound (beautifully I might add) and said that I could pick one. Really? I nearly fainted 'cause his books are true treasures. Wouldn't you know, one of them was an Oxford Bible and I snarfed that puppy up. I read in it last night and again this morning ~ it has become my Open Range Bible and will record new studies and memories! See what I mean about surprises?

I don't know how I managed for so long without a church family. I was so blasted lonely and felt like a duck out of water after our move to North Central Texas. The churches I visited didn't need me ~ they had rosters of folks that went back for generations and every need was being met. They had their ways of doing things and I was just a stranger who came to town.

Maybe that's what's different about the Open Range Church. I wasn't just a stranger who blew in with the hot June air. I was welcomed and embraced for the unconventional person I am. I love being able to grab my camera and Bible, snap some photos and wrap my arms around God's people. It is here that I am experiencing the unashamed repentant believer kneeling at the foot of the cross during the service ... It is here I am worshiping my Lord with songs of gladness and spreading my wings.

Miss Dottie

PS Note to my Readers: No matter what church you attend, it will get old if all you do is attend weekly services. You will leave one church and have fun at the next one .. for awhile. Then, it will get old again. Skipping church will be easy because no one will miss you. Please get plugged in and give as much as you want to receive ~ you'll never regret it!

I love what Beth Moore said:  "Life shouldn't be a journey to the grave with the attention of arriving safely in a pretty and well-preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly shouting, 'Wow, what a ride! Thank You, Lord!'"

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Revival on an October Sunday

October 21, 2014

Dear Readers,

If you've been reading my blogs this year, you know that in 2014, my goal was that of REFRESH. I've been concentrating on that in the different areas of my life so it's meaningful that I had the opportunity to experience my first REVIVAL last Sunday.

I'd never been to a Revival before. I had some preconceived notions that there would be an evangelist up on stage waving a Bible over my head and preaching hell, fire, and damnation. Before attending, I even went as far as looking John Karl Davis up on the Internet to see what he was about. He, his wife, and ministry seemed innocent enough. I am learning not to just trust what anyone tells me ~ I like to know why they think they can teach me about something as important as salvation and the way I live my life. All that being done, I erased all my expectations and decided to show up and be teachable. I'm glad that I did.

My Sunday morning started out pretty uneventfully but it soon changed when I arrived at church. Branden Brown was there to greet me with a huge grin on his face. He had made me a leather bound book to take notes in each Sunday. He and his beautiful family had written a note on the inside cover and, I'm afraid that I just lost it right in front of God and everybody. Not only was the book crafted beyond perfect, he had made me a feather pen with my name on it. Branden had noticed me taking notes every Sunday on my sermon sheet trying to manage a Bible and pen ... yikes! What a joke. God knows how much I love leather bound books and He must have put a bug in Branden's heart. At any rate, thank you to this young man and his family for loving me.

Not only did I get a gift from Branden, I shared group hugs with my Sisters in Christ, AND, my friend, Miss Vivian, who has cancer came to church with her son, Terry, and daughter in law, Susie. I was so excited to see her, I could hardly contain myself. I'm not sure I've ever met a sweeter lady than Vivian and a kinder, more caring person as Susie.

I got myself together and got ready for the church service.  Will gave a one, two, three and Joe and Edwin and the rest of the band had Jesus on the Main Line rockin'. We had music, singing, two were baptized in the trough, Miss Kitty blessed the kids with her sermonette, Pastor Rick gave announcements and prayed, then we had more Open Range music. I feel like I am going to a concert every Sunday. Spoiled? Holy cow, yes!! My favorite song of the day was The Wayfaring Stranger. I wish the Open Range Band would put that on their next CD.

My Favorite Drummer

Joe Manuel ~ Acoustic Guitar
Crazy good!

Just when I thought the service couldn't get any better, John Karl Davis got up to speak. Sorry, but, my mouth dropped open. Up the ramp in a wheelchair equipped with oxygen came a man nearly as wide as he was tall. His body was wracked with tics, and I wondered if he was going to be able to speak at all. Well, let me say this, if that man can preach that way on oxygen and his head moving uncontrollably from time to time, I cannot even fathom what he could do if he were healthy. (God does not call the equipped ~ He equips the called!) He had a rather quiet demeanor yet his passion was obvious and his voice gained in strength as he began to speak. I found myself unable to take many notes I was so tuned in to his message. He challenged me and made me stop and think. I had respect for him because he wasn't afraid to voice his convictions based on the Bible. Way too soon, the morning service ended and I could hardly wait to get back to hear more. Revival is exactly what needed to happen in my own life and it is what is needed in our country.

Michael and I went home then returned for the Potluck. When he let me off in the parking lot, I saw Homer and Carolyn with their wagon and mules. Didn't take me long to flag them down and climb on up for a ride. I felt like I was a little kid again I was having so much fun. Now, I want a little wagon Miss Dottie style and my own little mule to pull me around. Michael shook his head at me and mouthed, "Nooooo!" Oh well, it never hurts to ask!! I missed the potluck and finished my ride in time for the evening service.

I had put my new book and feather pen on my chair to save it. When I came back, my pen was gone. I was heartbroken. I knew Branden could make me another one but this one was special and durn it, it had my name on it. Branden's father in law told him that my pen was lost and after the service, Branden came back into church with that silly grin back on his face. He and his family were walking back out to their vehicles and his little boy, picked up a feather pen. "Hey dad, here's Miss Dottie's pen." It had been run over and had some gravel in the feathers but I didn't care, it is back where it belongs ... with me. Branden kept saying, "What were the chances that my son would find your pen?" Heh, heh, God knew.

Revival ~ to reawaken. I sat in the very front row so as to not miss anything. I was comforted and convicted ~ my brain and heart were set in motion by some of the things John Karl said. One thing he said that stuck with me: "How can we die for Jesus if we can't live for Jesus?" He talked about our new Emergent Churches ~ the feel good philosophies. (I did go home and look up Emerging Churches. Basically, these churches call for diversity, tolerance and camaraderie among all religions modifying and expanding their teachings.) I'm a Bible girl myself ~ always have been, always will be ~ not dabbling. If you're reading this, I pray that you will attend a church that is Bible-based.

Anyway back to my Revival experience:  I am a tough, resilient, stand tall, independent woman with a pretty mushy, squishy heart. As a child I learned that no one was going to fight for me so I needed to learn to take care of myself. The problem with this was that, I had the mind of a child and my survival instinct used that mentality. As an adult, I was sucking it up when people hurt me ~ forgiving and staying when I should have been packing my bags. I was misinterpreting what I thought God was saying. I knew what John Karl was talking about when he said that I needed to learn to depend on God and let go of what I couldn't control.

Man, I heard that on Saturday and laid it at the cross and there I was hearing it again on Sunday night. Guess the Lord knows how hard headed and stubborn I can be. I keep saying, "Well, if I did ____, then maybe "it" would be change and be OK." God says, "Nope, I got it." Now, who in their right mind should question the Lord God Almighty? No one ... except, I did.

The evening ended with many souls being saved and John Karl singing a verse of How Great Thou Art. Where he got the energy to belt out that  beautiful hymn I will never know. He said he was preaching like this may be the last sermon he would give. I believed him. There was no way that he could have delivered a message that powerful without the support of the Holy Spirit. There were no people fainting in the aisles ~ there were no miracle healings except of those of the spirit. There were no waving of Bibles in the air.  There was a powerful presence of God, and there was an amazing truth revealed in the story of Noah and of Mary, the mother of Jesus. There were facts given about the Ebola virus (John Karl and his wife were missionaries in Uganda for 15 years) and facts about what we are facing within our country. If you haven't noticed, persecution of Christians is going on NOW and is increasing with each day. If you ask me, I could not tell you that America is a Christian nation because I don't think it is. (Just my opinion)

My last entry in my book Sunday night: "I BELONG TO THE LORD JESUS CHRIST." I've never had so many heavy issues going on; my body has never been more pain-ridden; and, I've never been more poor financially. Now, that being said, I am more at peace than ever before; my heart leaps for joy when I wake up in the morning; I have a purpose bigger than satisfying my own needs; and, more than anything, I look at each new day as a gift wondering what surprises I am in store for. Like my grandmother before me, my hand is out not to take but to give. I take such joy in the little things of life ... a ride in a covered wagon pulled by mules, playing with my 4 rescue pups and Toby, and enjoying creating a new jam flavor, hugs and love shared, a new flower in my garden, those cherished times with family and friends. It is a blessing to be able to see, hear, walk, and talk!

Miss Dottie

Oh Heavenly Father, I look out the french doors of the cottage up in to the skies of blue. Somehow, I know You are there ~ omnipresent! I thank you for evangelists like John Karl Davis who are able to reach souls and challenge our thinking based on Biblical principles. For my Readers, I pray for relief from the weariness that comes from too much stress, faulty thinking, pain, and lack of love. Help us all to reach up to you then out to our brothers and sisters in need. I wish everyone could experience the love that comes from being in fellowship with other believers. I need to say this though, God, if people are looking for a perfect church with perfect Christians, they're in for a big disappointment. Jesus came to save the sinner not the saint. We're all works in progress made whole by the cross and encouraged by our fellow travelers. I pray that my Readers would be on fire for you and would recognize the gradual decline in our moral compass. We ALL NEED REVIVAL ... We ALL NEED RENEWAL ... We all need YOU and your son Jesus who died on the cross that we may live eternally! Amen, it is so!

PS "Have you noticed how much praying for revival has been going on of late ~ and how little revival has resulted? I believe the problem is that we have been trying to substitute praying for obeying, and it simply will not work." ~AW Tozer 

Monday, October 20, 2014

The Battle is the Lord's

October 20, 2014

Dear Readers,

Good Morning! Tell you what, come on over and let me tell you about the Women's Conference I attended at The Open Range Cowboy Church on Saturday. I'll try keep it short but you know me ~ when I get on a roll I rattle on and on.

My time in the desert of life was very long. I was thinking a couple of years but if I am honest, it's probably been more like eleven or twelve. I got off the lighted path and found myself in a parched wasteland where I struggled and floundered a good deal of the time. Most of my life revolved around survival and wearing a smile when the pain inside was raging. Don't get me wrong, there were times in those years that I was happy, enjoying my family and work, and taking things one day at a time. I'm just being honest about the real state of my spiritual life.

Looking back, I think it was a time of refinement ... a time of breaking me down so that I could be stronger, wiser, and more joyful in my purpose on this earth. The years seemed long but now they are like chaff blowing in the wind ... gone.

"May they be like chaff before the wind,
with the angel of the Lord driving them away;"
~Psalm 35:5

My decision to have a "come to Jesus" meeting with myself opened up a whole new world. I had to make a conscious choice then make that choice a verb. A decision is worthless unless acted upon. There's so much meaning in the words spoken in Proverbs 27:17: "Iron sharpens iron and one man sharpens another." I knew that I needed sharpening and that maybe, just maybe, God could use me to help other people. One step has led to another and I found myself at the 6th Annual Women's Conference at the Open Range Cowboy Church last Saturday.

The John Ramsey family extended an invitation
AND, I accepted!
When I walked into the Open Range Cowboy Church last June, I actually felt the Holy Spirit moving. With each smile, hand shake, and hug, I felt the love of the Lord Jesus telling me, "It's okay, you're in good hands." Little did these people know how desperately I needed those affirmations ~ they were just being themselves and somehow I just knew that. Before I went to church that first Sunday, I made a promise to myself and to God that I would just be me. I knew that if I was authentically me, I didn't have to worry about keeping up any pretences. With each baby step, I found my way to jumping for joy!!

In all this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials. Thse have come so that the proven genuineness of your faith ~ of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire ~ may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed. Though you have not seen him, you love him; and even though you do not see him now, you believe in him and are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy. ~ 1 Peter 1:6-8 (NIV)

Women need other women. Men aren't supposed to be girlfriends. My grandmother used to tell me about her "Circle" ~ a group of friends who saw each other through pregnancies, deaths, illnesses, times of joy, and on and on. They shared clothes, had quilting bees, had sewing groups, shared life's stories, preserved food, and helped each other with chores. My grandmother was very poor yet the richest woman on this earth. She lived life with an outstretched hand ~ a hand not to receive but to give. Into her 90's, she would tell her daughter, "Alida, get the car, we're going to visit the old folks." Her home was time worn with years of love and gatherings. Believe me, we were all STUFFED into that little house and no one minded a bit. My grandmother had a servant's heart and left a legacy her family has built on!!

Oh dear, I've kind of gotten off track, haven't I. Back to the Women's Conference. Since I'd never attended the other 5, I was open to whatever the day held and, believe me, it was filled with worship and praise, a couple incredible speakers, prayer, and a time when women were sharpening other women!!

To be honest, I think that day brought me back to some basics that I've been missing for many years. I could sit back and be fed until I was so full I could barely walk. The church was decorated in beautiful colors of Autumn (you know me, things need to be pretty!); the guys in the Open Range Band gave up their Saturday to fill our hearts with music; the singers, oh my gosh, the singers (there was a lady who sang by the name of Brenda and her voice took me to a place I hadn't recognized before - that sista had SOUL - and, I have to have her CD!!); and, the message (oh the message) of The Battle is the Lord's (2 Chronicles 20:15) came through loud and clear.

I came away with a renewed sense of peace with the message, "I've got this!~Love, God" God knows what's going on in our lives, our country, our world and, in the end, He wins. Because I believe in Him, I win too! Now, that doesn't mean I just stick my head in the sand and don't raise any feathers. To not to speak is to condone and, from the road I've walked, that isn't going to happen. You may like me, tolerate me, love me, or hate me ... that's okay 'cause your soul is more important to me than being afraid of stepping on your toes. You'll always know where I stand ~ I crossed that line to stand with the Lord on September 17, 1999 and have never looked back!

Although I felt refreshed and content after the conference, I also was drained and my body so tired I barely dragged it through the doors of my cottage before collapsing on the sofa falling sound asleep. I had snippits of the day running in and out of my dreams and I woke for an hour before crashing for the night.  It was like God was allowing me to soak in the joy of the day.

Miss Dottie

Dear Jesus,
Oh my, oh my what a roller coaster ride you've taken me on. The ascention to the top, the beautiful views, the drop when I thought my tummy was going to erupt, the hitting of a low only to be followed by another crest. That's life isn't it?? The highs and lows and the inbetweens. What a savory treat the ride of life is when we come to the end of our days. It's the ride, the whole thing that make's a life a legacy experienced then left behind. Father God in Heaven, I pray that my precious Readers would know that as crazy as things have been in our country and lives that "The Battle is the Lord's." As we rise up and prepare for the battles of the day, help us to remember who is leading our army. Am I prepared to take a stand? Have I grabbed on to Your Hand knowing that You're NEVER going to let go? Father, my grandson, Zachary, who is 11 took a stand at school at got reprimanded. Will he do that again? I know he will. I pray for his boldness to continue! I pray for the rising up of our youth, gird them with truth and a knowledge of You as almighty God. Jesus, dear Jesus, I pray that my brothers and sisters in Christ would join me as we die to self and reach out to others. Amen, it is so!!

PS Remember, please remember. This is what the Lord is saying to us: Do not be afraid or discouraged because of the vast army of evil doers or pestilence ~ the battle is not ours, but God's! Always remember that YOU my Readers are loved and prayed for ... YA YOU!!

Class Reunions

My Guy by Mary Wells
Top Hit May 16-23, 1964 

October 16, 2014

Dear Readers,

As the Class of 1964, Glenwood High School, was approaching graduation, My Guy sung by Mary Wells was at the top of the music charts and emotions were riding high as my classmates and I were getting ready to close a chapter in our lives. Many of us had been classmates since kindergarten and it was a bit of a daunting thought to be moving in different directions. Annuals were being passed around and sentiments shared. How fun to be able to go back and read what was so important ... then.

My class celebrated our 50th reunion in September of this year. I had looked forward to seeing friends and sharing hugs for five years. Living in Texas has been a prohibiting factor from attending most of my reunions so I was especially looking forward to this one. As fate would have it, Michael got very ill and I was unable to attend. I mourned the loss of my trip; however, I did order a CD of photos and got some good first hand reports. I have awesome friends!!

Last Saturday night, Michael had his 50th class reunion and he wasn't planning to go. He said he felt bad because he was the reason I missed mine. I looked him square in the eye and said, "You are going. This is not about you, it's about connecting with people who were an important influence in your life and catching up with "them." Long story short, we went and had a wonderful time. For one sweet nostalgic night Michael could revisit the best parts of high school without worrying about the silly stuff from days gone by. He laughed, he shared, he hugged, he was more real than I've ever seen him.

I watched, listened and visited with a few that I've gotten to know since our move. I noticed that there were some distinct differences being raised in the Midwest and in the South. I'm never bored in unfamiliar surroundings and while they were taking class photos, I grabbed my camera and took some pictures of the quaint facility where the reunion was held. Since I do post photos of people on my blog, I always ask for permission. That opportunity didn't present itself so I will just say that Michael has some wonderful people he grew up with.

It was High School where most of us began to find our way to the adults we would become. Speaking for myself, it was where I established friendships that have lasted a lifetime, a moral compass that has never left me, and an anchor of faith. I know I could move back to Minnesota and it wouldn't be long and I would have a full social calendar enjoying those people and familiar surroundings. 

Personally, I think reunions also have a therapeutic value ~ time heals all wounds, IF we let it! At 50th reunions, so many have passed away, others disabled, metabolisms have slowed, and what matters most is just being together. After 50 years you're happy merely to see who's still alive and able to show up. The gift of life becomes a focus rather than something taken for granted.

When I was in Florida and still thinking about making that trip to Minnesota, I paged through my high school annuals that are stored at my daughter's home. What a delightful trip down Memory Lane. I was a good kid, my friends were good kids and we got into enough trouble to test the waters of life. Young love was wonderful, dancing the night away was hypnotic, and having a safety net of an entire town kept us from falling too far from what we knew to be "right."

Today, I am doing a little woolgathering as I go about my daily tasks. I wish I could get on the phone and call up a bunch of friends and say, "Hey!" I'd like to get us all together for a bonfire on the shores of Lake Minnewaska and celebrate the wonderful years we spent bonding. I'd like to get all my cousins together again and share stories of our heritage.  Reality says, I am here and it is 2014 not 1964.

Miss Dottie

Dear God,
Thank you for the past, present, and future ~ for friendships that last a lifetime and for the opportunity to bloom wherever I am. I want to pray today for those special times when we can connect with family and friends who have made our lives special. I have been blessed beyond blessed. I thank you for the joy that fills my heart from the time I wake up until I close my eyes. Life passes by so quickly and sometimes there are regrets ~ not about dying ~ but about the things we still want to do and say. I claim the Victory in Jesus (I think there's a song that goes something like that) knowing that my purpose in reaching out to others is ongoing. Father in Heaven, I pray for our country, our nation, our people as we face the Ebola crisis. Give wisdom to those in control and healing to those affected. I pray for the Women's Conference at the Open Range Church this Saturday. Bring the women, Lord, so that they can experience the joining of holy hearts. I pray for a revival of our churches, our pastors, our people. I keep thinking, "if we each touch just one heart a day..." You sent Your Son ... I grabbed hold of his hand and THAT has made all the difference! Amen, it is so...

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

What can I do and let's do it!

October 12, 2014
Sunday Evening

Dear Readers,

It sure is dark outside tonight. Luckily I have lights that make taking the pups out at night easier. They have a habit of going back under the trees where I can't see them and I start to get nervous. There are two hoot owls that are perched up in the trees and Zeke and the Poms would make tasty meals. I make noise so hopefully it would deter any shenanigans!

I had something really nice happen today. I woke up feeling really miserable and just to make a trip to the bathroom was agony. I wanted to pull the covers over my head and disappear for the day. Michael brought me a cup of coffee and even that didn't raise my spirits. After a couple of "Let me sleep 10 more minutes," he said we'd skip church and he was going to let me sleep.

It wasn't long and he came back and said, "You know, if I let you sleep, you're going to be upset that you missed church. I'll bring you some toast and let's give it a go." He held out his hand to me and I grabbed on. I just needed that bit of caring encouragement and I headed for my closet to get dressed. He was right ... I needed some spiritual healing as much as physical healing to carry me through the next week.

On days when it's tough to encourage ourselves, we need someone to feed us those words of, "Come on, you can do this."  What made this day so special was that the old Michael would have let me alone to sleep and would have stayed home from church as well. He would have played his passive aggressive card and both of us would have ended up having a miserable day.

Never underestimate the power of words. The view of myself that was formed as a child then again as a young adult was, "You aren't good enough." No matter how hard I worked, achieved, and tried, it was never going to be good enough. That being said, every time things go remotely against me, I hear that voice and it has created some ugliness with me going into defensive mode. I'm working on this... 

I've had some really tough months lately ~ months where everything which could go wrong, did go wrong. Small things, big things, all seemed to pile on one another. We've all had them. Some weeks ago, I'd come to the end of my rope and was hanging on for dear life. The 'not good enough voice' was getting plenty of ammunition. I reached out in desperation and humility and got sprayed with words of criticism. I wanted to protect the little girl inside of me and reacted rather than acted.

Then, I began to receive words of encouragement and my spirit quieted. I got some messages of positive feedback and some pretty much needed hugs and prayers. My misery didn't vanish; however, there was some light coming through the darkness and I would take deep breaths and move forward.

When I began to blog, I decided that I would take any opportunity I got to encourage and build someone up ~ to champion them ~ to point out positives. I cannot change what happens in my life much less someone else's. What I can do is share my story, my faith in Christ, and keep on keepin' on!

I feel deeply ... I love deeply ... I live openly. I am a imperfect lady with scars and a big mushy heart. Inside my Bible that I used in a 2 year study, I wrote: "Thank you Lord for the hard times." It's been in times of hardship I've grown the most and developed empathy for my fellow traveler.

Come on, walk with me and let's share our common bonds. Let's walk in the truth and light and not be afraid of Satan's ambassadors. Amen? Amen.

Miss Dottie

Dear God, I thank you for this day and for the opportunity to worship with other believers. I pray blessings upon Pastor Gerald and his willingness to shorten a sermon because of what You are placing on his heart. I would hope that more pastors would do that forgetting about what's on a paper and delivering the message God wants them to deliver. Not next Sunday or next month but NOW! Dr Jesus, I thank you for answered prayer for those that are hurting, dealing with cancer, heart issues, broken bones, lost jobs, and uncertain diagnosis. The future can seem so dark and foreboding yet Your Light shines brightly. I thank you for the words, "You can do this" and "What can I do to help." Father God, as a new week begins, help us all to see a need and meet that need. As we go about our busy lives, help us to watch for the stop signs and flashing lights of caution as well as the green lights of "Go!" May my Readers know that I love and am praying for every one of them collectively and individually. I pray in the name of Jesus, the most powerful! Amen, it is so!!

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Late night ramblings...

The Anchor Holds

October 10, 2014

Dear God,

Hi, it's me. The hour is late and I am winding down from a very unbusy day. My pups went out for last potty call a few minutes ago and I stood outside looking into the sky. Wonder if we are going to get the rain that is predicted. My gardens are parched and sure need that deep drink of heavenly water.

My mind began wandering and I was thinking about the song recorded by Ray Boltz, The Anchor Holds. I saw him perform this song in concert, and it has stuck with me as my own theme song. Every now and then, I sit and listen with my hands folded and my eyes closed. For some reason, it soothes my soul and I feel such a deep peace. Tonight, I felt that need and played it before I started writing.

My body is tired tonight ~ I can't catch my breath and keep yawning. I found out this week that my oxygen levels are really low. Wasn't a real surprise. Doctor is supposed to be setting me up for a sleep study to see if I have sleep apnea. I'm hoping that's what it is 'cause that is fixable. Dr asked me if I snored and I told him what my daughter said on her last visit, "Mom, what is that awful noise coming out of your little body??" Enough said...

I've felt really miserable all week ~ enough where my git up wouldn't git up and go. That means I am out for the count til I am better however long that takes. Michael suggested I ride with him to Waco today just to get out of the house and see if it would help to get some fresh air. Let's just say that I was mighty glad to get home and put my achy breaky head on a pillow.  I think my body is wearing out. I get one part fixed and another one breaks down. I've almost lost count of all the surgeries I've had since November of 2004 ... back, feet, neck then repeat... then repeat again... Last count probably 12 and that's 12 too many. I guess the good news is that the surgeries are fixing my bones but the problem is that the bones above the fixes start to crumble. Then, nerves get pinched causing all sorts of other issues... Grumphhhhh...

Dr Troung
I really like my GP. He's very easy going, compassionate, and thorough. He was asking me about my stress level and was busy clacking away on his lap top as I was sharing the events of the past several months. He stopped typing and said in his Asian accent, "Hmm, sound to me like you need less stress. How you do that?" Easy for him to say. I know what I'll do, I'll invite him to walk in my shoes for a week or two and see how he does. Somehow I picture my sweet doctor sprinting around, black hair sticking straight up in the air screaming "iiiiiiiiiiii...eeeee...iiiiiii!" I know you're laughing with me, aren't you?! As for me, I peek in the corners whispering, "Jesus, Jesus? Are you there?"

Those of you with chronic illness know what I'm talking about. There are times I get so frustrated and disappointed. My mother had Rheumatoid Arthritis and I remember her giving in and not making plans because she "might" be in too much pain. I couldn't understand that then but now I do. I'm trying not to give in because in doing so, I admit defeat and accept the power of a label. I may have ______ but I am not _______!

Doctor Jesus, I want to thank you for being my friend and for helping me through my days of frustration. I know I have many Readers who are dealing with chronic illnesses and tonight I am praying specifically for Gwen, Susan, and Lawaina. What an inspiration they are to me and to those around them. I also want to pray a prayer of thanksgiving for Larry and Jackie. We had this wonderful conversation about our faith and beliefs tonight on Facebook. Oh Lord God, I am in awe at the depth of some of my friendships. To not have to hide behind a facade is priceless. Wouldn't it be wonderful if all our relationships could be like that? I want to encourage others to be open and transparent. Sure there are going to be some people who don't like you and some who walk away from you. There are others who are going to stay, encourage, and appreciate. Remember this ~ for every one who walks away there is room for that special relationship.

For my Readers, always remember that I am praying for you with love, understanding, and with an open heart. is so!

Miss Dottie

PS A few days ago, I read: "A strong woman knows she has strength enough for the journey but a woman of strength knows it is in the journey where she will become strong." Anonymous

I think so ... more than that, I know so.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

The Blood Moon

Be quiet oh my soul
For thou art with me
Though the moon turn blood red
You fill me with peace
~Miss Dottie

October 8, 2014

Dear Readers,

Buzzzzz, my alarm went off at 5:30 this morning. I was hoping to go out and photograph the blood moon but too many trees were in the way. Last night, the moon was so beautiful albeit a bit eerie. I am learning to take photos at night ~ guess I should read the camera manual. Duhhh...

Do you ever marvel at how much there is to explore and learn about our planet, our people, our faith, and every avenue of learning? I have an inquisitive mind and love to grow and learn something each and every day. My mother said that I was born asking questions!

I was glad that my friend, Susie, in Plano posted a photo of the blood moon ... gave me goosies just looking through her camera lens at the marvel of the lunar eclipse.

Ever been surprised at how often God used the sun, moon, and starts for signs and seasons? Two of my favorites are the star led the wise men to Jesus and another was when the sun stood still as Joshua led Israel to victory over its enemies. Ever heard "red sky at night, Sailor's delight; red sky at morning, sailors take warning?" That's taken from a passage in the Bible in Matthew 16:2-3, "Red sky at night means fair weather tomorrow, red sky in the morning means foul weather all day."

Scientifically, what is a blood moon? In plain language, it's when the Earth comes between the sun and the moon and the sun is shining through the atmosphere of the Earth and casts up on the moon a red shadow. The moon appears to be red. That's pretty cool in, and of, itself.

A blood moon appeared in April on the Jewish Passover, then again today on the Feast of Tabernacles or Sukkot. The timing will be the same in 2015 ~ again, appearing on Jewish feast days. Google is wonderful ... what I learned was that, in the past, the rare appearance of four blood moons on these feast days has coincided with major events for Israel and the Jewish people. In each of the blood moons, something began in a tragedy and ended in a triumph. Coincidence? I doubt it.

In 1948, Israel was reborn as a nation. After 2000 years, God supernaturally brought them from 66 nations and a nation was born in a day. That marvel followed the tragedy of the Holocaust. Pretty awesome!

I've taken some classes on Biblical prophesy (including a couple on Revelation), read countless books, and listened to some mind boggling programs. It's always interesting to me to listen but I also know that only God knows the past, present, AND future.

This is what I believe: I believe that if there ever was a time for my fellow Christians to stand up and speak up, it is now. Pastor John Hagee said, "To see evil and not call it evil is evil. Not to speak is to speak. We cannot be silent and receive God's approval at a time like this."

Whatever the blood moons mean, we are in for quite a ride. Although the change in America seems like an explosion, the truth of the matter is that the downward spiral of moral decay has been slow but steady. Each year the envelope is pushed a bit further and we accept our new normals.

For quite a few weeks now, we haven't had cable TV. The rabbit ears on my TV in the cottage don't work very well so I've basically given up watching TV. To make a long story short, last night I went in to the house and the rabbit ears were working pretty good on the TV there. I watched a show I hadn't seen in a long while and felt tense. I left the room and headed back for the cottage. After my sabbatical, my eyes and ears weren't used to the violence, language, and sexual content. As new programs are introduced, we are exposed to new avenues of mind control all under the guise of "tolerance."

This morning, during prayer time, I wondered if we pick a church because they echo our own beliefs, tell us what we want to believe/hear, and feel comfortable OR do we choose a church that is Biblically based, speaks God's truth, and encourages Bible study and accountability?? I'd never thought much about that before but since I've been attending the Open Range Church, so much has come forth in my quiet time ... God speaking to me. When Pastor Gerald speaks, I am taking notes as fast as I can. After church, during the week, I take my notes out and go over them. I am being stretched which is a good thing. Anyway, just thinking out loud.

Call it a sign of things to come or just savor it's scientific beauty, the blood moon has come and gone and another day has come to an end.

Miss Dottie

Dear God,
Only You know what each moment brings. There is fear in the city because of the Ebola patient who died and had been in contact with so many people. Now, another man is being medically watched. We're not used to being on our toes, are we? We live in our cozy homes, drive our cozy cars, and feast on the food from the local market. We worry about the trivial things while the big stuff is too "touchy" to be addressed. We have become a thin-skinned nation so ready to point fingers under the guise of tolerance. We mustn't make waves, we mustn't voice opinions of unpopular opinion, and, most of all, we mustn't hurt the feelings of anyone. Good golly, God, the only one we seem to be not afraid of hurting is YOU! We cheer loudly at football games yet are afraid of being radical in lifting our hands to worship You who died on a cross for our sins. We don't want to be unpopular so we give in to the status quo. When we speak of our hurts, we are called mean-spirited. When we speak of our joy in Christ, we are called "one of those fanatical Christians." God forgive us ... strengthen us in our weaknesses ... protect and deliver us from the darkness that threatens our country, our homes, our lives. Father, Son, Holy Spirit ~ I pray for healing for two little babies (Liam & LLB) who are hospitalized ~ I pray for my friends who are fighting for their lives with the dreaded cancers that have taken over their bodies ~ and, I ask that you bless the families that are bringing awareness to the children with Down Syndrome. I think specifically of little Landree who brings so much joy to her family and to an entire church. Not one, no, not one of us is a surprise to You. Jesus, precious Jesus, come and give my Readers what they individually need and bless their lives exponentially. Amen, it is so...