Tuesday, October 14, 2014

What can I do and let's do it!

October 12, 2014
Sunday Evening

Dear Readers,

It sure is dark outside tonight. Luckily I have lights that make taking the pups out at night easier. They have a habit of going back under the trees where I can't see them and I start to get nervous. There are two hoot owls that are perched up in the trees and Zeke and the Poms would make tasty meals. I make noise so hopefully it would deter any shenanigans!

I had something really nice happen today. I woke up feeling really miserable and just to make a trip to the bathroom was agony. I wanted to pull the covers over my head and disappear for the day. Michael brought me a cup of coffee and even that didn't raise my spirits. After a couple of "Let me sleep 10 more minutes," he said we'd skip church and he was going to let me sleep.

It wasn't long and he came back and said, "You know, if I let you sleep, you're going to be upset that you missed church. I'll bring you some toast and let's give it a go." He held out his hand to me and I grabbed on. I just needed that bit of caring encouragement and I headed for my closet to get dressed. He was right ... I needed some spiritual healing as much as physical healing to carry me through the next week.

On days when it's tough to encourage ourselves, we need someone to feed us those words of, "Come on, you can do this."  What made this day so special was that the old Michael would have let me alone to sleep and would have stayed home from church as well. He would have played his passive aggressive card and both of us would have ended up having a miserable day.

Never underestimate the power of words. The view of myself that was formed as a child then again as a young adult was, "You aren't good enough." No matter how hard I worked, achieved, and tried, it was never going to be good enough. That being said, every time things go remotely against me, I hear that voice and it has created some ugliness with me going into defensive mode. I'm working on this... 

I've had some really tough months lately ~ months where everything which could go wrong, did go wrong. Small things, big things, all seemed to pile on one another. We've all had them. Some weeks ago, I'd come to the end of my rope and was hanging on for dear life. The 'not good enough voice' was getting plenty of ammunition. I reached out in desperation and humility and got sprayed with words of criticism. I wanted to protect the little girl inside of me and reacted rather than acted.

Then, I began to receive words of encouragement and my spirit quieted. I got some messages of positive feedback and some pretty much needed hugs and prayers. My misery didn't vanish; however, there was some light coming through the darkness and I would take deep breaths and move forward.

When I began to blog, I decided that I would take any opportunity I got to encourage and build someone up ~ to champion them ~ to point out positives. I cannot change what happens in my life much less someone else's. What I can do is share my story, my faith in Christ, and keep on keepin' on!

I feel deeply ... I love deeply ... I live openly. I am a imperfect lady with scars and a big mushy heart. Inside my Bible that I used in a 2 year study, I wrote: "Thank you Lord for the hard times." It's been in times of hardship I've grown the most and developed empathy for my fellow traveler.

Come on, walk with me and let's share our common bonds. Let's walk in the truth and light and not be afraid of Satan's ambassadors. Amen? Amen.

Miss Dottie

Dear God, I thank you for this day and for the opportunity to worship with other believers. I pray blessings upon Pastor Gerald and his willingness to shorten a sermon because of what You are placing on his heart. I would hope that more pastors would do that forgetting about what's on a paper and delivering the message God wants them to deliver. Not next Sunday or next month but NOW! Dr Jesus, I thank you for answered prayer for those that are hurting, dealing with cancer, heart issues, broken bones, lost jobs, and uncertain diagnosis. The future can seem so dark and foreboding yet Your Light shines brightly. I thank you for the words, "You can do this" and "What can I do to help." Father God, as a new week begins, help us all to see a need and meet that need. As we go about our busy lives, help us to watch for the stop signs and flashing lights of caution as well as the green lights of "Go!" May my Readers know that I love and am praying for every one of them collectively and individually. I pray in the name of Jesus, the most powerful! Amen, it is so!!

1 comment:

  1. That's wonderful that Michael encouraged you to go to church. So often, you are the one encouraging and lifting him up. It is really nice to read your blog and to see that he knows how church fills your spirit.

    Love YOU~
