Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Why is church important?

Carrie Underwood's New Song,
Something in the Water ... I love it!!

September 30, 2014
Tuesday ~ Late Evening

Dear Readers,

Once more, the day has faded away and the cusp of darkness surrounds me. I let the pups out for their last potty call and could hear the owls softly hoooting. I always get a little nervous because 3 of the Fabulous Five are under 6 pounds. One of those owls could swoop down and pick one up in a heartbeat. I try to keep them where I can see them to avoid scrambling out in the trees to find them. Everyone is in now, safe and sound.

After I moved to North Central Texas, I didn't attend church. I kept telling myself that going to church didn't make me an any better Christian than sitting in a garage made me a car. Well, that was true; however, what I didn't realize was how stifled I had become. I read my Bible, prayed, led led a Christian life. All well and good. I would try a church and get disappointed. It would take me awhile and I would try again. In the meantime, Michael went to school with a couple here in town and they kept, inviting us to no other than the Open Range Cowboy Church.

I can't explain it but all of a sudden, I felt that kick in the pants and I said, "Okayyyy." Michael thought I was crazy. What would a city girl have in common with a Cowboy Church? Well, I guess the Lord decided that I needed to dig out my denim and boots 'cause I went, plunked myself down, and thoroughly enjoyed myself for the first time in what seemed like years. The next Sunday, I walked in, grabbed a form, and filled it out for membership. What?? Yep, I did. Just like that.

In 1975, my husband was transferred to San Antonio. My baby son and I flew down to look for a house. The first home we looked at, I sat down on the steps and said, "I am home." My husband looked at me strangely and the realtor said I should look at more homes just to compare. I said, "Nope, not going anywhere." I never regretted my decision and I doubt if I will regret the one I just made. I'm like that ... in so many ways, I just know...

Let's talk about this a minute. If I was a Christian why should church be important?

First of all, I'm not the Lone Ranger. I went to church before I could walk; and, unless I was on death's door, I attended with my family every Sunday. I had a firm foundation in place at Glenwood Lutheran Church, Glenwood, MN. The Lutheran Church gave me discipline in learning what my church was founded on and what it was all about. Ask anyone who has gone through the confirmation classes and testing in front of the congregation! My family was involved and my brother and I were involved. It was where I first learned to serve. I may not attend that church anymore but being a part of a church family is important to me especially since I see my own family so seldom.

Mindy, Brenda, Chyann
Last Sunday, I was chatting with the family that sits behind me. Their entire family attends the Open Range Church and they cherish their time of worshiping together. I told them how special that was and how my own family was so far away. They offered to adopt me. How special is that??!!

I just love getting to know people and finding out more about them. Each Sunday, my family grows larger!

Lil Buck his brother & friends

Secondly, going to church grounds me. I believe in God, Jesus, The Holy Spirit ~ I believe in the Bible ~ When I am at a crossroad, it helps me make decisions. Many times it just keeps me from doing stupid stuff. Like everyone, I have a sin nature and without my conscience, faith, and a spiritual handbook, I would be lost. Following God's recipe has never steered me wrong ... left to my own faulty thinking has led to disaster.

Thirdly, there's something about joining other Christian in worship. When Will gives the one, two, three, I'm ready! I love Country Gospel music ~ it stirs my soul and gets my heart beating! I love the excitement generated when we greet each other and laughter fills the room. It's more than just "shakin' sumbody's hand." It's really caring and welcoming each other. It's nice for someone to notice when I'm not there rather than just be a number on the rolls. Face it, we all like to feel a part of...

Fourthly, and I think this is really important: fellowship with other believers. It's not just going to church on Sunday. It's sharing life with people who want to live a life that God honors. I cherish time spent with imperfect people striving to be more like Christ. I accept my church family and they accept me warts, bumps, and all.

Lastly, which should be firstly, there's just something about feeling the Holy Spirit work as we honor God collectively. I've watched a lot of church on TV and it's just not the same. I give to God and He fills me up ready to take on the world in the next week. I strive to give God my first-fruits and praise Him for who He is ... Almighty!

I know there's some of you out there who don't attend church, some who have been hurt by the church, and others who flat out think I'm nuts for believing in Jesus. That's okay. I would encourage you to think about giving it a try. And, for those of you who think I use my faith as a crutch ... yes, I do. When I've fallen down and had nowhere to go, I know for certain that there's a God who is going to help me up! No matter what, always remember that if you're reading this, you're being prayed for and loved down deep in my heart!

Miss Dottie

Dear Jesus, Son of the Living God ~ I come before you on bended knee. I thank you for your patience, goodness, and mercy. You are and forever will be my sun, stars, and moon. Father the Ebola virus has come to Texas. I pray for your care and protection for your people. May the man in Presbyterian Hospital who is so ill, be raised to a newness of life. A life that would give you praise. Help our government officials make wise decisions in protecting our country from invaders that would destroy our people and great nation. Please forgive our foolishness and moral decay  ~ lead us to repentance and a new way of thinking/doing. For those fighting the dreaded cancer, I pray for remission, healing, and perseverance. For all my Readers that are having to make some pretty tough decisions, I pray for clarity and divine guidance. There are some folks that need to get with your program!! Help me to be a better servant, knowing when to speak and when to be quiet! Amen, it is so!!

1 comment:

  1. Dead on Miss Dottie! I love your perspectives. I was sorry not to see y'all last night, but was helping someone in real need. Rick
