Monday, October 6, 2014

Savoring Sunday

Yep, my name's on the roll
and I'm ready to rock!!

October 5, 2014


Dear Readers,

Ruffy and Harmony
Hmmm... My crew woke me up at their usual time ~5am. I looked at 4 pair of beady eyes and said, "You're going to have to hold it ... potty call and breakfast are served no earlier than 6:30." Nothing doing. They were relentless. They whined, scratched my shoulders, and at the slightest indication that I was noticing, they would run for the door. If you're a parent of a young child or pups like mine, you know exactly what I am talking about!! Wasn't long and I gave in. Ever see 4 dogs trying to get out of a door at the same time? Hilarious! Toby was inside the house and came running 90 miles an hour out the back door. He and Kennedy collided in the middle of the patio! Kennedy is a wimp with a sore dew claw so he was yipping and yapping like crazy. Bet the neighbors loved me.

Proud Daddy Rick & Precious Landree!
Today is my favorite day of the week. I GET to go to church and no amount of sleepiness or pain will deter me from getting there. I love the song the Open Range Band sings ~ "Ready to Rock." Ever since I signed my name on that paper, I've been ready to roll. I'm not sure where they can use me but surely there is someplace that I can give of my talents. Or, if God calls me to something, I can be rest assured that He will equip me!! In the meantime, I am loving where I'm at and getting to know my new church family. I ALWAYS look forward to seeing little miss gorgeous Landree herself with all her smiles and giggles!

Yesterday, I had the blessing of selling my jams, relish, and salsa at the church booth at Pioneer Days in Whitney. While I was there I met so many wonderful folks and got to booth sit with some pretty awesome ladies selling tshirts and handing out brochures. The Open Range's 6th Annual Women's Conference is the 18th from 9am~4pm. Lunch will be provided and there will be SHOPPING, raffle items, and door prizes. Best of all, it's FREE!!  If you're reading this, come on and join us!! You won't be disappointed!

The Battle is the Lord's
2 Chronicles 20:15 

Branden and Stephanie stopped by with their family (the ones who have adopted me) and little Braydon shared a story:

Braydon was at Pioneer Days and he found a wonderful child's sword. On his own, he decided to take the sword back to the booth that was selling them in case a little boy or girl their retraced steps to where they bought that fine sword. The people at the booth were so impressed at Braydon's honesty that he was invited to pick out another sword. Braydon did all this without any prompting from dad or mom. How about that? He could have kept the sword and no one would have been the wiser. He instinctively knew what he needed to do and, in turn, got a pretty nice reward. How cool is that?! What a great example he was to his little brother and whole family! I just had to find him at church this morning & shake his hand. Branden and Stephanie are doing a fine job in bring up their two sons in the Lord. Makes my heart sing!!

Today, Pastor Gerald started out his sermon by talking about forgiveness. (I felt his wisdom seeping into the pores of my skin it was so intense.)

I am a Christian who is yielding to a higher calling. I'm a believer who has been saved by Jesus Christ who died on a cross that I might be forgiven for my sins past, present, and future. I choose to follow Christ's example by studying His Word and applying it to my life. Try as I might, I fail over and over, cringing as I bring my tears to my Lord and asking for forgiveness. To atone has been tough at best but, all I know, is that I "want to."

Forgiveness can a tough pill to swallow. I don't know about you but when the hurt stings like acid poured into a wound, and I'm telling myself that I have good cause for my unforgiveness, forgiveness doesn't come naturally. The world says I can walk away, Christ says I am to forgive and leave the porch light on. Ooohhh, that's doing what comes un-naturally.

"When they kept on questioning him, he straightened up and said to them, 'If any one of you is without sin, let him be the first to throw a stone at her.'" ~John 8:7 NIV

A long time ago, I needed to do a whole lotta praying about some people who really did some damage to me physically, mentally, financially, and spiritually. Christian therapy and writing my blog helped me in so many ways to get the puss out and to heal. S-l-o-w-l-y, I began to realize that if I did not forgive, I would be kept captive the rest of my life. Jesus forgave me and, as an act of obedience, I needed to give (forgetting, no forgive, yes.) and move on. I was at a woman's conference and I put all my hurts on a paper inside a balloon ... there must have been over a hundred women who did the same. We said a prayer then watched our balloons float to heaven. I was so moved, I fell to my knees sobbing. The pain started leaving my body and I felt the release that only God can give.
The hardest part of "I forgive" is not holding on to a grudge and making someone's life a living hell. For many years, I attended Alanon working and teaching the 12 Steps. I call them the 12 steps to freedom. I went through some intense therapy for many years learning survival skills. Tough? Yes. Worth it? Yes!

All this being said, where am I now? I still hurt people and people hurt me. That's just life. "Vengeance is mine" says the Lord in Deuteronomy 32:35. Believe me, I've experienced His working behind the scenes to restore and build up those who have been so wounded that I never thought they'd survive. The therapists I've worked with have marveled that I am not only sane but compassionate without a bitter bone in my body. I do have a form of PTSD and am very very careful not to expose myself to certain situations. Life, for the most part, is good. I conquered my fears one at a time and screamed out loud, "YOU will NOT steal my peace, my faith, or my future." That keeps me positive and moving forward.

Miss Dottie

Dear Jesus,
As broken people we come before you thanking you for your forgiveness, compassion, and the love that passes all human understanding. How can you love the murderer, the adulteress, the liar, the perpetrator? You hate the sin in all of us yet you love the sinner that's how. Help us to be able to let go and allow You to heal our spirits, our minds, and our bodies. I know first hand, that everything that happens is Father-filtered and can be a stepping stone to something greater. Had I not traveled my own journey I could not be able to understand those going through the same trials. I pray for my Readers ... for the great numbers in France who are now following me, I pray specifically for your provision and protection. For my Readers in America, you are continually in my heart. Rise us up Lord to be your warriors, to do your work, and to join holy hands! Amen, it is so!!

1 comment:

  1. Releasing written hurts into the air via a balloon is a brilliant idea. I can just see hundreds of balloons soaring into the sky. Amazing!!

    Love YOU,
