Monday, October 20, 2014

Class Reunions

My Guy by Mary Wells
Top Hit May 16-23, 1964 

October 16, 2014

Dear Readers,

As the Class of 1964, Glenwood High School, was approaching graduation, My Guy sung by Mary Wells was at the top of the music charts and emotions were riding high as my classmates and I were getting ready to close a chapter in our lives. Many of us had been classmates since kindergarten and it was a bit of a daunting thought to be moving in different directions. Annuals were being passed around and sentiments shared. How fun to be able to go back and read what was so important ... then.

My class celebrated our 50th reunion in September of this year. I had looked forward to seeing friends and sharing hugs for five years. Living in Texas has been a prohibiting factor from attending most of my reunions so I was especially looking forward to this one. As fate would have it, Michael got very ill and I was unable to attend. I mourned the loss of my trip; however, I did order a CD of photos and got some good first hand reports. I have awesome friends!!

Last Saturday night, Michael had his 50th class reunion and he wasn't planning to go. He said he felt bad because he was the reason I missed mine. I looked him square in the eye and said, "You are going. This is not about you, it's about connecting with people who were an important influence in your life and catching up with "them." Long story short, we went and had a wonderful time. For one sweet nostalgic night Michael could revisit the best parts of high school without worrying about the silly stuff from days gone by. He laughed, he shared, he hugged, he was more real than I've ever seen him.

I watched, listened and visited with a few that I've gotten to know since our move. I noticed that there were some distinct differences being raised in the Midwest and in the South. I'm never bored in unfamiliar surroundings and while they were taking class photos, I grabbed my camera and took some pictures of the quaint facility where the reunion was held. Since I do post photos of people on my blog, I always ask for permission. That opportunity didn't present itself so I will just say that Michael has some wonderful people he grew up with.

It was High School where most of us began to find our way to the adults we would become. Speaking for myself, it was where I established friendships that have lasted a lifetime, a moral compass that has never left me, and an anchor of faith. I know I could move back to Minnesota and it wouldn't be long and I would have a full social calendar enjoying those people and familiar surroundings. 

Personally, I think reunions also have a therapeutic value ~ time heals all wounds, IF we let it! At 50th reunions, so many have passed away, others disabled, metabolisms have slowed, and what matters most is just being together. After 50 years you're happy merely to see who's still alive and able to show up. The gift of life becomes a focus rather than something taken for granted.

When I was in Florida and still thinking about making that trip to Minnesota, I paged through my high school annuals that are stored at my daughter's home. What a delightful trip down Memory Lane. I was a good kid, my friends were good kids and we got into enough trouble to test the waters of life. Young love was wonderful, dancing the night away was hypnotic, and having a safety net of an entire town kept us from falling too far from what we knew to be "right."

Today, I am doing a little woolgathering as I go about my daily tasks. I wish I could get on the phone and call up a bunch of friends and say, "Hey!" I'd like to get us all together for a bonfire on the shores of Lake Minnewaska and celebrate the wonderful years we spent bonding. I'd like to get all my cousins together again and share stories of our heritage.  Reality says, I am here and it is 2014 not 1964.

Miss Dottie

Dear God,
Thank you for the past, present, and future ~ for friendships that last a lifetime and for the opportunity to bloom wherever I am. I want to pray today for those special times when we can connect with family and friends who have made our lives special. I have been blessed beyond blessed. I thank you for the joy that fills my heart from the time I wake up until I close my eyes. Life passes by so quickly and sometimes there are regrets ~ not about dying ~ but about the things we still want to do and say. I claim the Victory in Jesus (I think there's a song that goes something like that) knowing that my purpose in reaching out to others is ongoing. Father in Heaven, I pray for our country, our nation, our people as we face the Ebola crisis. Give wisdom to those in control and healing to those affected. I pray for the Women's Conference at the Open Range Church this Saturday. Bring the women, Lord, so that they can experience the joining of holy hearts. I pray for a revival of our churches, our pastors, our people. I keep thinking, "if we each touch just one heart a day..." You sent Your Son ... I grabbed hold of his hand and THAT has made all the difference! Amen, it is so...

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