Monday, October 20, 2014

The Battle is the Lord's

October 20, 2014

Dear Readers,

Good Morning! Tell you what, come on over and let me tell you about the Women's Conference I attended at The Open Range Cowboy Church on Saturday. I'll try keep it short but you know me ~ when I get on a roll I rattle on and on.

My time in the desert of life was very long. I was thinking a couple of years but if I am honest, it's probably been more like eleven or twelve. I got off the lighted path and found myself in a parched wasteland where I struggled and floundered a good deal of the time. Most of my life revolved around survival and wearing a smile when the pain inside was raging. Don't get me wrong, there were times in those years that I was happy, enjoying my family and work, and taking things one day at a time. I'm just being honest about the real state of my spiritual life.

Looking back, I think it was a time of refinement ... a time of breaking me down so that I could be stronger, wiser, and more joyful in my purpose on this earth. The years seemed long but now they are like chaff blowing in the wind ... gone.

"May they be like chaff before the wind,
with the angel of the Lord driving them away;"
~Psalm 35:5

My decision to have a "come to Jesus" meeting with myself opened up a whole new world. I had to make a conscious choice then make that choice a verb. A decision is worthless unless acted upon. There's so much meaning in the words spoken in Proverbs 27:17: "Iron sharpens iron and one man sharpens another." I knew that I needed sharpening and that maybe, just maybe, God could use me to help other people. One step has led to another and I found myself at the 6th Annual Women's Conference at the Open Range Cowboy Church last Saturday.

The John Ramsey family extended an invitation
AND, I accepted!
When I walked into the Open Range Cowboy Church last June, I actually felt the Holy Spirit moving. With each smile, hand shake, and hug, I felt the love of the Lord Jesus telling me, "It's okay, you're in good hands." Little did these people know how desperately I needed those affirmations ~ they were just being themselves and somehow I just knew that. Before I went to church that first Sunday, I made a promise to myself and to God that I would just be me. I knew that if I was authentically me, I didn't have to worry about keeping up any pretences. With each baby step, I found my way to jumping for joy!!

In all this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials. Thse have come so that the proven genuineness of your faith ~ of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire ~ may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed. Though you have not seen him, you love him; and even though you do not see him now, you believe in him and are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy. ~ 1 Peter 1:6-8 (NIV)

Women need other women. Men aren't supposed to be girlfriends. My grandmother used to tell me about her "Circle" ~ a group of friends who saw each other through pregnancies, deaths, illnesses, times of joy, and on and on. They shared clothes, had quilting bees, had sewing groups, shared life's stories, preserved food, and helped each other with chores. My grandmother was very poor yet the richest woman on this earth. She lived life with an outstretched hand ~ a hand not to receive but to give. Into her 90's, she would tell her daughter, "Alida, get the car, we're going to visit the old folks." Her home was time worn with years of love and gatherings. Believe me, we were all STUFFED into that little house and no one minded a bit. My grandmother had a servant's heart and left a legacy her family has built on!!

Oh dear, I've kind of gotten off track, haven't I. Back to the Women's Conference. Since I'd never attended the other 5, I was open to whatever the day held and, believe me, it was filled with worship and praise, a couple incredible speakers, prayer, and a time when women were sharpening other women!!

To be honest, I think that day brought me back to some basics that I've been missing for many years. I could sit back and be fed until I was so full I could barely walk. The church was decorated in beautiful colors of Autumn (you know me, things need to be pretty!); the guys in the Open Range Band gave up their Saturday to fill our hearts with music; the singers, oh my gosh, the singers (there was a lady who sang by the name of Brenda and her voice took me to a place I hadn't recognized before - that sista had SOUL - and, I have to have her CD!!); and, the message (oh the message) of The Battle is the Lord's (2 Chronicles 20:15) came through loud and clear.

I came away with a renewed sense of peace with the message, "I've got this!~Love, God" God knows what's going on in our lives, our country, our world and, in the end, He wins. Because I believe in Him, I win too! Now, that doesn't mean I just stick my head in the sand and don't raise any feathers. To not to speak is to condone and, from the road I've walked, that isn't going to happen. You may like me, tolerate me, love me, or hate me ... that's okay 'cause your soul is more important to me than being afraid of stepping on your toes. You'll always know where I stand ~ I crossed that line to stand with the Lord on September 17, 1999 and have never looked back!

Although I felt refreshed and content after the conference, I also was drained and my body so tired I barely dragged it through the doors of my cottage before collapsing on the sofa falling sound asleep. I had snippits of the day running in and out of my dreams and I woke for an hour before crashing for the night.  It was like God was allowing me to soak in the joy of the day.

Miss Dottie

Dear Jesus,
Oh my, oh my what a roller coaster ride you've taken me on. The ascention to the top, the beautiful views, the drop when I thought my tummy was going to erupt, the hitting of a low only to be followed by another crest. That's life isn't it?? The highs and lows and the inbetweens. What a savory treat the ride of life is when we come to the end of our days. It's the ride, the whole thing that make's a life a legacy experienced then left behind. Father God in Heaven, I pray that my precious Readers would know that as crazy as things have been in our country and lives that "The Battle is the Lord's." As we rise up and prepare for the battles of the day, help us to remember who is leading our army. Am I prepared to take a stand? Have I grabbed on to Your Hand knowing that You're NEVER going to let go? Father, my grandson, Zachary, who is 11 took a stand at school at got reprimanded. Will he do that again? I know he will. I pray for his boldness to continue! I pray for the rising up of our youth, gird them with truth and a knowledge of You as almighty God. Jesus, dear Jesus, I pray that my brothers and sisters in Christ would join me as we die to self and reach out to others. Amen, it is so!!

PS Remember, please remember. This is what the Lord is saying to us: Do not be afraid or discouraged because of the vast army of evil doers or pestilence ~ the battle is not ours, but God's! Always remember that YOU my Readers are loved and prayed for ... YA YOU!!

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