Let me hear Your loving kindness in the morning;
For I trust in You;
For I trust in You;
Teach me the way in which I should walk;
For to You I lift up my soul
~Psalm 143:8 (NAS)
October 27, 2014
Dear God,
Going to need to dig out a sweater for Zeke ~ he doesn't like rain, dark, or cold! The rest of the Fabulous 5 dart out like they're going to a party yapping their way through the Canine Hallelujah Chorus!
Last Friday night, Michael and I drove over to Whitney to attend Bible Study at the Open Range Church. What a wonderful group of folks to share an evening of fellowship with. Pastor Rick did a great job of explaining our lesson in Acts, we had some lively discussion, then drove over to the Texas Cafe to eat. Yum!
And they devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers. ~Acts 2:42
The Farmer's Market held on Saturdays in the town square is officially over. It was kind of a bittersweet day ~ I will miss creating different flavors of jams, pickles, relishes and having the discipline of meeting a deadline and preparing for each market. I didn't have much jam left and by the time we were to pack up and leave, I only had enough left for us to enjoy over the winter months. I am grateful for my loyal customers who drooled over their purchases and returned week after week. My kitchen got quite a workout and the scent of berries and jalapenos lingers!
My friend, Neva ... I LOVE her spirit! |
I picked #7 but wouldn't you know, Honeysuckle did #2 on #2! |
This little princess in her pink cowboy boots did amazingly well ~ 1st time on the mechanical bull! |
Cutest little rodeo clown ever! |
This young man has adopted me ~ love being Branden's grandmother! |
I am spoiled and I've only been attending church at the Open Range since mid June. The band gives a concert each Sunday, Miss Kitty pours out her heart to the kids each Sunday; Pastor Rick gives announcements and prays each Sunday; and, Pastor Dudley teaches and shepherds his flock 24/7. There is a bonding of the people there that goes beyond explanation. Music ... prayer ... the Word of God ~ right up my alley!!
The Bible I got is the book on the left. |
I don't know how I managed for so long without a church family. I was so blasted lonely and felt like a duck out of water after our move to North Central Texas. The churches I visited didn't need me ~ they had rosters of folks that went back for generations and every need was being met. They had their ways of doing things and I was just a stranger who came to town.
Maybe that's what's different about the Open Range Church. I wasn't just a stranger who blew in with the hot June air. I was welcomed and embraced for the unconventional person I am. I love being able to grab my camera and Bible, snap some photos and wrap my arms around God's people. It is here that I am experiencing the unashamed repentant believer kneeling at the foot of the cross during the service ... It is here I am worshiping my Lord with songs of gladness and spreading my wings.
Miss Dottie
PS Note to my Readers: No matter what church you attend, it will get old if all you do is attend weekly services. You will leave one church and have fun at the next one .. for awhile. Then, it will get old again. Skipping church will be easy because no one will miss you. Please get plugged in and give as much as you want to receive ~ you'll never regret it!
I love what Beth Moore said: "Life shouldn't be a journey to the grave with the attention of arriving safely in a pretty and well-preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly shouting, 'Wow, what a ride! Thank You, Lord!'"
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