He touched me ... yes, He did!! And, He can touch you too!!
Morning dawns, a new day begins. I am given the gift of this day ... time to use as I choose... Ah yes...the smell of Kona coffee beckons me from my bed and I shuffle to the kitchen rubbing my eyes and scratching my itches! All I need to appear more ridiculous is a pair of big fluffy slippers. Somehow, I've always hated having my feet suffocated in house shoes. I wear flip flops most of the time until the temperature drops and I can pull on my boots. I LOVE my boots!! Now how did I get from planning my day to itching to my feet to my boots?? Oh well, it's early.
Come on over and sit a spell with me and let's chat awhile. I had visions of sitting amongst flowers and newly planted bushes this summer in the back yard at the little casa. You've heard that story ... the best laid plans... Well, I am sitting in the backyard surrounded by dead leaves and bushes struggling to survive the horrendous heat we've experienced this Summer. I can't remember the last time we had any rain. It's hard to look around me and think lovely thoughts but believe me I'm trying to see the humor in all of this. Ever have one of those things that you try and try and try and it just doesn't seem to work? Last night I thought I would prune some of my plants so that the struggle would be to develop roots giving them a chance to flourish next year. Yes, I am one of those proverbial positive thinkers!!
Have you ever bought something that you thought was going to work in a room then realized what an awful piece it was once it came in from the car. I needed a floor lamp and saw one on display at Lowe's. It was placed high on a shelf in a dimly lit spot ... it looked good from the floor and they had plenty in stock. I asked the clerk how they could get that lamp in such a small box and he assured me that it would be ok. That should have been my first clue. I took the lamp home and opened the box. Oh good grief ... The stem of the lamp was in four pieces and the shade was as flat as a pancake. The directions to make the lamp shade work sounded easy enough so I pushed and prodded the stems into the top of the shade. The fabric of the shade was the ugliest stuff I've ever seen. Now...I need to take the thing apart and put it back into that little box. I learned my lesson about buying something basing it on a dimly lit display that breaks down into a little bitty box!! I am vowing to buy only things that I can see right before me in bright light!! Augh....looks like I will be making a trip to Waco today. I don't want that ugly lamp getting too comfortable in the living room!
I thoroughly enjoy playing with my home ... the basic pieces stay the same but I love adding accessories based on the season. When I was in Minnesota, I bought a lovely picture of an old Norwegian woman packing a wedding trunk. I just love sitting and looking at the faces and wondering what the artist was trying to say through his brush. I look around my home and wonder what it says about me and my life. I doubt if anyone would ever find me boring! I do love color!! I am still thinking I would like to paint with oils ... I'd need to drive to Waco!! Sounds like I will be burning up the roads around this little town traveling to destinations that have more to offer as I continue on my journey of life.
One of the most difficult things about living with a chronic illness is not always being able to go and do when "I" would like to. I remember my grandmother sitting in her chair while others came in and out of her home. What joy she must have felt watching her children and their children and their children grow right before her eyes. We have the Internet to send photos now and what is that gadget ? Skype? Somehow, I think that seeing our loved ones in person is better ... maybe that's because I am a touchy feely person!! I go to visit Mom S nearly every day and am fully aware that one day I may be in her place. We come full circle in life all too soon!
What are you up to today? Doing something special? Just about anything is special to me ... I'm just a big kid with my eyes wide open and my hands grabbing on to all the adventures I come across! I've started putting songs at the top of my blogs ... I enjoy listening to the music as I type. He Touched Me ... Why does this song reach out to me? As I was scrambling through the ups and downs of life, he grabbed ahold of me and didn't let go. When I was at my lowest, he lifted me out of the muck and mire and placed me on His lap. Do you know what it feels like to know love when you're unlovable? As human beings, we have limitations but God doesn't. He knew me before I was thought of ... he formed me and gave me this crazy personality. He has used me and gifted me and, people, I am so grateful, I could just shout for joy!!
My neighbor, Beverly, continues to minister to me regarding my wardrobe ... She loves to dress up and has this flair about her ... she's tall and thin and has this striking red hair. She also has this tremendous will power when it comes to food. Sometimes, I feel like a petite little grandma next to her. I am working on it though and my closet has some new stuff in it that makes me a little more "stylish!" Fortunately (or unfortunately?!), I met some pretty great cooks while I was in Minnesota and couldn't manage to push my plate away when I should have. I am doing what I need to though to get back in the groove and that's what's important. I guess I do have some will power!!
I guess I had best go back into the house and get set for my day. Would you believe I am feeling some sprinkles? Not enough to matter but I'll take sprinkles over the blazing hot sun any day! Come on rain!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks for joining me for a steaming hot cup of coffee this morning. I just know that we're going to have one wonderful day ... no matter what comes our way!! Enjoy the life God has given you!! All too soon ... yes, all too soon, we must rest!