Monday, August 8, 2011

It's a Beautiful Monday in Minnesota!

Good Morning, Readers!  I hope this morning finds you in good spirits.  Oh goodness, I just looked outside the patio door and it's been raining.  Just what they need here ... more rain.  I wonder if I can grab one of those rain clouds or two and haul them back to Texas with me??  No rain in sight there ... they are struggling -- the land, man, and beast!

Since I decided to leave Texas for Minnesota, life has been filled with adventures at every turn.  I knew it was important for me to come back to the place where I was born and grew up.  Little did I know how important this trip would be.  When you get to be 64 years old you seize every opportunity to "go and grow."

Yesterday, we were back at work cleaning up the many trees that were down.  I walked over to see what Roger was doing and lo and behold there was a little pine tree that had been protected by the huge branches that had fallen around it.  I stood there then ran into the house to get my camera.  I thought about the storms of life and how God protects us ... this was visual proof!! 

Another strange thing happened to me yesterday while we were dealing with the downed trees.  All of a sudden I could hear my mother saying, "There will be blood shed in the wood shed if you don't behave."  Then, I could see an old shed on a farm next to the garage with a strap in it ... there was also an animal hanging in there.  I wonder what the story is behind that?? Having PTSD, certain smells and sights will bring back parts of memories that have been hidden away.  I used to react to these as a small child would.  Now, I take a deep breath  and remind myself that I am an adult and can handle the snapshots from my past.  That is a good feeling!  I cannot change my yesterdays; however, I am responsible for my recovery!

Trisha P, Me, Nancy T, Toni K in back
Kind Spirits...Good Energy!
I have learned so much about myself ... I don't do well surrounded by negativeness, passive aggressiveness, and an absence of love and acceptance.  You know, when we're in "something" for a long time even if it's not good, we tend to remain thinking there's nothing else.  THAT'S NOT TRUE!!  There is a whole wide world full of positive loving people out there.  People ready to give hugs freely.  At my Aunt Helen's Celebration of Life Service, there was an aura of love surrounding all of us.  As I have shared before, my son told me to go to Minnesota and come back with a smile that would need to be surgically removed.  Well, I find myself smiling and smiling and smiling.  The only thing that would be better would have been sharing this trip with my children and grandchildren.

Lily is still in the VW Hospital in Fargo, ND.  The adjuster has not been out to see her so I wait...  Looking back, it was certainly a stupid thing to do ... running into the sand piled on the gravel road.  What was I thinking?!  Aughhh!!  More lessons learned about driving in the country on gravel roads.  I know my son is shaking his head.  There are times when he thinks that he should take my car keys away.  I keep them hidden.  he he

My Florida Family
Jane, Corgi Cricket, Katrina,
 Madison, Tim, Corgi Teddy

 I was supposed to go to Florida to visit daughter, Jane, and family when I returned to Texas from Minnesota.  Kat is doing so well in gymnastics and Madison is back on the competition cheerleading team.  Both are strong athletes.  I look forward to watching them practice and compete.  I don't like being a long distance grandma and cherish every moment I get to spend with them.

Boys love to have fun!
My little grandsons are back in t-ball and baseball.  Hard to believe Zachary will soon be 8 and Nicholas 6.  First thing on the agenda when I get back will be to head for the baseball park!  My youngest grandchild starts kindergarten this year.  Yikes!  Time sure flies...  What a gift it is to spend time with these little rascals ... never a dull moment!  Hopefully, we can have a sleepover at Grandma's house when I get back...

The quiet after the storm..
 The storm that this county suffered on August 1, 2011 was a strong reminder about what is really important in life.  It's not about the material things because those can be wiped away in a matter of minutes ... it's about our relationships.  Roger, Nancy and I were so happy to be safe ... yes, trees and debris were all around us but we had each other.  I truly believe that all calamity is Father filtered and is a way that God gets our attention.  Wise is the man (or woman) who sees, listens and learns!

I was reading in Ezekiel 33-36 this morning.  In 33:6 it says: "But if the watchman sees the enemy coming and doesn't sound the alarm and warn the people, he is responsible for their deaths.  They will die in their sins, but I will charge the watchman with their deaths.  In 33:9 he continues:  "But if you warn him to repent and he doesn't, he will die in his sin, and you will not be responsible."  I've been accused of being rather outspoken at times with my children and their spouses and my grandchildren.  Somehow, I know that as a parent and grandparent, it is my responsibility to share my trials and warn them about what can happen in continuing down the path of well, let's just say, destruction.  God does NOT want us to enable.  What God is saying to us is that it is only our responsibility to warn ... not nag ... not condemn ... not judge.  Hmmm...

I think I will get dressed and have "Liberty" take me out to explore.  I need to get more postcards, batteries for my camera, and pick up some of my favorite peanut bars.  I have made some plans for tonight and tomorrow so stay tuned. I want to leave you with a anonymous quote that I read today..

I have enjoyed life a lot more
by saying yes than by saying no I can't!

P. S.  In a time when our country is reeling from the decisions made by those WE ELECTED, let's all get on our knees and ask for wisdom as we move forward.  This is an amazing country we live in ... let's NOT lose it to stupidness!!!  Come on, sing with me...


1 comment:

  1. I love Martina!!! She is goodness through and through. Country singers have a way of holding on to their roots. Good 'ole country living in the south.

    I am sure you are enjoying time with your brother and your extended family. You relish in energy and give more than you take. You have a wonderful ability of making people feel special. We miss you in FL and can't wait until your next visit!!

