Friday, August 5, 2011

Storms of Life

Good Morning, Readers!  It's a sun filled day in Minnesota ... the air is crisp and cool right now but it will be warm/hot this afternoon.  My brother's home doesn't have air conditioning but the fans make life comfortable.  I hear it's REALLY HOT in Texas ... it's been so many days above 100 degrees that now they are all looking forward to breaking all time records.  What do I always say??  When life deals you lemons make lemonade!!

I woke up to a wicked storm here on Monday, August 1.  Roger, Nancy, and I stood in the window watching the wind whip the trees to the ground.  The storm didn't last real long; however, when we ventured outside the damage was beyond belief - they received over 4 inches of rain in one hour!  The driveway to the farm was blocked, power was out and we had no water.  Luckily, Roger has a Bobcat and as soon as the rain let up, he was out clearing the trees off the driveway and cutting up trees that were down.  It's going to take a long time to clean everything up yet we were all grateful that the storm left the house standing and we were safe.  Looking back, I felt no fear ... there was a calmness as we stood at the windows watching the turmoil outside.  We were in awe at the viciousness of Mother Nature ... a storm unlike anything I have ever experienced before.

I had been planning on going to Perham, MN on Monday to visit my long time friend, Pam.  Plans had to be delayed to the next day.  My help was needed here.  As soon as Roger got things under control, we decided to go to Alexandria to get his chains for the saw sharpened.  I had asked to take them out to dinner so we did that as well.  It was a day of connecting ... a day of sharing a load ... a day of sadness when we looked at the damage yet a day of gladness knowing that we were okay.

Since we were without power, we were also without water.  Talk about an immediate life change.  We were faced with living just the way the settlers were when they came to this area.  Nancy had enough water to fill a bucket for washing and had another for rinsing.  We could use the toilet; however, we had to use water from outside to flush it.  I had some wipes that I keep in the car and used those to wash my hands and face.  We were fortunate that we could go to a restaurant to eat a good meal.  My clothes were mud caked and I wondered how the settlers got their clothes clean!

Sky over Lake Minnewaska - The quiet before the storm...
I kept thinking ... "Lord, you have seen me through the storms in my life before and I trust that you will protect and provide for me (and my family) now."  My faith tells me to be still and know that He is in control.  Yes, He is!!

The little town of Glenwood was hit hard as well.  My grandmother's home was surrounded by water, my  friend Elaine's home had many toppled trees, and the town in general looked like a war zone. What looked like paradise on Sunday became a tangled mass of trees and damage on Monday.  We just never know do we??

I did venture up to Perham on Tuesday to visit Pam.  As I turned on to County Road 15, a road grater was evening out the gravel road.  There wasn't enough room to continue on the right side of the road and just as I decided to go on the left side, the grater moved into that lane.  I hit the pile of sand!  Poor Lily, she shook and rattled as we hit!  We pulled out into the right side and I felt a sigh of relief when none of my warning lights came on - I didn't have air conditioning but figured I could get that looked at later.  I drove to Perham and once I was there assessed the situation.  The underboard had been damaged and was dragging, a pipe was broken ... there was grass and gravel in every crevice.  I called Michael and asked what he thought I should do.  In the end, Lily got towed to Fargo, ND and I rode with the driver.  He was a nice young man about my son's age and had two boys seven and five.  The oldest boy's name was Zachary the same as my son's oldest boy.  We had a nice chat and the miles seemed to whiz by.  I experienced another storm of a different sort but I felt fortunate that help was around the corner!  To make a long story short, I really did a number on the underside of Lily and she is now in the Volkswagen Hospital for repairs.  I got a Jeep Liberty to drive and will go back to Fargo when she is well and set to go!

My visit with Pam was wonderful.  She divides her time between California and Minnesota and has a beautiful condo in Perham (near her daughter).  We looked at high school pictures and talked about our lives from grade school to now.  We haven't been good about keeping in touch but it was like we had never been apart.  Old friendships run deep!  We had lunch at a local cafe which features homemade soups and sandwiches of all kinds.  Yummy!  Later that evening, we drove to the golf course and had dinner at the clubhouse.  Walleye for me ... what a treat!!  Since I hadn't had a shower in a couple days, I relished a bubble bath as well as the coolness from the heat.  My friends are looking at renting a lake house next year for a week ... God willing, I WILL be there!  Pam was on her way back to California yesterday ... I will miss my friend!

I motored back to Glenwood in "Liberty" the Jeep ... it reminded me of a time when I bought a Jeep.  I kept it for less than one day and took it back to the dealership pleading with them to allow me to return it.  I had taken it out on the freeway and nearly got shook to death.  Another memory that was awakened by an interruption in life.  "Liberty" gave me a comfortable ride and, I must admit, it was nice to be up higher on the road.  I give the Jeep Liberty good scores!!

I arrived in Glenwood on Wednesday early evening and headed for the farm.  Roger and Nancy had been working at their 8-5 jobs then working in the yard when they got home.  I was amazed at how much they had cleared.  I got assigned to drive the 4-wheeler with the trailer on the back.  We loaded branches then I hauled them to a pile on the edge of a tree line and dumped them.  I must admit, I enjoyed driving.  The muscles in my upper arms got a work out -- no power steering!  Nancy's garden escaped major damage which was a blessing.  If we would count the amount of work left to be done, it would be depressing ... we are focusing on what is being done each day and stay focused and positive.  I like that about my family ... we are positive forward thinking people!!

Sometimes the road to love
 is covered with gravel!
 I've brought you up to date on my adventures ... I am invigorated and refreshed at having the opportunity to really get to reconnect with family and friends.  I've always had a good excuse about why I couldn't make the trip up here from Texas ... now, I realize that I needed to make the time.  How about you?  Are you waiting for that "right" time?

I continue on in my Daily Walk Bible Reading.  I know when we face trials and tribulations we ask everyone around us what they would do.  I find that it's best to open my Bible and ask God what is best.  My reading today was Ezekiel 29-32.  The justice and mercy of God are either good news or bad news, depending on which you are in line for.  He promises to raise up those who are humble and repentant (that's mercy and grace).  He promises to bring down those who are proud and arrogant (that's justice 1 Peter 5:5-6).  Reading Ezekiel I was really awed at how God poured judgement on Egypt.  Egypt would not be destroyed ... it would, however, be reduced to the lowliest of nations.  I wonder if that it where the United States is headed.  AMERICA WAKE UP!!!

I wish you great adventures this day!  As for me, I will be praying for each of you knowing that God will answer my prayers!  I declare this reconnect with a family member/friend day!!!!

Thanks for your hospitality Waterama weekend, Elaine
You're the best!!


1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad the storm didn't harm your friends or family. You are all working together, and day-by-day you are cleaning up the mess. Henry Ford said, "It is amazing what you can do when you keep doing". Strength in numbers!!!

    Keep the adventurous stories coming. I'm glad you are well, Lily is at the 'car spa', and you are surrounded by friends and family.

