Thursday, August 25, 2011

This is the day...

This Is The Day ... A Song for Weddings...

Good Evening Readers ...  I arrived back in North Texas last Saturday evening about 5:45PM.  I had stopped in Gainesville to get gas and my eyes immediately dried out.  They burned and I could hardly see to put the nozzle in the gas tank!  I thought about turning around and heading back to Minnesota.  107 degrees!!  Yikes!  I spent a few days in North Texas then headed to the little casa...

I left Minnesota early Friday morning and had an easy drive to Cameron, MO.  My Fibromyalgia acted up though and my body felt like I had been beaten with a baseball bat from head to toe.  I climbed into bed at 5PM and slept until 8AM Saturday.  It was a very LONG 8 hour drive Friday and then a LONGER 10 hour drive the next day to McKinney.  I decided that I would set small goals for myself like "I will be in Kansas City in one hour."  I would celebrate my small goals with a stop and a brisk walk around the car ... or a stop to get an icy drink, etc.  The establishing of my goals have me something to shoot for and celebrate ... before long, I was crossing the Oklahoma/Texas border!  I'm like the little engine who cried ... "I think I can ... I think I can ... I think I can ... to finally, I knew I could!"

Last Friday marked Michael's and my 8th wedding anniversary.  He was so thoughtful and burned a CD of the songs I had posted on my blogs ... he also sent flowers to my motel room in MO.  I so appreciated his romantic undertakings.  Can you believe ... we were married at the little casa?!  We packed 'em in that day and had a grand time.

Marriage ... in sickness and in health til death do us part.  Quite an undertaking wouldn't you say?  A union not to be entered into lightly nor left without cause.  As a child, it was my dream to marry my Prince Charming, have children and be a homemaker.  I played house with my dolls, my paper dolls and knew exactly what I wanted.  That being said, so many people have asked me about my marriages and why did they disintegrate if I held my marriage vows so sacred...  I wondered that myself for so many years ... my only answer would be is that marriage is a two way street requiring both people to work at it.  I married the same type of man hoping for different results.  Now that's stupidity!  Poor Michael, before we were married, I gave him every test in the book, had him go see the therapist I had seen to be evaluated to make sure that he was different.

The one thing I left out was that I also needed to be different.  I had to value myself and expect good things from my partner.  I am a giver and takers are often attracted to givers.  I must say (and Michael would agree with me) that we have really battled in some areas ... especially in the area of communication.  I am an up front, let's address it person and he is a more quiet, sweep it under the rug person.  This morning, he was telling me that I am very unique and that I am the best thing that ever happened to him.  That was nice to hear ... I think absence does make the heart grow fonder!  I used to be afraid that if I spoke up, I would rock the boat ... now, well, let's just say that I am not afraid and at least my partner and I both know just where we stand with each other.  It is clear to us that we have choices and our choices affect each of us.  There are lines not to be crossed and forgiveness must be freely given.

Computers!  Ya gotta love 'em and there's times when they are so darn frustrating.  Today, my mouse is NOT working and I am having to maneuver via other means.  I don't know about you but I get used to doing things a certain way and when my "tools" don't work the way they are supposed to, I get frustrated.  I'm not a technical savvy person yet quite logically oriented so most of the time if I concentrate, I've  am able to figure out what is causing my problem.

The Monday after I returned from Minnesota, I went in to see my orthopaedic foot doctor ... my broken ankle has not healed!!  Aughhhh!  I was hoping that the pain was caused from Fibromyalgia which might be part of it but noooo ... the tendons are also still a mess so I am doing stretching exercises to help those.  Anyone with chronic pain can attest to the frustration of trying to live as much a normal life as possible yet having to deal with the pain when it just won't go away and won't get any better.  I've found that stress has a lot to do with the level of my pain but life is life and stress is a part of living!

Maybe, just maybe I am feeling stress more because I have not been doing my daily walk Bible reading nor have I been doing my Beth Moore study of John.  My "anchor" has been swaying on the ocean floor and I feel like my balance is off.  This morning, I got back in step and started reading Amos ... I thought about how America is like the Israel of old.  Times were good in Israel ... people reveled in peace, prosperity, strength, and security.  Then, God sent the prophet Amos to bring truth to the people exposing the rotten core or immorality, injustice, false optimism, and shallowness.  The people had become soft and used to living in abundance.  Amos declared God's warning and called the people to repentance.  What did the people do?  Nothing...  Amos announced God's discipline...  We've had people warning us for years ... our people don't want prayer, they don't want to be told what to do ... I listened to Christian talk radio about the growing thought that pedophiles are "normal"...  Oh, people, how far do we have to fall??

It is my hope and prayer that you all will have a fabulous day!!  Amongst all my frustrations, I am glad to be alive and kicking!!

1 comment:

  1. I am so sorry you aren't feeling well after the long car ride, yet happy that you got to spend much needed time with old friends and family.

    Wow - I didn't know that you were married in the little casa. I am sorry I don't know many details about the day. I am sure it was hurtful that your children weren't there to support and celebrate the day with you. Happy 8th Anniversary!! That was very thoughtful of Michael to make a CD and send flowers. Two things that took time, knowledge of you, and love.

    Enjoy the day~
    XXOO - Jane
