Sunday, August 28, 2011

Always With God...

"We live in a broken world.  Inside us there beats a heart that has been broken more times than we'd care to remember.  But there will always be someone to help us pick up the shattered pieces and begin the process of repair.  Sometimes with glue, sometimes with love, sometimes with miracles.  Always with God."~~Naomi Levy

Good Evening, Readers!  It's a beautiful night ... a time to read and reflect and write.  I've started taking my bath right after dinner and enjoy the few hours afforded me of rest and relaxation.  It's a habit I got in to when I had cataracts and had to curtail my night driving.  Now that I have new eyes, I guess I should rethink my "habit" but it helps me be a more effective human being.

I've been busy knitting the past couple days.  The last thing I fashioned was a baby sweater when I was pregnant with daughter, Jane so it's been awhile since I picked up some yarn and needles.  I am hoping that the knitting will help my fingers stay limber.  I have an idea of what I want my creation to look like ... I've finished the main part and now it's just doing the accessorizing.  Yea!  Hopefully, I will have my project completed by the end of the weekend!  Unveiling to come soon!  When I was in high school, I liked to fashion and make some of my own clothes.  Guess I've always had that creative side of me bubbling!

My hubby has been beset by digestive issues for many years.   He loves carbs and sweets ... not too good for what ails him!!  One of the things that I was convicted of during my time away was that I needed to get back in the swing of cooking and baking in hopes that taking all the preservatives out of the food would help (not only him but me too).  I brought back some veggies with me from my sister in law's garden in Minnesota and have enjoyed putting together some salads and other goodies.  I used to be a darn good cook and look forward to finding new recipes ... today I whipped up a shrimp salad along with a rhubarb dessert.  Yummy!  It's nice to read through cook books again!

Despite the hot weather (107 today), it is nice being back at the little casa.  I've been doing some decorating for Fall and putting Summer accessories away.  I love the Fall colors ... so festive!  The city has been working on the street and water lines in front of the house so I'll need to curtail my outdoor decorating until mid September which is ok ... maybe it'll be cooler then!

There is an article in Good Housekeeping entitled Broken Dishes, written by Naomi Levy.   It's a story about a family coming together in love after some china was broken by one of the children.  It's a story about doing without ... a story about the gift of china ... a story about forgiveness and finally, restoration.  I won't give the entire story line away in case you want to read it yourself.  Like usual, the story awakened some memories I had about a glass basket that I received from my mother that was broken by one of my step-granddaughters and a doll that I purchased on a trip to London that was annihilated by my dog, Petey.  Every time I walk into an antique store, I look for a clear basket with a red handle and for a doll ... one made of cloth with a wig of human hair.  I will probably never ever stop looking until I find them.  I don't feel disappointment ... what I do find is that it is a challenge fueled by hope!

Not sure why but I have really been struggling with Fibromyalgia since I left Minnesota ... my ankle is still aching and migraines have blown my head off.  When I have a lot of pain, I tend to sleep a lot which really gets in the way of my enjoyment of life.  Yesterday, I asked Michael if we could take a day trip to Cleburne just to get out of the house for awhile.  Cleburne is a small Texas town with some great little restaurants and shops.  We had lunch at the Lemon Sisters Bakery ... the baked potato soup and caesar salad was perfectly prepared and hit the spot.  We did some antique looking and found an old washboard.  I'd seen one at my friend Elaine's home and liked how she had it displayed.

Wall Mural - Cleburne, TX

I am submitting a couple stories for possible publication.  If any of my reader's have a favorite blog that touched them, please let me know.  I also may resurrect my former company, The Madison Belle Media Group.  The stories entered in contests have nice money prizes which would allow me to publish my Hamilton Elf Children's Series of books and have them illustrated.  Hey, I won't make any money unless I try!!

Last night, I woke up in the middle of the night and decided to water my plants while it was still cool.  I've given up on the annuals and have been pulling those up while still trying to keep the other plants alive.  Sadie and Toby also like to be outside in the middle of the night ... they perch themselves up on the storm cellar and watch me drag hoses around.  This morning, I opened one eye, then the other and decided that I would get up and try a church here near the little casa.  I strapped on my brace and away we went.  There were quite a few folks there that remembered Michael and welcomed us with open arms.  It gets too easy for me to hibernate when I hurt ... something I battle more and more lately.

One of the songs sung in church this morning was Change My Heart Oh God.  Tears welled up in my eyes and I felt God's warmth flooding throughout my body.  When people ask me how I have survived and thrived, I answer ... "by the grace of my Lord Jesus I am of sound mind and a healthy heart."  I realize that I don't need to go to church to be a Christian; however, when I do go, I sure feel better mind, body, and soul!!  I've moved so many times and I'm tired ... I've been bruised where bruises can't be seen ... I talk to myself in the dark of night using words of encouragement and hope.  Get up, Dottie, one more time ... reach out, Dottie, one more time ... try again, one more time...

I hope and pray that you, my Readers, had a wonderful restful Sabbath!  I'm also praying for my brothers and sisters in Christ on the East Coast affected by Irene.  Just having gone through a rain and wind storm in Minnesota, I had a small taste of the viciousness of Mother Nature... 

Storm 8/1/2011


1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness - don't hibernate!! Your energy, joy, and creativity are needed by all. You probably don't see this in yourself, yet you bring happiness to those around you. Of course, you will have pain and days that you need to rest, yet remind yourself how much better you feel when you are around other people. You are a closet extrovert :)

    Love ya-
