Tuesday, August 9, 2011

It's a Cool Tuesday in Minnesota

Now more than ever ... People Need the Lord!

Good Evening, Readers!  Nancy and Roger are off to Alexandria and I decided to put my fingers on the keyboard and chat with you awhile!

What a nice day it's been.  I awoke with a cool crisp breeze blowing through my window ... at first, I thought I was back in Texas experiencing a deep Fall morning!  NOT!  I grabbed my Bible and Study of John and enjoyed some time snuggled under the warm covers.  I always do better when I start my day with study and prayer.  I like it when the Lord keeps my best interests at heart and I think He likes it when I keep His best interests at heart.  Now that I've grown older (and hopefully, wiser!) I am less stressed by the franticness of life and more in tune with keeping life simple!

I just read the news on MSN and it's downright crazy and depressing!  You know, hoping for a national revival is no excuse for not seeking personal revival.  If each of us would take responsibility for our own choices in making this world rather crazy maybe we could make some progress.  There is way too much  finger pointing and blaming going on in our government and our people.  Roger and Nancy listen to Fox news -- I get so tired of listening to the bickering rather than hearing about those we elected coming together and doing something for the good of our country.  I drove to Alexandria today and was thinking about ways that I could contribute to my country's betterment.  I have some things to discuss with Michael when I go back to Texas.  I'm sure we are all thinking the same thing...  All our liberal actions and thinking have gotten us into some very hot water!  I know religion and politics are supposed to be touchy subjects but hey (!) isn't it time we did start communicating amongst ourselves???

My childhood friend, Judy A, and I met in Alexandria today at Perkins for lunch.  It was so amazing to me that I remembered some things about our childhood and she remembered other things.  Funny how we seldom remember things exactly the way they were.  Guess that's probably because we all experience life differently.  She told me how wonderful she thought I was ... I sat there ... I think rather dumbfounded because others seemed to see me differently than I saw myself as a child.  Judy reads my blogs so, Judy ... thanks for a great time of reminiscing!  It is to Judy's home that I went to at 7am in the morning and got everyone up ...oh goodness, what a patient mother Judy had!!

After I left Judy, I decided to take a trip around downtown Alexandria and do a little shopping.  Actually, I had a wonderful time chatting with store owners and taking photos.  I always ask permission before I take photos and, of course, people are curious about who I am, where I am from and why I want to take pictures.  Good ice breaker!  Sometimes clerks are crabby but most enjoy talking with me.  I found some really great Scandinavian shops and purchased a wonderful 2011 bell to take home.  "Every time a bell rings an angel gets it's wings!" (from It's A Wonderful Life)  It will be a wonderful reminder of my trip here.

When my mother and I shopped in Alexandria, we ALWAYS stopped in at the Traveler's Inn for pie.  It's still there!  Herberger's is no longer downtown but when I went into a gift shop I recognized the footprint from long ago.  I covered both sides of the Main Street and was quite tired by the time I limped to the car!  I felt quite happy with my purchases ... I am a giver and love to shop for those I love.  I must find special things for them from my travels!!

There were quite a few antique shops and unique stores to catch my attention.  I was really amazed at how welcoming the downtown area was and may go back for another look see before I head home.  I am a bargain shopper and found some Yellow Box flip flops ... $6 a pair.  Can't beat that!!  The shops here are quite different than the shops in downtown McKinney and in the Dallas area so I was in "Pig Heaven"!

Before I left Alexandria, I HAD to find Big Ole and pay a call on him.  He used to be outside the museum but was moved to a park.  I found him!  Gosh, he was bigger than I remembered him to be.  I do want to make a point of touring the museum before I head back to Texas.  I love history and find myself having such a great time rediscovering my old stomping grounds!

There are so many lakes around here, it's hard to keep track of all the names.  Whenever I see a new one, I just have to stop; climb out of the car; drink in the smells, sites, sounds; and, of course, take a photo.  I walked along the lake next to Ole and felt so invigorated by the water washing up on the shore and the coolness of the breezes around me.  I sat down on the shore and was almost hypnotized by the serenity of my surroundings.

G'dtr Madison
Dtr Jane
I looked at my watch and decided I would head back to Glenwood.  Just as I got into the car, my daughter, Jane, called.  I just love talking with her.  I told her about my adventures and she told me about her day.  Oh gosh, I miss her so much ... maybe she will move to Minnesota before too many years pass!  We so enjoy spending time together and somehow, life just seems better when we're with each other.  I am one lucky mom!!

I ventured into Glenwood and stopped at Tom's Grocery to pick up some breakfast bars.  Again, it was quite different than I am used to so I had to wheel my cart up and down each aisle!!  Then, heading on to my brother's farm, I passed my grandmother's old home.  Of course, I had to stop and take a photo.  Whoever bought the house has fixed it up nicely but the water damage has taken it's toll.  So sad...  There must be something that the city could do to drain the street and area behind the homes.

It's been quite a day ... I get up and sort of have an idea of what I want to do.  Then, life happens and things get more interesting than I ever could have planned!

I wish you sweet dreams and the gift of a new tomorrow! 

The wall of friendship ... Glenwood High School
I used to sit on this wall every day after school
to wave goodbye to my friends who rode the bus!
Ah, what wonderful memories!!


1 comment:

  1. I am enjoying walking down memory lane with you. I am sure the sights, smells, and sounds are awakening old memories. That happens to me when I visit Dallas/Plano.

    Alexandria and Glenwood are beautiful. You are a wonderful photographer. You are able to capture moments in time perfectly.

    Continue to enjoy your stay- XXOO - Jane
