Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Jacob's Ladder

February 5, 2014

Dear God,

Last Saturday was an absolutely beautiful day in North Central Texas. Michael and I packed up Zeke and Toby and made a trip to Cameron Park in Waco. The park is so beautiful even in the midst of winter. We were able to do a little hiking and drink in the freshness of the air. Zeke and Toby were so excited to be out and their antics kept us in stitches. They couldn't sniff enough trees, plants, and rocks! It was a super day so "Thank you!"

One of the neatest things in the park is Jacob's Ladder. The ladder is an incredible set of steps climbing nearly 100 feet to the top of a bluff. The original ladder was built around 1900 by a family at the top of the bluff to have a way to get to the Brazos River below. They must have been some hardy folks to jaunt up and down the 85+ steps. The ladder was much to daunting to attempt to climb; however, we did sit at the top and marvel at the construction and those young people who climbed with ease.

It made me think about the story of Jacob's Ladder in the book of Genesis. Let's see, how did the story go...

Jacob was the son of Isaac and the grandson of Abraham. His twin brother Esau had vowed to kill him because Jacob had stolen Esau's birthright (the Jewish claim to inheritance and blessing). On his way to his relatives house in Haran, Jacob lay down for the night. As he was dreaming, he had a vision of a ladder between heaven and earth. God's angels were on it ascending and descending. Jacob saw you, God, standing above the ladder. He told Jacob his offspring would be many, blessing all the families of the earth. You said...

"Behold I am with you and will keep you wherever you go, and will bring you back to this land. For I will not leave you until I have done what I have promised you." ~Genesis 28:15

When Jacob woke up, he believed that you, LORD, were present in that place. He took the stone he had been using to rest his head, poured oil on it and dedicated it.

When I went to bed Saturday night, I began to think about the ladder and could picture angels floating up and down. What a peaceful vision! I remembered a time in my life when I was being tormented and angels would sing to me soothing my mind and letting me know that you, LORD, were with me. I also thought about Jesus (as a ladder) and how he bridged that gap between heaven and earth. OMG, I was in such a state of peace I could hardly stand it. Serenity at it's best for sure!!

From Cameron Park on the Brazos River, we had decided to drive to Lake Waco and I thought about standing on the shores and noticing it's beauty. All too soon, boats would be launched and there would be the hustle and bustle of campers, swimmers, water skiers, sun bathers, and fishermen. I was glad we could experience the peacefulness and slumber of winter without all the distractions. I could still hear the rippling of the water washing up on shore. Perfect for drifting off to my own dreamland.

Father God in Heaven, please watch over my Readers. So many are expriencing trials and hearts are becoming saddened from stress and waning hope. Let them know that you are with them and that I am praying for them. Most of all, let them know that they are not alone no matter what they are going through.

Amen, it is so...

Miss Dottie

PS "The only thing that burns in hell is the part of you that won't let go of your life: your memories, your attachments. They burn 'em all away. But they're not punishing you, he said. They're freeing your soul. If you are frightened of dying, and you are holding on, you'll see devils tearing your life away. If you've made your peace then the devils are really angels freeing you from the earth." ~Joel Rubin, JACOB'S LADDER

Note to Readers: I've found that in letting go, I have experienced a newness of life that I never thought possible. I live in truth and light ~ a place where the demons of my past and present have no control. I love that!! Each day is a new adventure and I find myself wanting to play more and enjoy the music of the day!! How about you?? I find myself standing on holy ground just like Jacob did!!

1 comment:

  1. Mom,

    What a wonderful blog. I didn't remember the story of Jacob's ladder, so thank you for the Bible lesson :-) BTW ~ I am darn impressed that you made it up that ladder!! You amaze me every day.

