Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Cottage bliss

"All the wars of the world, all the Caesars,have not the staying power of a lily in a cottage garden." ~Reginald Farrer

July 1, 2014
Dear God,
I am experiencing cottage bliss today. For me, cottage living is a state of mind filled with cherished pieces of art, furniture, accessories, and textiles.  It's been two years now (this month) since the finishing coat was put on the wood plank floors and I was able to move in. Believe me, I still pinch myself to think that this little bit of heaven is all mine!

Everyone needs a place of their own to escape to. Someplace to dance, sing, create, and move in tune to the thoughts of the moment. When I was a little girl, my grandmother created a play house for me out of an old room that was part of her own falling down garage. I spent hours there having tea (really Kool-Aid) and cookies (grandmother baked the best Norwegian treats). She even put gingham curtains on the one window and a rag rug on the floor. There was a cupboard in there with old dishes and some wooden crates I used as a table and chairs. I smile because my grandmother covered the tall crate with a pretty embroidered tablecloth so I wouldn't get slivers. I had such a beautiful imagination and would spend hours chatting with my imaginary friends and dolls. Maybe that's when my vision began of one day having an adult play house.
Before the insulation went up in the cottage, I wrote scriptures on every wall, I prayed for the workers whose hands built my sacred hideaway, and made it known that only positive, good karma was allowed once inside the cottage doors. To this day, there has never been a harsh word spoken and serenity lingers wrapping it's loveliness around each soul who takes refuge here.
My cottage is my blogging station. It's where You, my Readers, and I can celebrate all that is good and lovely as we journey through life. It's where I am able to have those "come to Jesus" meetings with myself and sort through the trials of life as they come (and they always do!).
The cottage doesn't have a kitchen which is okay 'cause I'm only steps from the kitchen in the little casa. I do wish I would have had an outlet put in the closet though so I could have put a small refrigerator for some wine, water, and fruit. Maybe one day, I can get an electrician to do that. I'd also like to add a little crystal chandelier over the claw foot tub for a bit more ambiance. I have all these wonderful ideas about creating spaces that envelop me in joy. A charmed space ... yep, that's what my cottage is!!
I would like to think that beauty abides in interiors cultivated with a romantic sensibility where every heart beat beats to the rhythm of home. I am usually not a white person leaning more towards deep full bodied colors. I must say I took a risk in painting the ceiling and walls white. It's been a 2 year struggle with color and finding the right mix but I think I'm getting there. The white has become my friend ... a basic palate where there is a softness combined with the colors of painted iron, and combination of rusticness of and elegance.
Father God, I want to pray today for my Readers as they are birthing new ideas about their own personal spaces. I had a friend who went through a very painful divorce. She turned her husband's walk-in closet into her own prayer room. In a space that was empty and sad, she created a place of prettiness and serenity. Before I had my cottage, I created outdoor spaces ~ I even had one blessed by Pastor George when I was baptized in my backyard pool. Be with all those who faithfully read my blogs and follow my crazy life. Bless their socks off. Open the store gates and shower them with whatever it is that they truly need. I don't know exactly why but I am led to pray for the safety of those who are commuters. Place a hedge of protection around them that nothing can pierce. Where there is discontent, sow seeds of serenity, where there is anger sow seeds of forgiveness ~ most of all, sow seeds in every heart of every Reader that they would come to love you as much as I do. Amen, it is so...
Miss Dottie
NOTE TO READERS: My cottage, the place where restful shadows fall. A place where my soul goes to find refreshment and that sense of inner joy. For so many, the spirit has been wounded, gouged, and raped and life means barely getting by. I pray that you will join me in extending a hand to make life easier for someone who is trying to stand up. I will never forget the ones who have treated me kindly and inspired me to be all that God created me to be. As long as I have breath, I will be passing that on.

"Just as there comes a warm sunbeam into every cottage window, so comes a love born of God's care for every need."
~Nathaniel Hawthorne

1 comment:

  1. You're blessed to have a refuge! Enjoy this space and allow God's love to flow through your thoughts, words, and blogs.

    Love You!!
