Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Sunday is for kickin' back & praisin the Lord!

Wimowee & I have traveled together for over
30 years ... my favorite game as a young girl
was cowboys & indians!

July 29, 2014

Dear Readers,

It's a beautiful cool evening in North Central Texas. I've had a busy day starting at 6 bells. Wowee, it's been hot for the past few days.  My poor plants were looking a bit on the droopy side this morning so I hauled hoses around and gave them all some good swigs of water. A lady from the Farmer's Market has brought me 10 new Cannas and my neighbor brought me a peach tree to plant. Have to keep a close eye on the newbies so they make it through our August heat.

Fibromyalgia has kicked my butt the last couple weeks. I hate that. I could feel it rearing it's ugly head a couple weeks ago when I was at the Farmer's Market and, as much as I prayed that it would go away, it didn't. I thought about skipping church last Sunday, BUT I am so paranoid about if I miss once it would be easy to miss twice then three times. Sooo, I got up and headed down the road!

started to get excited as we pulled into the parking lot wondering what songs we'd sing and what Pastor Dudley would share with us. I wasn't disappointed!! "Let's all Go Down to the River" took me to a place of worship and "I'm Still Holding On" gave me hope for my aching bones and joints. I just love the stories of gospel music and the men at the Open Range who sing with all their hearts.

Two Sundays ago, Joe Manuel got teary-eyed when he talked about losing his dog, Louis Armstrong. His song of His Strength is Perfect reminded me of the times when I was collapsing and God's strength took over when mine was g-o-n-e, gone. Will sang Who Am I; and, again, I truly felt his love of the Lord and his desire to serve him.

As usual, Gerald Dudley, approached his message with words of scripture (John 6:35-40) and wisdom. I found myself writing as fast as I could to record what I wanted to remember. Truly this was the meat I had been craving all week long.

The 5,000+ SAW Jesus perform a miracle yet they asked for another so they could believe. Can you imagine? They'd just seen a guy feed a multitude with just a few fish and some bread. Encore! Encore! I guess they weren't paying attention. We're no different are we? We always want more, MORE!  If you're like me, you've prayed, "Show yourself to me." That being said, how many times do we have to see before we believe? I've been thinking about that a lot lately. If you've read my blogs the past four years, you know what I'm talking about. This woman is grateful!!!

Thanking God for new friends!
I look forward to this lady's hugs & smiles
every Sunday!

The Open Range Church is taking me back to the grass roots of my faith. 2014 has been my year to renew and REFRESH and I am in the exact spot for me to do that. God has moved me in a way I didn't see coming and I am basking in the light of his faithfulness. I just needed to be open to hearing His voice. Each time I walk through the doors of "church," I know for certain that I am in the right place. Hallelujah!!

Are you in need of an Adult Boot Camp to get you started on your walk? How about trying some alone time with the Lord? I guarantee, if you read His word, He will show up. No time you tell me? Make's important.

I would encourage you to accept the daily manna from heaven that God offers. I would encourage you to live a life of love and laughter. My walk started out in shallow water and throughout the years I've walked deeper and deeper trusting Him to guide me. I have this peace that comes ONLY from the one who sustains me.

Always remember how much you are loved and prayed for ... YA YOU! 

Miss Dottie

Dear Jesus, the one who walked on water, fed multitudes of folks who were hungry, turned water to wine, and who hung on a cross that believers would have eternal life, I thank you for your presence as I blog. I pray that you would touch the lives of my Readers in a way that they would know it's You!! I had a message from a Reader who is struggling, like me, with Fibromyalgia. Help us all to not only survive but thrive. Father be with those in the hospital who are struggling to overcome illnesses and maladies of every sort. You are Jehovah-Rophe, the one who heals and I call upon your name. I ask that you dispense your most loving angels to care for those needing love, companionship, and a friend. The day will come when all knees will bow ... the day will come when we are called to heaven ... what a glorious time that will be. Until then, I pray that your ambassadors will fulfill their purposes to which they've been called.

Amen, it is so...

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